Pope Francis shows his True Colors

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this video an ex-Catholic priest will reveal to us the anti-Christ teachings Pope Francis was caught red handed telling the world. It is no where found in the bible that Salvation is through the Pope or His Catholic Institution called "Mother". It is no where found in the bible that the Pope is as God and has all authority over governments, kingdoms, nations, yet he openly declares this is his right in the video you are about to see. You will hear this ex-Catholic priest explaining exactly what the Pope refers to in these speeches. You can read it word for word and then read word for word the very doctrines of Catholicism he is claiming which give he believes give him "the power" to rule the world. Quite revealing. Pope Francis did reveal his true colors and they are anti-Christ Jesuit through and through - His declarations are a declaration of war against the Protestant people and he is declaring himself an enemy of all Protestants and those who dare to Follow Jesus Christ without the Roman Catholic Institution. Watch this and see for yourselves.

Personal attacks are not permitted according to USMB rules. Address the video in the OP or get off of my thread.
In 1934 the German armed forces swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler using the same two finger sign the Popes have been photographed signing with - it is a sign indicating the Pope's rule over the world - temporal powers - which again is what this Pope is speaking of in the video - Here is a quote from Adolph Hitler:

I reject that book by Roseberg. It was written by a Protestant. It is not a party book. "As a Catholic I never felt comfortable in the evangelical church or its structures." As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years. - Adolph Hitler.

What is Adolf Hitler speaking of? He is telling the world, my extermination of the Jews as a Catholic is not an abberation from the Catholic Church. I am fulfilling the duties of a good Catholic - I am exterminating the Jews which is the same policy the Roman Catholic "Church" has had for 1500 years.

Open your eyes, people. This IS the Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Institution that Hitler was engaged in. He is telling the world right here that it is! World War II was another Roman Catholic Inquisition. Wake up. This Herod they have now is about to enact his own Inquisition against the Protestants and Jews- it is clear by his speech he is a very dangerous man.
[QUOTE="Jeremiah, post: 10983107, member: 40845" It is no where found in the bible that Salvation is through the Pope or His Catholic Institution called "Mother". It is no where found in the bible that the Pope is as God and has all authority over governments, kingdoms, nations, [/quote] Neither the Catholic Church nor any Pope has ever calimed either of those two things.

yet he openly declares this is his right in the video you are about to see. You will hear this ex-Catholic priest explaining exactly what the Pope refers to in these speeches
If he actually openly declared it, then we wouldn't need someone to explains what the Pope is referring to. The "explanations" are real stretches, at best.
Consider these facts from the book Secrets of the Jesuits by Paris. As early as 1212, by papal edict (command of the pope) Jews were required to wear a distinctive badge and were forbidden to hold public office. This was enforced by the Dominicans. Additional papal decrees forbade the Jews, non-Catholics, and true Christians (the protestants) from owning real estate, selling new goods, or living with or near Roman Catholics.

The slaughter of the Jews was perfectly legal according to the laws of the Roman Catholic system. Because according to the Council of Trent they were considered heretics and enemies of God. Nothing has changed! These laws are still in effect today!

Although the pope has no official army of his own, his followers ( countries which have signed concordats with the Vatican and in some cases, mercenaries) fight his battles for him. This can be seen throughout history.
[QUOTE="Jeremiah, post: 10983107, member: 40845" It is no where found in the bible that Salvation is through the Pope or His Catholic Institution called "Mother". It is no where found in the bible that the Pope is as God and has all authority over governments, kingdoms, nations,
Neither the Catholic Church nor any Pope has ever calimed either of those two things.

yet he openly declares this is his right in the video you are about to see. You will hear this ex-Catholic priest explaining exactly what the Pope refers to in these speeches
If he actually openly declared it, then we wouldn't need someone to explains what the Pope is referring to. The "explanations" are real stretches, at best.[/QUOTE]

