Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

Absent accurate in context quotes, I'm skeptical he said it.

Besides, why should he care what a body of men with no authority over him do?
Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz July 7, 2015 , 11:30 am

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.

In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition.

The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

(I hope he tells the Sanhedrin where to go, but being the gentleman he is , he probably won't. This is so funny its just hilarious, I hope he is busy doing something a bit more important)

And a Jewish theological court has authority over non-Jews because...?

the Sanhedrin ----as established by the group that established it-----is not a "jewish theological court"-------it is-----a ---COURT. It is just as much a "COURT" as is a shariah court in any shariah shit hole. In fact it was, historically, a court far superior to any shariah court in any shariah shit hole. It's authority is determined by
just how it is recognized or not recognized. So far it is an interesting project----probably more symbolic than effective in a practical sense. ---
but still, an interesting intellectual excercise
well------SHITTY FRANCIS to be tried by the SANHEDRIN? -------keep in mind----that court did aquit Jesus 2000 years ago------and then the romans executed him for sedition against rome-----

You really need to get a hold of yourself.

would you like to expand on that notion?

Yes, you need professional psychiatric treatment, and soon.

what sort of "treatment"??

To get your head screwed on straight, because you are coming across as a fucking loony toon.
Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz July 7, 2015 , 11:30 am

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.

In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition.

The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

(I hope he tells the Sanhedrin where to go, but being the gentleman he is , he probably won't. This is so funny its just hilarious, I hope he is busy doing something a bit more important)

And a Jewish theological court has authority over non-Jews because...?

They don't.

why not? if the pope happens to be in Israel---that which that court rules might have some "effect"?
well------SHITTY FRANCIS to be tried by the SANHEDRIN? -------keep in mind----that court did aquit Jesus 2000 years ago------and then the romans executed him for sedition against rome-----

You really need to get a hold of yourself.

would you like to expand on that notion?

Yes, you need professional psychiatric treatment, and soon.

what sort of "treatment"??

To get your head screwed on straight, because you are coming across as a fucking loony toon.

and that is your professional opinion? you should review the DSM V
Logically the POOP should be ignored and denied entry into any part of Israel/Judea. That he touched the western wall with his shitty paws makes me cringe. That the piece of shit POOP was involved in the coverup of the bombing of the jewish center in Argentina-----is becoming more and more apparent

And yet a jew financed the bombing.
You really need to get a hold of yourself.

would you like to expand on that notion?

Yes, you need professional psychiatric treatment, and soon.

what sort of "treatment"??

To get your head screwed on straight, because you are coming across as a fucking loony toon.

and that is your professional opinion?

Yes, you fucking fruitcake.
Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz July 7, 2015 , 11:30 am

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.

In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition.

The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

(I hope he tells the Sanhedrin where to go, but being the gentleman he is , he probably won't. This is so funny its just hilarious, I hope he is busy doing something a bit more important)

And a Jewish theological court has authority over non-Jews because...?

the Sanhedrin ----as established by the group that established it-----is not a "jewish theological court"-------it is-----a ---COURT. It is just as much a "COURT" as is a shariah court in any shariah shit hole. In fact it was, historically, a court far superior to any shariah court in any shariah shit hole. It's authority is determined by
just how it is recognized or not recognized. So far it is an interesting project----probably more symbolic than effective in a practical sense. ---
but still, an interesting intellectual excercise

The Sanhedrin brought Jesus to the Romans as the Romans took the capital punishment away from them in 30AD, must be they were stoning yet.
All part of satan's great plan for us. The bastard.

You previously said: "Not likely, since it was after all a previous Pope who sent Crusaders there and randomly murdered a bunch of Jews."

And in Post #24 I responded: "And you are putting the blame on the pope for those soldiers' thoughtless killings of some Jews? Or are you blaming the pope for having initiated the Crusades?"

Was my question not worth your time to respond to? After all, I thought you said you were a Catholic?

No he said he was a Christian. Not a Catholic. You cannot be a Christian and a Catholic. You have to decide who you will serve. God or man. In your case? You should have already left, Turzkova. YOU KNOW BETTER! YOU KNOW BETTER! How can you even look at a Jew and not feel filthy for what that cult of death you are defending has done to them and their people? God have mercy! I'm disgusted! I am utterly disgusted!!!
I thought you went to bed

My Church teaches me to be gentle and patient with the weak-minded. I find you to be borderline mentally ill and impossible to remonstrate with. Sorry.

