Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.
I am truly broken hearted-----I know the songs----I read the book ----and now I find out that Christmas did not happen. ---NONE OF IT. but as for "Sanhedrin" there were courts----always-----seems to me they could have been called "Sanhedrins"---but I discover that it is not so THE SANHEDRIN had to be that 71 person thing------in a big room with semi circle seating???? It seems to me that CAIPHAS was not even a judge----so why did the NT describe that non-event as a "trial"???
Does anyone know just what the CHARGE against Francis is? ------what actually did he do besides
BE A JERK? I am not sure his the case against that dog belongs with the Sanhedrin-----he is an ENEMY OF ISRAEL-----and should be barred from
entering the country. In case he is somewhere in the Levant during a battle----perhaps it can be arranged that something falls on his head
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


My 2 cents.
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind
All part of satan's great plan for us. The bastard.

You previously said: "Not likely, since it was after all a previous Pope who sent Crusaders there and randomly murdered a bunch of Jews."

And in Post #24 I responded: "And you are putting the blame on the pope for those soldiers' thoughtless killings of some Jews? Or are you blaming the pope for having initiated the Crusades?"

Was my question not worth your time to respond to? After all, I thought you said you were a Catholic?

No he said he was a Christian. Not a Catholic. You cannot be a Christian and a Catholic. You have to decide who you will serve. God or man. In your case? You should have already left, Turzkova. YOU KNOW BETTER! YOU KNOW BETTER! How can you even look at a Jew and not feel filthy for what that cult of death you are defending has done to them and their people? God have mercy! I'm disgusted! I am utterly disgusted!!!
I thought you went to bed

My Church teaches me to be gentle and patient with the weak-minded. I find you to be borderline mentally ill and impossible to remonstrate with. Sorry.

You church never canceled the Doctrine of Lea - your church still claims the temporal powers of the Pope - your church has never returned what they stole from the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D., your church has attempted to downplay (recently) the number of people they murdered during the Inquistions. The Roman Catholic Church murdered over 58 million people during 605 years of inquistions - mass murder - torture - burning at the stake - burying alive - millions of Jews - Protestants - anyone who rejected their demand to convert to Catholicism - and you call that a church? I call it a cult of death. Why hasn't the pope apologized for the mass murder spree from their last Inquisition called WWII? Because he thinks your church is infallible? HA! Your church is a spawn of hell! It should have been put on trial long ago for mass murder of the Jews and Christians - your church nailed the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You call your religion a church that represents God? I call it a church that represents Satan and hell and I make no apologies for it.

If you had a conscience you wouldn't still be a part of it and defending it as if there were ANYTHING AT ALL redeemable! There is nothing! SHUT IT DOWN AND WALK AWAY!
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!
Irosie the only AD era christ named Theudas by the Jordan died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50 years old.
The fact they say died at 33 and lived in the Lysanias(died 35bc) & Herod (died 4bc) era proves they worship many christs a trinity of them. : -)

ok which one was crucified? It cannot ALL be invented. -----which one was wrapped up in the shroud of turin? ------which one was born in Bethlehem with a big star on top?

Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins was preached for 300 years plus before Roman Catholicism was invented along with their false Jesus based on sun god Tammuz and his "mother" and "Wife" - Semiramis - Semiramis was a Babylonian Baal worshipper who sacrificed human infants to Baal and drank their blood along with her husband Nimrod - later when her husband Nimrod was put to death by Noah's son Shem - for practicing Baal worship - Semiramis took her "church" underground" and appointed priests to have confessionals where the members would have to confess anything they had done wrong - therein Semiramis (who was a witch) would know everything that was going on. Constantine's Catholicism - he was a sun god worshipper - adapted that practice of confessionals to continue being able to spy on the people and find out what the "real Christians" were up to. Yes, Catholicism is based on the Babylonian religion but hidden from the average member of their churches - Freemasons, higher level witches, satanists, illuminati know full well the entire Catholic religion is based on the occult, pagan rituals, they celebrate pagan holidays, etc. Most Catholic people who attend Roman Catholic Churches do not know what they are participating in. They have remained in Catholicism out of dead tradition - their families for generations blindly followed Catholicism having never read a bible to know it was all a lie. That is the history of Catholics.


Semiramis and her son Tammuz (sun god) Semiramis is
called, The Queen of Heaven. Today she is worshipped in
Catholicism as "Mary" the mother of Jesus and Tammuz is worshipped
as if he were Jesus but again this is a false Christ and a false Mary.
Catholics are in reality praying to demons. Worshipping demons,
bowing down to demons. Sad but true. God said, My people perish
for lack of knowledge. This is what happens to people who refuse
to study the scriptures and do not know the truth from the lies of Satan.

