Zone1 Pope Francis Is Leading His Flock To The Depths Of Hell. Allows Blessings To Same Sex Couples.

What I don't get about Marshall is why he insists that the last few popes we've had (so called ) are really popes. I have had my issues with novus ordo watch site but I can't find one thing wrong with their logic, so it looks to me like the last several popes so called have not been popes at all. A true pope does not go against Christ or His historical Church, the only Church there is.
What I don't get about Marshall is why he insists that the last few popes we've had (so called ) are really popes. I have had my issues with novus ordo watch site but I can't find one thing wrong with their logic, so it looks to me like the last several popes so called have not been popes at all. A true pope does not go against Christ or His historical Church, the only Church there is.

Yes, that's the issue I have with Marshall as well, but maybe it's the fear of being canceled. Or worse. I fear for Fr. Altman.

why do you fear for him?

Also, there is bishop Strickland


hate francis sometimes

As true and wonderful as Fr. A's voice is, his mouth just refuses to be controlled.

His Excellency is better at controlling his forms of expression.

Unfortunate, that thing about how we must love Bergoglio.

Well, he is a bishop, Altman a priest

that likely is a factor. In any case, God doesn't seem to be intervening much in certain unsavory situations. Maybe he expects us humans to intervene


Yes. That's hard to accept but it might be so.

Well good, ol' Francis continues to show his true colors. Not surprisingly, he has now allowed Priests to bless same-sex couples in direct defiance of biblical standards. The man has hit an all-time low, in my opinion. He truly must believe he knows what's best for mankind more so than our Creator does. He disgusts me with his openly, "woke" agenda.

Sodom and Gomorrah was about the treatment of strangers and sexual violence. Have you read it? It's a morality tale. There were no cities of the plain in the time of Abraham.
Well good, ol' Francis continues to show his true colors. Not surprisingly, he has now allowed Priests to bless same-sex couples in direct defiance of biblical standards. The man has hit an all-time low, in my opinion. He truly must believe he knows what's best for mankind more so than our Creator does. He disgusts me with his openly, "woke" agenda.

There’s no such thing as ‘woke’ as misrepresented and lied about by conservatives.

Francis is rejecting the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate practiced by far too many Christians – and conservatives.
You're missing the point, entirely. I'm not discussing whether fags are hard workers or not or if the Pope's decisions affect me, personally. I'm saying that he, as a "Christian" leader, has no business overriding the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. He's supposed to uphold God's Word ... not overrule it.
No, everyone gets the point – conservatives are frightened, ignorant, hateful bigots when it comes to those gay and transgender.

And there’s nothing in Christian doctrine or dogma that compels hating gay individuals; the unwarranted fear and hatred of those gay and transgender is a product of conservativism, not Christianity.
No, everyone gets the point – conservatives are frightened, ignorant, hateful bigots when it comes to those gay and transgender.

And there’s nothing in Christian doctrine or dogma that compels hating gay individuals; the unwarranted fear and hatred of those gay and transgender is a product of conservativism, not Christianity.
Good try! Conservatives simply recognize mental illness and evil when we see it. Good conservatives aren't afraid to call it out.

Christians aren't called to "hate" anyone in particular but we're called to hat sin. Faggotry is sin in the eyes of God. I'm simply pointing it out. I'm also pointing out that any leader of a Church that condones said sins is a hypocrite and an agent of Satan.
There’s no such thing as ‘woke’ as misrepresented and lied about by conservatives.

Francis is rejecting the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate practiced by far too many Christians – and conservatives.
Francis is rejecting the written Word of God. That makes him a woke, anti-Christ.
Sodom and Gomorrah was about the treatment of strangers and sexual violence. Have you read it? It's a morality tale. There were no cities of the plain in the time of Abraham.
Those were literally cities and most of the inhabitants were literal sodomites (thus the existence of the word). But you're half correct in stating that God used those cities as examples of what morality is not.
You're wrong. The only sin that can't be forgiven is not believing the bullshit
All sin (save the one you mention) can be forgiven if the sinner repents of it and requests forgiveness. If the sinner rejects God's word on the subject and embraces his sin and doesn't believe that he needs to be forgiven then his sin won't be forgiven. Pretty simple!!

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