Pope Francis' latest cool confession: He was a bouncer


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2013

OK, I admit it - I'm not anywhere near as hip as the Pope and neither are you, probably.

Pope Francis revealed that he once worked as a bouncer at a nightclub in Buenos Aires — and it's starting a big conversation on social media, calling Francis the coolest pope ever.

Pope Francis' latest cool confession: He was a bouncer

Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) tweeted a suggestion for an off-beat dramedy about the pope as a bouncer: "Heaven can wait, and So Can You."

Charles Blow (@CharlesMBlow) tweeted "The Pope comes out with something cooler every week… If he releases a mix tape it will be all over."

So just how cool is Pope Francis? A quick scan of headlines shows a lot about how he relates to the faithful: He drives himself in a used car instead of riding with a chauffeur in the papal limousine. Rumors are swirling that he sneaks out of the Vatican at night dressed as a priest to give alms to the homeless.

That's not the only reason that I like this guy - check this out:

Is Pope Francis Leaving Vatican At Night To Minister To Homeless?

Posted: 12/02/2013 5:24 pm EST | Updated: 12/03/2013 10:51 am EST

A recent interview with Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the "Almoner of His Holiness," raised speculation that the Pope joins him on his nightly trips into Rome to give alms to the poor, and it turns out that the rumors are probably true.

A knowledgable source in Rome told The Huffington Post that "Swiss guards confirmed that the pope has ventured out at night, dressed as a regular priest, to meet with homeless men and women."

Krajewski earlier said, “When I say to him ‘I’m going out into the city this evening’, there’s the constant risk that he will come with me," and he merely smiled and ducked the question when reporters asked him point-blank whether the Pope accompanied him into the city....


Is Pope Francis Leaving Vatican At Night To Minister To Homeless?

I think that this will be good for the world. I'm not Christian, but truth is truth ... for all people.

Mad Cabbie

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