She is not mentally ill, she just has issues being honest with herself and others and has typical zealous programing which is the religions fault. It's not nice to use such words because if someone is truly mentally ill then that would make you a basher of a handicap person sort of like kicking a crippled person.
You are smart enough to argue the points and not have to address the person in
ad homminom fashion so please keep it civil and intellectual, thanks!
Logically the POOP should be ignored and denied entry into any part of Israel/Judea. That he touched the western wall with his shitty paws makes me cringe. That the piece of shit POOP was involved in the coverup of the bombing of the jewish center in Argentina-----is becoming more and more apparent

And yet a jew financed the bombing.

French Canadian catholic dogs and pigs--------ie your people-----murdered and raped native American kids for the glory of the cause that the lump of shit, Francis----supports-----WHY and HOW???---they justified the fact that nuns and priests raped the kids and murdered them with "LIBELS"----you are the same shit and very well practiced in your disgusting heritage
The faux Pope actually claimed "Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem"??

Where and when did he say that? If not verbatim, clearly implied?

I have some problems with how this pope has publicly displayed his words about the Holy Land, about Jews, and about Palestinians. Yes, I am bothered by it because the free world is already screwed up enough on understanding the conflict. And far too many who should understand the conflict who are in influential roles are anti-Israel. It is confounding.

Still, I do not appreciate lies or demagoguery to further impugn someone. So if he did say that then I will apologize for doubting you.

It is not clear to me that the filthy POOP actually said "jews have no rights in "Palestine"----but by recognizing "Palestine" and by referring to the animal ABU MAZEN as an "ANGEL of PEACE" what ever that means----he has endorsed the Hamas and abu mazen agenda of the destruction of Israel and murder of its citizens. He is shit

Yes, except the pope never called Abu Mazen an angel of peace. He said he had the opportunity to be an angel of peace. Of course, you did not expect the anti-Israeli Western media to be fair about it? Instead they ran with the more incendiary made up quote.

As a devout Catholic, I am troubled by Pope Francis somewhat thoughtless way of expressing peaceful overtures and trying to build up the goodness in some political leaders who would be better off ignored. I put the Palestinian overtures on the top of the list. I also have issues with his getting involved with Cuba, with evolution and with climate change. Israel is vilified enough, no reason to suggest both sides are basically equal to blame. But having said all that, I still maintain this pope has done and said many great things for a lost and sinful world. All men have faults, even saints and this pope, too.

since you are a devout catholic----I am a bit reluctant to say-------here it is--------I was a child long ago-----and I recall some people simply did not like POPE PIUS. Then as an adolescent I do recall------something that NEWSWEEK called "THE DEPUTY"------I was very young but a kinda precoscious "reader" ------"THE DEPUTY" came out shortly after the trial of ADOLF EICHMANN ----- the combined story was not nice------but on a LEVEL ----understandable-----Pius had to worry about the fate of catholics in Nazi Germany. --------so my Austrian relatives were expendable-------not that I had much emotion invested in them------I never knew them. It seems to me that FRANCIS is a champion of PIUS-----a man my mom sneered at whenever she saw his portrait hanging in the living room of catholic neighbors. ----------sorry----but I am not all that delighted with FRANCIS ---including his disengeuous embrace of homosexuals------that people called FAGGOTS by the Vatican during the same era they were creating bonfires out of the other side of the family ----fuel--------for the AUTO DE FE-----I am coming to the conclusion that FRANCIS STINKS

I am neither prepared or in a position to take the time to adequately refute some of your claims. So they will persist.

But suffice it to say, if you or the world are going to use "The Deputy" as a prime source for your accusations, I find that to be grossly disingenuous. That play has been roundly discredited in recent times, even by those well-knowns who attack Pius XII today.

Here is an excerpt from the link A Pius Legend Catholic Answers

The Deputy, even to Pius’s most strenuous detractors, is readily dismissed. John Cornwell in Hitler’s Pope describes it in this way:

[It is] historical fiction based on scant documentation. . . . The characterization of [Pius XII] as a money-grubbing hypocrite is so wide of the mark as to be ludicrous. Importantly, however, Hocchuth’s play offends the most basic criteria of documentary: that such stories and portrayals are valid only if they are demonstrably true.