The King James Bible was kept from them - they were unable to read it for hundreds of years and they are still forbidden from reading the King James bible and told to read the false book of Catholicism instead called The Way. Very sad and now when you try to wake them up they react like Muslims who fear leaving Islam because they have been brainwashed not to think for themselves.
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Also there was no Sanhedrin when Israel didn't rule itself. It didn't exist at the time of Jesus.

yes it did-------it acquitted Jesus------as recorded in the NT
The Christian Bible was wrong.

really? what is the history that you know?
As I stated there was no working Sanhedrin when Israel didn't rule itself.

Thus there was no Sanhedrin that existed during the Jesus incident.

The Bible does not teach that the Sanhedrin held court and found Jesus guilty. The Bible is very clear that the Jews who opposed Jesus petitioned Pilate to arrest him and crucify him. It was not a Jewish court. I have no idea where people are getting that from.
Irosie the only AD era christ named Theudas by the Jordan died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50 years old.
The fact they say died at 33 and lived in the Lysanias(died 35bc) & Herod (died 4bc) era proves they worship many christs a trinity of them. : -)
You do not know your own history. There were no false Christs before Jesus Christ the Messiah came - according to the prophesy of Malachi - John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus - who suddenly appeared in the temple - all according to Prophecy! Jesus clearly said there would be "false Christs" that would come after him but not before him. You are mistaken and do not know what you are talking about, HaShev.
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

which of our rights is the nut going to challenge?---
---- I have a "confession"-------I did not like Hillary from the very beginning. I did not like Kerry. and
I did not like Francis. It was not entirely clear to me why I did not like them-----just did not. So many people are IMPRESSED with him and what seems to be his "common touch"-----not me
Also there was no Sanhedrin when Israel didn't rule itself. It didn't exist at the time of Jesus.

yes it did-------it acquitted Jesus------as recorded in the NT
The Christian Bible was wrong.

really? what is the history that you know?
As I stated there was no working Sanhedrin when Israel didn't rule itself.

Thus there was no Sanhedrin that existed during the Jesus incident.

The Bible does not teach that the Sanhedrin held court and found Jesus guilty. The Bible is very clear that the Jews who opposed Jesus petitioned Pilate to arrest him and crucify him. It was not a Jewish court. I have no idea where people are getting that from.

SADDUCEES-----the confusion is that the Sadducees were placed as "high priests" not
by jews but by the ROMANS-----just as the ROMANS placed HEROD as KING.-----The sadducees were technically jews-----but Herod was not even a jew. -------sadducees no longer exist------they kinda melted away. As to edomites
(like King Herod-----they largely assimilated) If you refer to sadducees as Jews-----at an orthodox jew------he might object or----at the very least ----
GRIMACE. Caiaphas is considered an historic
There is no actual Jewish Sanhedrin now.

However, the pope's actions have been utterly disgusting, and at best misguided.

I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

which of our rights is the nut going to challenge?---
---- I have a "confession"-------I did not like Hillary from the very beginning. I did not like Kerry. and
I did not like Francis. It was not entirely clear to me why I did not like them-----just did not. So many people are IMPRESSED with him and what seems to be his "common touch"-----not me

You've always had that keen discernment - that too many others lack, Rosie! I'm not flattering you - it is just what I've noticed about you.

On the matter of Hillary - I do not believe that Bill Blythe III ( Clinton) was ever a Baptist - I believe that was a front - he was raised in the Catholic schools / Catholic System - attended Jesuit University Georgetown and told one of his nuns he had thought of becoming a Jesuit priest - Baptist? ha. I think not. They have a photo of him on google taking communion at a Catholic Mass too.

Hillary Clinton is an Illuminati witch (Bill is too - many Jesuits are - you know) and openly displayed her occult religion through her choice of decorations on the WH Christmas tree (it's all pagan anyhow - came in through the RCC) according to FBI Agent Gary Aldrich who wrote a book on his time in the White House during the Clinton Administration - he really outed Hillary Clinton back then as being deeply involved in the occult. For a while the FBI prevented the book from being published but it is available now.

As for John Kerry - another Jesuit Catholic trained in Jesuit schools - so is Newt Gingrich - another Catholic that does the bidding of the Vatican - John Boehner is also a Jesuit trained & educated Catholic - it would be easier to identify who wasn't because most of them are - otherwise they do not get into power. Same goes for the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, Military, it's everywhere - they have their people in every position you can imagine - including their having infiltrated protestant Churches in order to get an endorsement on the RCC as "Christian" when it is anything but!

