Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.
Cannot be-----I saw the pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ---------they are right there-----giant oils
The MET put on anti-semitic plays and glorify terrorists - you need to boycott the MET.

that's a different MET. There is a metropolitan opera house-----and a metropolitan museum of art---different mets

Thank you, Rosie. I missed that while reading. On the article of Pope Francis to question our inalienable rights according to the Declaration of Independence. Your thoughts are?

My thoughts are TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGY------all of which devolve into massive GENOCIDES --------Francis is a monster on the level of-------POL POT, ADOLF HITLER, and STALIN----etc etc
Logically the POOP should be ignored and denied entry into any part of Israel/Judea. That he touched the western wall with his shitty paws makes me cringe. That the piece of shit POOP was involved in the coverup of the bombing of the jewish center in Argentina-----is becoming more and more apparent
Logically the POOP should be ignored and denied entry into any part of Israel/Judea

No goy should be allowed to live or own land there, unless they were born there
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide
I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:
Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:

your answer is idiotically non-specific You might as well have answered "MY MISSION IS THIN AIR"
That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:

your answer is idiotically non-specific You might as well have answered "MY MISSION IS THIN AIR"

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I'm here for fun and I don't take posting on a message board seriously. No one is going to change the world on these boards, trust me.
I know for some people, this board is their life. But as you will note, I've been here close to five years and am just now closing in on 7,000 posts, obviously USMB isn't my life.. I have a family, many friends, a job that's great and very enjoyable hobbies. So in closing, I'd like to say,,,,my mission is thin air!
Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:

your answer is idiotically non-specific You might as well have answered "MY MISSION IS THIN AIR"

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I'm here for fun and I don't take posting on a message board seriously. No one is going to change the world on these boards, trust me.
I know for some people, this board is their life. But as you will note, I've been here close to five years and am just now closing in on 7,000 posts, obviously USMB isn't my life.. I have a family, many friends, a job that's great and very enjoyable hobbies. So in closing, I'd like to say,,,,my mission is thin air!

you threw a SERIOUS accusation at Jeremiah----which you cannot justify
Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:

your answer is idiotically non-specific You might as well have answered "MY MISSION IS THIN AIR"

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I'm here for fun and I don't take posting on a message board seriously. No one is going to change the world on these boards, trust me.
I know for some people, this board is their life. But as you will note, I've been here close to five years and am just now closing in on 7,000 posts, obviously USMB isn't my life.. I have a family, many friends, a job that's great and very enjoyable hobbies. So in closing, I'd like to say,,,,my mission is thin air!

you threw a SERIOUS accusation at Jeremiah----which you cannot justify

He was being very judgmental. He had never seen him to be judgmental before. It was a disappointment. End of story.
It's a beautiful late afernoon, I'm taking my dog for a walk. That's real life.
Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:

your answer is idiotically non-specific You might as well have answered "MY MISSION IS THIN AIR"

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I'm here for fun and I don't take posting on a message board seriously. No one is going to change the world on these boards, trust me.
I know for some people, this board is their life. But as you will note, I've been here close to five years and am just now closing in on 7,000 posts, obviously USMB isn't my life.. I have a family, many friends, a job that's great and very enjoyable hobbies. So in closing, I'd like to say,,,,my mission is thin air!

you threw a SERIOUS accusation at Jeremiah----which you cannot justify

He was being very judgmental. He had never seen him to be judgmental before. It was a disappointment. End of story.
It's a beautiful late afernoon, I'm taking my dog for a walk. That's real life.

Jeremiah is a lady
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

I apologize, Kiwiman. I should not have said his crazy followers ...... that was not Christ like and I must admit to you that when this subject comes up - I become deeply bothered about it - I probably should not discuss him at all and just leave any threads alone that have to do with this subject because the history of Catholicism and WWII is a very deep issue for me - I know a holocaust survivor who was in Auschwitz - I won't discuss anything about the person but I know her suffering was beyond what any human can imagine - I feel an outrage about certain things I know that are not accepted or believed to be true because it is has been very well hidden. But they happened none the less.

I apologize for my being so intense & perhaps overly passionate on this thread. Anything that even gets near the subject of the Vatican & Holocaust or taking Israel from the Jews subject- makes my blood boil (in a figure of speech). I will try to avoid getting into those discussions in the future. Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it.
I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

Jeremiah, I always respected you for your stellar Christianity, even when I disagreed with you. But on this thread, you've broken away from the poster I have respected.
You're being seriously judgmental and that style doesn't suit you well at all.
I hope the Jeremiah I have grown to know, returns.

Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

Rosie, I went too far with my statement saying ----> his crazy followers - the Catholic people are not crazy - they just do not see what I see and I do not see things as they see them - although I was once a Roman Catholic and I should of all people be more patient - more compassioniate and more understanding than I am, Rosie. But I'm not.

I just forget myself when I get into this subject of this Pope because I am alarmed at what I know has happened in the past - to the Jews - to others - of a different time which wasn't that long ago. The 1930's - 40's was not that long ago. We cannot afford to be silent on this issue but neither can we afford to lose people while sounding the alarm. I need to find a balance in there that I have yet to find.