Yet The Deputy, despite its evident flaws, prejudices, and lack of historicity, laid the foundation for the charges against Pius XII five years after his death. Why? Because there was fertile ground for an anti-Pius reaction.


As far as Pope Francis goes, once again I find him to be much maligned by those who want to besmirch the Catholic Church in every way. I already admitted that I lamented his overly kindness to Palestinian leaders and their plight at the expense of making Israel look the bad guy. But he has also praised the Jewish state of Israel as well. Catholicism must show mercy and sympathy to all who suffer, and sometimes they say things that go too far. But I challenge anyone to tell me what religion one should follow that best offers the fullness of truth? (PS -- I surely do not need that unstable zealot on this board 'j' chiming in with her oh-so-selective Bible verses to pretend she has the answers at this time. She is unworthy of any kind of dialog.)
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Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.
So, I ran the above phrase on Google, along with the words "Pope Francis," I never saw the phrase in question within quote marks in any publications I read. Now all the publications I looked at were Israeli and quote marks were used elsewhere.
I will note that every article I read about the Pope and the trial was opinionated and clearly angry. Maybe I was just reading fringe news (?) sources but there seems that much of the anger had to do with the Vatican recognizing Palestine and the Vatican's actions going back to WWII and the Nazis.
Stop making excuses for that son of Satan!

If the Sanhedrein said he said it?


Didn't the Sanhedrein try Jesus Christ? Didn't they sentence Him to death?

So why exactly should we believe them just because they said it? Especially since no one else seems to have heard it.

Shouldn't we as Christians be standing up against accusing others without evidence? After all, Satan is the great accuser.
Israel has no right to request anything from the Vatican, and the Pope has no reason to apologize to Israel for anything, now or in the past.
All part of satan's great plan for us. The bastard.

You previously said: "Not likely, since it was after all a previous Pope who sent Crusaders there and randomly murdered a bunch of Jews."

And in Post #24 I responded: "And you are putting the blame on the pope for those soldiers' thoughtless killings of some Jews? Or are you blaming the pope for having initiated the Crusades?"

Was my question not worth your time to respond to? After all, I thought you said you were a Catholic?

No he said he was a Christian. Not a Catholic. You cannot be a Christian and a Catholic. You have to decide who you will serve. God or man. In your case? You should have already left, Turzkova. YOU KNOW BETTER! YOU KNOW BETTER! How can you even look at a Jew and not feel filthy for what that cult of death you are defending has done to them and their people? God have mercy! I'm disgusted! I am utterly disgusted!!!
I thought you went to bed

My Church teaches me to be gentle and patient with the weak-minded. I find you to be borderline mentally ill and impossible to remonstrate with. Sorry.

She is not mentally ill, she just has issues being honest with herself and others and has typical zealous programing which is the religions fault. It's not nice to use such words because if someone is truly mentally ill then that would make you a basher of a handicap person sort of like kicking a crippled person.
You are smart enough to argue the points and not have to address the person in
ad homminom fashion so please keep it civil and intellectual, thanks!

Thanks for caring. But if "She" followed her Lord's Holy Book "She" would never act so horribly unkind, insulting and disrespectful towards so many others' beliefs. Especially calling Catholics satanic and evil in many different ways and opportunities.

As the Book of Ecclesiastes says --- "there are times to embrace and times to shun embraces." Her time to be given unkind words back to her was long overdue. For you to think she is acting like a Christian says more about you than her. IMO
Israel isn't a theocracy. Thus a religious court has no authority to issue a parking ticket let alone anything else.
Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz July 7, 2015 , 11:30 am

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem.

In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition.

The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.

Read more at Pope Francis to be Tried by Sanhedrin - Israel News

(I hope he tells the Sanhedrin where to go, but being the gentleman he is , he probably won't. This is so funny its just hilarious, I hope he is busy doing something a bit more important)

And a Jewish theological court has authority over non-Jews because...?

the Sanhedrin ----as established by the group that established it-----is not a "jewish theological court"-------it is-----a ---COURT. It is just as much a "COURT" as is a shariah court in any shariah shit hole. In fact it was, historically, a court far superior to any shariah court in any shariah shit hole. It's authority is determined by
just how it is recognized or not recognized. So far it is an interesting project----probably more symbolic than effective in a practical sense. ---
but still, an interesting intellectual excercise

The Sanhedrin brought Jesus to the Romans as the Romans took the capital punishment away from them in 30AD, must be they were stoning yet.
The faux Pope actually claimed "Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem"??