As for Francis? Here is what you asked for:

The Catholic Church vs. the U.S. Steve Prestegard.com The Presteblog

Accuracy in Media
gives me another reason to be happy that I’m not Roman Catholic anymore:

Top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence. …

Accuracy in Media gives me another reason to be happy that I’m not Roman Catholic anymore:

The United States, Sachs writes in the Jesuit publication, America, is “a society in thrall” to the idea of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But the “urgent core of Francis’ message” will be to challenge this “American idea” by “proclaiming that the path to happiness lies not solely or mainly through the defense of rights but through the exercise of virtues, most notably justice and charity.”

In these extraordinary comments, which constitute a frontal assault on the American idea of freedom and national sovereignty, Sachs has made it clear that he hopes to enlist the Vatican in a global campaign to increase the power of global or foreign-dominated organizations and movements.

Sachs takes aim at the phrase, which comes from America’s founding document, the United States Declaration of Independence, that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

These rights sound good, Sachs writes, but they’re not enough to guarantee the outcome the global elites have devised for us. Global government, he suggests, must make us live our lives according to international standards of development.
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I just think it's so ironic that the right attacks Pope Francis because he follows the Bible's teachings about inequality and the environment. The right cries out "He's a "Communist" or a "Marxist"., Yet the Pope has also been consistent with the Bible regarding same sex marriages and abortion, which are consistent with much of the far right's stances. I have yet to see the left demonize the Pope for those stances, which is surprising since liberals are supposed to hate Christianity.

Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

which of our rights is the nut going to challenge?---
---- I have a "confession"-------I did not like Hillary from the very beginning. I did not like Kerry. and
I did not like Francis. It was not entirely clear to me why I did not like them-----just did not. So many people are IMPRESSED with him and what seems to be his "common touch"-----not me

You've always had that keen discernment - that too many others lack, Rosie! I'm not flattering you - it is just what I've noticed about you.

On the matter of Hillary - Bill was never a Baptist - that was a front - he was raised in the Catholic schools / Catholic System - attended Jesuit University Georgetown and told one of his nuns he had thought of becoming a Jesuit priest - Baptist? ha. I think not. They have a photo of him on google taking communion at a Catholic service too.

Hillary Clinton is an Illuminati witch (Bill is too - many Jesuits are - you know) and openly displayed her occult religion through her choice of decorations on the WH Christmas tree (it's all pagan anyhow - came in through the RCC) according to FBI Agent Gary Aldrich who wrote a book on his time in the White House during the Clinton Administration - he really outed Hillary Clinton back then as being deeply involved in the occult. For a while the FBI prevented the book from being published but it is available now.

As for John Kerry - another Jesuit Catholic trained in Jesuit schools - so is Newt Gingrich - another Catholic that does the bidding of the Vatican - John Boehner is also a Jesuit trained & educated Catholic - it would be easier to identify who wasn't because most of them are - otherwise they do not get into power. Same goes for the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, Military, it's everywhere - they have their people in every position you can imagine - including their having infiltrated protestant Churches in order to get an endorsement on the RCC as "Christian" when it is anything but!

As for Francis? Here is what you asked for:

The Catholic Church vs. the U.S. Steve Prestegard.com The Presteblog

Accuracy in Media
gives me another reason to be happy that I’m not Roman Catholic anymore:

Top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence. …
gives me another reason to be happy that I’m not Roman Catholic anymore

If you were baptised as a child into that church you are still on their books :FIREdevil:
You may ask why is the Pope pushing for a global government. Because he intends to be the One World leader of it - he will have the power to force his false religion of Catholicism on every man, woman and child and if the Born again Protestant Christians refuse? The Jesuit Pope Francis & his Jesuit Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas will make the last Inquisition look like a walk in the park.
Follows what the bible teaches? When has Pope Francis ever followed what the Bible teaches? He preaches a false gospel - the atheists who reject Jesus Christ as God are going to heaven - the Muslims who worship the Baal god Allah are going to heaven, the Wiccans are going to heaven, the Hindus are going to heaven, even Jack the Ripper is most likely gone to heaven according to this Communist wolf of Satan dressed in a High Priests garment! You must be kidding me!

Listen as to his speaking against abortion? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If he is against same sex marriage he certainly was eerily silent over the recent law in America to legalize same sex marriage - he certainly didn't rebuke the six Catholic judges on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of the law - he certainly hasn't kept his word to keep his paedophile Nuncio (his assistant confessed to procuring young boys for him to molest in the Dominican Republic - and then Francis came to the rescue and whisked him away back to Rome before he could be arrested) who he has permitted to walk unsupervised through the streets of Rome even though the Vatican lied and told the world he was on house arrest!