I think Kiwiman is right that I do come down very hard on people with this subject. I feel passionate about it because I know what I have uncovered is the truth and I fear for my Jewish brethren - I do not want them to get hurt again. I do not want them to ever go through another Holocaust or Inquisition. I do not trust the Roman Vatican. I cannot help it. I do not trust them but I should most definitely have more patience and compassion for those who are still inside that religion - I'll need G-d's help to do that.
Kiwi----you are missing the bigger picture------the issue is------ONE WORLD RELIGION------a totalitarian theocracy-------now think massive genocide

No picture missed. My mission here is the hypocrisy end of things.:biggrin: It's my specialty.:dunno:

your answer is idiotically non-specific You might as well have answered "MY MISSION IS THIN AIR"

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. I'm here for fun and I don't take posting on a message board seriously. No one is going to change the world on these boards, trust me.
I know for some people, this board is their life. But as you will note, I've been here close to five years and am just now closing in on 7,000 posts, obviously USMB isn't my life.. I have a family, many friends, a job that's great and very enjoyable hobbies. So in closing, I'd like to say,,,,my mission is thin air!

you threw a SERIOUS accusation at Jeremiah----which you cannot justify

He was being very judgmental. He had never seen him to be judgmental before. It was a disappointment. End of story.
It's a beautiful late afernoon, I'm taking my dog for a walk. That's real life.

I was judgmental and should not have called the Catholic people crazy. You are right. I apologize.
Last edited:
Cannot be-----I saw the pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ---------they are right there-----giant oils
The MET put on anti-semitic plays and glorify terrorists - you need to boycott the MET.

that's a different MET. There is a metropolitan opera house-----and a metropolitan museum of art---different mets

Thank you, Rosie. I missed that while reading. On the article of Pope Francis to question our inalienable rights according to the Declaration of Independence. Your thoughts are?

My thoughts are TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGY------all of which devolve into massive GENOCIDES --------Francis is a monster on the level of-------POL POT, ADOLF HITLER, and STALIN----etc etc

I agree with you. I am seriously concerned for the people who are unaware of his history and do not realize what is being planned without their knowledge. It's very troubling.
well------SHITTY FRANCIS to be tried by the SANHEDRIN? -------keep in mind----that court did aquit Jesus 2000 years ago------and then the romans executed him for sedition against rome-----

You really need to get a hold of yourself.

would you like to expand on that notion?

Yes, you need professional psychiatric treatment, and soon.

what sort of "treatment"??

To get your head screwed on straight, because you are coming across as a fucking loony toon.

She has her head on straight. She's coming across fine. Why are you trying to shut her down? That is the question on my mind right now, Unkotare.
Also there was no Sanhedrin when Israel didn't rule itself. It didn't exist at the time of Jesus.

yes it did-------it acquitted Jesus------as recorded in the NT
The Christian Bible was wrong.

Mike, the Christian bible (King James Bible ) does not say the Sanhedren were ruling nor did they have court about Jesus and his fate. That was decided by Pontius Pilate - a Roman. Not the Sanhedren - they were never mentioned in the bible. Not once. Sadduccees - yes - Sanhedren - no.
Irosie the only AD era christ named Theudas by the Jordan died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50 years old.
The fact they say died at 33 and lived in the Lysanias(died 35bc) & Herod (died 4bc) era proves they worship many christs a trinity of them. : -)
You do not know your own history. There were no false Christs before Jesus Christ the Messiah came - according to the prophesy of Malachi - John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus - who suddenly appeared in the temple - all according to Prophecy! Jesus clearly said there would be "false Christs" that would come after him but not before him. You are mistaken and do not know what you are talking about, HaShev.

Once again, John was the teacher who Jesus (probably Theudas by the Jordan the only AD era christ) followed first.
The surviving followers of John called the Mandeans today say Jesus was the false prophet who had his friend & follower Salome turn John in to be beheaded (killed) so he could steal John's followers.
I can't help it if you refuse to research history, but to dare say I don't know what I'm talking about because you fail to put in the work and research is a real twisted logic.
Stop posting and start researching for a change.
you have me fully confused SHEV------I know the one in the stable ---in Bethlehem------and the three wise guys-------and the star----and jolly old St Nick.

Yeah that's plagiarised from Mithras born of a virgin, in a cave like stable, ancient tradition involving a December 25th birth date and the sickly man on the crooked cross
Pope John Paul ll carried was a mithrsic cross predating Jesus myth.
The Bethlehem part was in trying to fit him in Micah 5:10 but that's because they didn't kniw how to read...Micah 5 is about the lineage Bethlehem Ephratah not the town of Bethlehem.
If they were willing to make up the Herod killing babies story does it suprise you all the other portions of his birth don't relate to any of the historical personas used for his image, it's just straight out made up and the use of the stable is probably to make him appealing to the down trodden as well as as makecit seem like such a horrible thingvto claim for your lord that people woyld think who would mske up such a horrible story.
That's what propaganda does, makes it so outrageous that you assume it must be true.

It's also possible that the stable bit is part of the Roman joke related to calling this (fake) lord of the Jews "the swine" Iesus who's perfect for a story being born in a stable.

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