Poor poor liberal gun grabbers.

Ok, let's get back to the point of this thread; the liberal gun grabbers getting bitch-slapped by the NRA, the 2nd Amendment, and the American People.

In this latest slapping, a law against state to state transfer of weapons was shot down:

BREAKING Federal Judge Strikes Down Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban - The Truth About Guns
So what; just the right (hand) slapping itself (which can be quite a feat in itself), through the cognitive dissonance of Appealing to Ignorance of our Commerce Clause.
Apparently you only selectively read it. While the court say the government had a compelling reason within the realm of citizen safety it
And based on the writings of the founding fathers, the laws in place in the colonies which remained in force when each colony became a state AND the historical context (their concept of not only militia but specifically HOW they wrote it) which differs from your MODERN interpretation, you'd be wrong.
Beside SCOTUS disagrees with you........ go figure. :dunno:
My suggestion is do some historical research, both in documentation and the cultural aspect (what and how they thought as well as the meanings of words in there era which have "evolved" today) and if you still believe what you do now then it's by choice, bereft of any basis in fact, remember Original Intent is always the key.
Dude, There is no appeal to ignorance of the Intent and Purpose of any law, much less a supreme law of the land which declares what is necessary (and proper) to the security of a free State. 10USC311 defines the Militia of the United States. Any Thing else is a simple, Appeal to Ignorance.
Ah yes, a zealot. Bet you hope that if you keep repeating your lie often enough people will believe it. :lmao:

I guess Original Intent means nothing to you tovarich.

dude, what part of the original Intent and Purpose do you suppose you have to appeal to ignorance of, to advance such an unsound line of reasoning?

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
I already told you, you chose to ignore or reject it in favor of your own MODERN world view. I can't help it if you don't or won't get it and opt to continue your line of rationality. :dunno:
Nothing but diversion and that form of fallacy for your Cause; i got it.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

There is no Appeal to Ignorance of the Intent and Purpose of Any law, much less our supreme law of the land.
Projection suits you. :thup:
Lubricated with the greasy tears of liberals.


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so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.
so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.

ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.

ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

"Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton
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so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.

ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton


Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.

ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton


Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
Nothing but diversion; i got it.
so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.

ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton


Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
Nothing but diversion; i got it.

It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.


  • image.jpg
    29.2 KB · Views: 48
so what; only gun lovers who can't seem to love their republic as much as they claim to love their guns, are the only ones complaining about a lack of literal recourse to our Second Amendment, simply because Only that which is Necessary to the security of a free State may not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for that State or the Union.

ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton


Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
Nothing but diversion; i got it.

It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.
ZZZZZzzzzzzz........what's that? Oh, it's just a liberal nut job who thinks just because he spoke a thing, that thing is correct.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton


Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
Nothing but diversion; i got it.

It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.

Blah blah blah. Like the majority of your posts, YOU don't even know the meaning of the things you say. You smell of Butthurt and desperation.
It isn't my fault you slept through love them and make them great class instead of use them and lose them class.

Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”

G.K. Chesterton


Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
Nothing but diversion; i got it.

It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.

Blah blah blah. Like the majority of your posts, YOU don't even know the meaning of the things you say. You smell of Butthurt and desperation.
too bad the one who is resorting to the most fallacies, is you.

Poor ignorant liberal gun grabber. The NRA has been kicking your ignorant asses for several years now and it has unhinged you. Just crawl back under your rock, lick your wounds and live to fight another day
Nothing but diversion; i got it.

It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.

Blah blah blah. Like the majority of your posts, YOU don't even know the meaning of the things you say. You smell of Butthurt and desperation.
too bad the one who is resorting to the most fallacies, is you.

You have no clue what that means. I'm surprised you can even spell it.

The Butthurt is strong with you.
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Nothing but diversion; i got it.

It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.

Blah blah blah. Like the majority of your posts, YOU don't even know the meaning of the things you say. You smell of Butthurt and desperation.
too bad the one who is resorting to the most fallacies, is you.

You have no clue what that means. I'm surprised you can even spell it.

The Butthurt is strong with you.
nothing but diversion you have. m. yoda.
It's all over this thread nut job, you guy's are getting your asses handed to you. Read it and weep.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.

Blah blah blah. Like the majority of your posts, YOU don't even know the meaning of the things you say. You smell of Butthurt and desperation.
too bad the one who is resorting to the most fallacies, is you.

You have no clue what that means. I'm surprised you can even spell it.

The Butthurt is strong with you.
nothing but diversion you have. m. yoda.

And this a straw man fallacy because you misrepresent the position of your political opponents, as no 'liberal' advocates 'taking' guns, nor do they advocate disallowing citizens carrying guns for lawful self-defense.
You are wrong, Senator Feinstein.

All you need do is look at the gun-control initiatives that self-identifying liberals--documented members of liberal coalitions and the liberal party--advocate, and it is abundantly and unambiguously clear that general civilian disarmament is what they advocate.
dude, have you ever heard of the Patton doctrine (of argumentation) and getting the other fellow to resort to fallacy for his Cause, first.

Blah blah blah. Like the majority of your posts, YOU don't even know the meaning of the things you say. You smell of Butthurt and desperation.
too bad the one who is resorting to the most fallacies, is you.

You have no clue what that means. I'm surprised you can even spell it.

The Butthurt is strong with you.
nothing but diversion you have. m. yoda.


We have a Commerce Clause and a Second Amendment; why do you believe only gun lovers of the People are denied and disparaged literal recourse to our Second Amendment as citizens in the several States when they are not entitled to the character of a "well regulated militia"?
The Stupid Gun Grabbers Are too Stupid to Know that their are 4 or 5 GUNS for ever HUMAN in the USA...
Some Folks own a 100 guns and some folks own Zero guns... NO way of knowing who has what....NO way of knowing WHERE all them guns ARE... It would take a really Stupid Kind of Stupid person to ask or tell Americans to give up their guns so that ONLY the BAD guys will have guns ...O-yes and that would include the BAD DEM, government.. BAD DEM.Gov. says you can smoke Dope & kill Babies BUT you must give up your Guns... How Stupid can you get...???

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