Pope Francis donates $500K to migrants at border...if they sold the vatican, they would end poverty!

if they donated what they did for the paris catherdral fire in the first 24 hours then they feed africa for years

they attacked civilizations stole their gold and built these crap

You are irrelevant noise.
the truth hurts!

How would you know?
from your pathetic reactions!

Try again
i wont
if they donated what they did for the paris catherdral fire in the first 24 hours then they feed africa for years

they attacked civilizations stole their gold and built these crap
Africa can feed itself! They are, after all, the oldest humans -- at least tards tell us so.
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A fraction of the wealth of the 200 richest people in the world can end global poverty. Since that fraction will be spent on goods and services from businesses from which the rich are investors, it will return to them through profits from increased sales.
Wonder why he doesn't take thousands to the Vatican to live?? That would help the poor babies.

He can pay for them and give them a place to live.
That foot-fetish-cocksucker papal PIG needs to be sodomized with that stupid golden scepter he waves around. And that stupid pope hat up his asshole to keep the scepter from getting lonely.

You know what, most of all I hate, loathe, detest, despise, ABHOR that vapid, vacant, bleary-eyed "liberal grin" the motherfucker has on his face. It's the same self-righteous grin you see on Trudeau, O'Rourke and Obama when he talks about Pisslam. Every time I see that "liberal grin" I want to backhand it right off his face.

Sorry, Catholics, but your vile, worthless, dreary, suffering-obsessed pederast-factory religion has been the biggest exercise in importing the third-world dregs of humanity into America for a free ride, I LOATHE your putrid religion almost as much as I LOATHE Pisslam. Because your greedy, corrupt-as-all-get-out church has done nothing but HARM America. I'm actually glad Catholicrap churches are being burned down regardless of who did it. You're Islam's human condom and I abominate your diseased religion for it. Fuck you Catholics and your Rosaries and confession booths and Communion and Transsubtantiation and all the other stupid, backwards idiocy I find in your scumbag church. Because your religion is nothing but an anti-American parasite on America.

Catholicrap is to masochism & corruption what Pisslam is to sadism; no religion does it better. This non-religious Republican finds Catholicrap repellent in the extreme. I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it.
That foot-fetish-cocksucker papal PIG needs to be sodomized with that stupid golden scepter he waves around. And that stupid pope hat up his asshole to keep the scepter from getting lonely.

You know what, most of all I hate, loathe, detest, despise, ABHOR that vapid, vacant, bleary-eyed "liberal grin" the motherfucker has on his face. It's the same self-righteous grin you see on Trudeau, O'Rourke and Obama when he talks about Pisslam. Every time I see that "liberal grin" I want to backhand it right off his face.

Sorry, Catholics, but your vile, worthless, dreary, suffering-obsessed pederast-factory religion has been the biggest exercise in importing the third-world dregs of humanity into America for a free ride, I LOATHE your putrid religion almost as much as I LOATHE Pisslam. Because your greedy, corrupt-as-all-get-out church has done nothing but HARM America. I'm actually glad Catholicrap churches are being burned down regardless of who did it. You're Islam's human condom and I abominate your diseased religion for it. Fuck you Catholics and your Rosaries and confession booths and Communion and Transsubtantiation and all the other stupid, backwards idiocy I find in your scumbag church. Because your religion is nothing but an anti-American parasite on America.

Catholicrap is to masochism & corruption what Pisslam is to sadism; no religion does it better. This non-religious Republican finds Catholicrap repellent in the extreme. I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it.
Well. It does have it's positive angle.
You can rob liquor stores, fuck your sis-in-law and shoot people Mon, Tue and Wed and end of the week you're forgiven to start over.

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