No, they are not. This man who is explaining this to you is a former Roman Catholic Priest -a born again Christ - what possible motive could he have for not telling you exactly what this pope is speaking about? There isn't one. He is telling you the truth and if it that were not enough it is exactly what Dr. Alberto Rivera warns about and who was Dr. Alberto Rivera? An ex-Jesuit who exposed the Vatican and their plans for a new world order - to destroy anyone who refuses to submit to the Pope and his Mother Institution and to make war against the Protestants. This man is Herod in the flesh. Look at him. The people in America need to wake up and warn their Catholic relatives that if they do not come out of the Roman Catholic anti -Christ system they will spend eternity in hell. Is it worth it? Who will you serve? The Vatican? Or Jesus Christ? Time to make up your minds.
Most Catholics don't listen to what the pope says anyway so why should non Catholics care
Personal attacks are not permitted according to USMB rules. Address the video in the OP or get off of my thread.
Okay I hereby amend it to "Richard Bennett continues his descent into madness."

How convenient to accuse those who speak against the Roman Catholic anti-Christ system who has already murdered over 100 million people - through their Inquistions - WWII was just another Inquisition of the RCC - in order to justify the Herod who is now in the Vatican. Simply amazing. You'll answer to God for it one day. You'll surely answer to God for it - just as Tony Palmer is answering for it now. (in hell)
Personal attacks are not permitted according to USMB rules. Address the video in the OP or get off of my thread.
Okay I hereby amend it to "Richard Bennett continues his descent into madness."

How convenient to accuse those who speak against the Roman Catholic anti-Christ system who has already murdered over 100 million people - through their Inquistions - WWII was just another Inquisition of the RCC - in order to justify the Herod who is now in the Vatican. Simply amazing. You'll answer to God for it one day. You'll surely answer to God for it - just as Tony Palmer is answering for it now. (in hell)
Uh oh personal attack! :eek:

Does that belong in this thread???
Most Catholics don't listen to what the pope says anyway so why should non Catholics care

Because they still have the same laws in force that they used to bring about the Inquisitions the first time. Nothing has changed. The Vatican has massive wealth and power and a Herod in their Vatican now that is looking for his opportunity to wage war against the Protestants who refuse to submit to him and his anti-Christ mother institution. Ditto for the Jews. The Hebrew Prophets prophesy of an event that will trigger a massive genocide against the Jews with 2 parts of Israel annihilated. I believe this Pope is the one who is going to bring it about - using Islamists to achieve his agenda. (to take Jerusalem for the Vatican headquarters). Most Catholics do not even attend church - Skull Pilot -because it is a dead religion - let's face it. But this is not about the Catholic people who only remain Catholic out of family tradition - it is about their eternal souls and so the main objective here is to give them the truth and see them set free from this satanic cult.
Personal attacks are not permitted according to USMB rules. Address the video in the OP or get off of my thread.
Okay I hereby amend it to "Richard Bennett continues his descent into madness."

How convenient to accuse those who speak against the Roman Catholic anti-Christ system who has already murdered over 100 million people - through their Inquistions - WWII was just another Inquisition of the RCC - in order to justify the Herod who is now in the Vatican. Simply amazing. You'll answer to God for it one day. You'll surely answer to God for it - just as Tony Palmer is answering for it now. (in hell)
Uh oh personal attack! :eek:

Does that belong in this thread???

When ever did the truth become a personal attack? You are accusing a born again Christian man - an ex-Catholic priest in order to justify a satanic organization and the Herod who has been appointed to bring it about. You'll answer to God for that one day. No question about it. You need to repent. But you already know this.

You know just one thought about eternity and where you will spend it must be sheer agony for you. No wonder you do not want to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is LORD. You are going to have to answer to him one day. And it isn't too far off now.
Personal attacks are not permitted according to USMB rules. Address the video in the OP or get off of my thread.