Here is what you Catholics should do! Admit it! The man is a son of the devil and there is no excuse for him nor is there any excuse for you to continue to follow a Babylonian religion that has more blood on its hands (over 150 million murdered thus far) than any other religion on earth.


That Francis kept quiet about that which the US did about same sex marriage does not really surprise me------afterall-----the USA catholic population is a minority-----that he kept quiet about
IRELAND-----boggles my mind

Stop making excuses for that son of the devil, Rosie! Has he opened his mouth about climate change to the United States? You bet he has! And when he comes to America to address Congress this September his message has been announced to be this:

He will challenge our God given rights - our inalieble rights as written in the Declaration of Independence. You heard right. This son of Satan will be challenging the rights of Americans according to the Declaration of Independence. Does he have nerve or what? And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha! I think not.

This bunch is out to lunch!

which of our rights is the nut going to challenge?---
---- I have a "confession"-------I did not like Hillary from the very beginning. I did not like Kerry. and
I did not like Francis. It was not entirely clear to me why I did not like them-----just did not. So many people are IMPRESSED with him and what seems to be his "common touch"-----not me

You've always had that keen discernment - that too many others lack, Rosie! I'm not flattering you - it is just what I've noticed about you.

On the matter of Hillary - Bill was never a Baptist - that was a front - he was raised in the Catholic schools / Catholic System - attended Jesuit University Georgetown and told one of his nuns he had thought of becoming a Jesuit priest - Baptist? ha. I think not. They have a photo of him on google taking communion at a Catholic service too.

Hillary Clinton is an Illuminati witch (Bill is too - many Jesuits are - you know) and openly displayed her occult religion through her choice of decorations on the WH Christmas tree (it's all pagan anyhow - came in through the RCC) according to FBI Agent Gary Aldrich who wrote a book on his time in the White House during the Clinton Administration - he really outed Hillary Clinton back then as being deeply involved in the occult. For a while the FBI prevented the book from being published but it is available now.

As for John Kerry - another Jesuit Catholic trained in Jesuit schools - so is Newt Gingrich - another Catholic that does the bidding of the Vatican - John Boehner is also a Jesuit trained & educated Catholic - it would be easier to identify who wasn't because most of them are - otherwise they do not get into power. Same goes for the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, Military, it's everywhere - they have their people in every position you can imagine - including their having infiltrated protestant Churches in order to get an endorsement on the RCC as "Christian" when it is anything but!

As for Francis? Here is what you asked for:

The Catholic Church vs. the U.S. Steve Prestegard.com The Presteblog

Accuracy in Media
gives me another reason to be happy that I’m not Roman Catholic anymore:

Top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence. …
gives me another reason to be happy that I’m not Roman Catholic anymore

If you were baptised as a child into that church you are still on their books :FIREdevil:

I know that and I also know that they keep track of everyone who opposes them. So let them wear themselves out. Who cares?

It isn't going to stop me, Guno. I am servant of God. I'll continue to preach the Gospel even after this Jesuit Pope Francis and his Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas - makes laws against it and calls for the arrest and slaughter of Christians who refuse to submit to their one world order / religion.
Here is another article on the Pope's upcoming speech against our Declaration of Independence (he is supposed to address Congress this September) and I believe we should get out in front of it and tell him to stay home. We don't want him here.

Does the Pope Reject America s Founding Principles in Favor of a New World Order

“Top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence.”

You may note that the top Vatican advisor Jeffrey Sachs is fully on board with the global government and the idea of American's being stripped of their rights - given in the Declaration of Independence - and you would be right to say he is a Communist - a hater of our liberty and freedoms - and a global elitist. Now you may ask why has he been chosen as a top Vatican advisor? Simple. His world view is perfectly aligned to the Communist Jesuit Pope Francis in the Vatican. You are looking at two peas in a pod!

Now ask yourselves this question! When are the Catholics in America and throughout the world going to wake up and get out of that God forsaken cult of death called Catholicism??! What will it take? Another Inquisition? You will have waited too long by then!!! GET OUT NOW!!!!
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Cannot be-----I saw the pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ---------they are right there-----giant oils
The MET put on anti-semitic plays and glorify terrorists - you need to boycott the MET.

that's a different MET. There is a metropolitan opera house-----and a metropolitan museum of art---different mets

Thank you, Rosie. I missed that while reading. On the article of Pope Francis to question our inalienable rights according to the Declaration of Independence. Your thoughts are?

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