The entire thread is so ignorant that there's little that can be said about it that isn't a rebuttal of your clear bigotry.
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So you have no explanation for the Pope quoting lies that are not based on the King James Bible. Other than personal attacks against the messenger. Interesting, Longknife, but not suprising. As you are a Catholic here who regularly bashes the Muslims you should realize that the very things you accuse them of your own anti - Christ Catholic Institution was doing long before Islam was ever even existed. But you won't dare to think on your own because you've been taught not to. Still - if you do not begin to think for yourself and read the Bible and believe the Bible rather than this Herod calling himself the Pope - you'll destroy yourself. God is not going to acknowledge anyone who denies Jesus Christ and His Word and the Roman Catholic Cult does exactly that. If you deny Jesus Christ who is the Word of God before men - he will deny you before his father. You had better make up your mind. It's the Vatican or Jesus Christ. The Vatican will send you to hell and Jesus Christ came to deliver you from it and give you eternal life in heaven. Which shall it be? Choose wisely.

The Roman Catholic Institution and its popes have a long history as mass murderers and Herods. Jesus said, Come out from among them and be ye separated. You had better heed that warning and flee from it. There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic Institution. None.

If Pope Francis is going to refer to anything, it has to be that scripture official recognized by the church he leads.

The KJB was expressly rewritten to be poetic and interesting to the non-clergy and upper class of the time. It is not now and never has been a strict interpretation of previous bibles in use at the time!

And, like many others, you are ranting about things that happened more then a CENTURY ago.

Do you even know why the Inquisition came about?
Jeremiah, I would like to think that you are not a complete nut-ball, but you'll have to help me out here.

The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church is not a democracy where the people get a vote on anything significant, and it's not a parliamentary system where the Cardinals draft stuff up for the Pope to sign. This is no surprise, and whether you like it or not, we Catholics don't have a problem with it. Do you find it offensive? Why?

The Pope believes that the RC Church is the "most Christian" of all of the "Christian" churches, and he wants to dialog with other Christian denominations to find areas of agreement and - hold on to your hat - identify areas where the other denominations may be in error, and try to correct those errors through the dialog. Do you find this surprising or offensive? Do you think that the Pope should consider all "Christian" denominations to be equally "Christian" even if they disagree on significant points?

The Pope has no temporal power. Period. Unless you count the Swiss Guards as the Pope's army. He can't force anyone to do anything, let alone "kill jews." Anyone who says otherwise is a complete idiot and/or crackpot.

Care to disagree?
Jeremiah, I would like to think that you are not a complete nut-ball, but you'll have to help me out here.

The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church is not a democracy where the people get a vote on anything significant, and it's not a parliamentary system where the Cardinals draft stuff up for the Pope to sign. This is no surprise, and whether you like it or not, we Catholics don't have a problem with it. Do you find it offensive? Why?

The Pope believes that the RC Church is the "most Christian" of all of the "Christian" churches, and he wants to dialog with other Christian denominations to find areas of agreement and - hold on to your hat - identify areas where the other denominations may be in error, and try to correct those errors through the dialog. Do you find this surprising or offensive? Do you think that the Pope should consider all "Christian" denominations to be equally "Christian" even if they disagree on significant points?

The Pope has no temporal power. Period. Unless you count the Swiss Guards as the Pope's army. He can't force anyone to do anything, let alone "kill jews." Anyone who says otherwise is a complete idiot and/or crackpot.

Care to disagree?

First, I do not care whether you call me a crackpot or not, DSG. Anyone who has went up against the Roman Institution and dared to speak against it has been branded the same - I count it a badge of honor, quite frankly.

As to disagreeing? I already have. Emphatically. See this thread for the evidence that proves I'm right:

WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

As for the Pope having no temporal power - you are seriously mistaken. What do you think the hand sign of the pope is about? Two finger salute?

Do you know what this hand sign signifies?

Read the thread and be humble enough to realize you do not know what you think you know concerning the Roman Catholic System and how it operates.


Faithful Roman Catholic Nazi's salute their Pope with two finger hand sign.

When you see the two fingers held up by the Pope, they stand for the two pillars
1. Apostolic Succession
2. Temporal power

The pillar Temporal power (Which DSG denies exists) upon which the Vatican bases its claim that the pope has authority over all the kings of the earth. The pillar was founded on the forged forged documents called "Donations of Constantine." For that story see the link above WWI & WWII ........
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