Where and when did he say that? If not verbatim, clearly implied?

I have some problems with how this pope has publicly displayed his words about the Holy Land, about Jews, and about Palestinians. Yes, I am bothered by it because the free world is already screwed up enough on understanding the conflict. And far too many who should understand the conflict who are in influential roles are anti-Israel. It is confounding.

Still, I do not appreciate lies or demagoguery to further impugn someone. So if he did say that then I will apologize for doubting you.

It is not clear to me that the filthy POOP actually said "jews have no rights in "Palestine"----but by recognizing "Palestine" and by referring to the animal ABU MAZEN as an "ANGEL of PEACE" what ever that means----he has endorsed the Hamas and abu mazen agenda of the destruction of Israel and murder of its citizens. He is shit

Yes, except the pope never called Abu Mazen an angel of peace. He said he had the opportunity to be an angel of peace. Of course, you did not expect the anti-Israeli Western media to be fair about it? Instead they ran with the more incendiary made up quote.

As a devout Catholic, I am troubled by Pope Francis somewhat thoughtless way of expressing peaceful overtures and trying to build up the goodness in some political leaders who would be better off ignored. I put the Palestinian overtures on the top of the list. I also have issues with his getting involved with Cuba, with evolution and with climate change. Israel is vilified enough, no reason to suggest both sides are basically equal to blame. But having said all that, I still maintain this pope has done and said many great things for a lost and sinful world. All men have faults, even saints and this pope, too.

since you are a devout catholic----I am a bit reluctant to say-------here it is--------I was a child long ago-----and I recall some people simply did not like POPE PIUS. Then as an adolescent I do recall------something that NEWSWEEK called "THE DEPUTY"------I was very young but a kinda precoscious "reader" ------"THE DEPUTY" came out shortly after the trial of ADOLF EICHMANN ----- the combined story was not nice------but on a LEVEL ----understandable-----Pius had to worry about the fate of catholics in Nazi Germany. --------so my Austrian relatives were expendable-------not that I had much emotion invested in them------I never knew them. It seems to me that FRANCIS is a champion of PIUS-----a man my mom sneered at whenever she saw his portrait hanging in the living room of catholic neighbors. ----------sorry----but I am not all that delighted with FRANCIS ---including his disengeuous embrace of homosexuals------that people called FAGGOTS by the Vatican during the same era they were creating bonfires out of the other side of the family ----fuel--------for the AUTO DE FE-----I am coming to the conclusion that FRANCIS STINKS

I am neither prepared or in a position to take the time to adequately refute some of your claims. So they will persist.

But suffice it to say, if you or the world are going to use "The Deputy" as a prime source for your accusations, I find that to be grossly disingenuous. That play has been roundly discredited in recent times, even by those well-knowns who attack Pius XII today.

Here is an excerpt from the link A Pius Legend Catholic Answers

The Deputy, even to Pius’s most strenuous detractors, is readily dismissed. John Cornwell in Hitler’s Pope describes it in this way:

[It is] historical fiction based on scant documentation. . . . The characterization of [Pius XII] as a money-grubbing hypocrite is so wide of the mark as to be ludicrous. Importantly, however, Hocchuth’s play offends the most basic criteria of documentary: that such stories and portrayals are valid only if they are demonstrably true.

Yet The Deputy, despite its evident flaws, prejudices, and lack of historicity, laid the foundation for the charges against Pius XII five years after his death. Why? Because there was fertile ground for an anti-Pius reaction.


As far as Pope Francis goes, once again I find him to be much maligned by those who want to besmirch the Catholic Church in every way. I already admitted that I lamented his overly kindness to Palestinian leaders and their plight at the expense of making Israel look the bad guy. But he has also praised the Jewish state of Israel as well. Catholicism must show mercy and sympathy to all who suffer, and sometimes they say things that go too far. But I challenge anyone to tell me what religion one should follow that best offers the fullness of truth? (PS -- I surely do not need that unstable zealot on this board 'j' chiming in with her oh-so-selective Bible verses to pretend she has the answers at this time. She is unworthy of any kind of dialog.)

"Catholicism must show mercy and sympathy to all who suffer, and sometimes they say things that go too far." I still have relatives who speak
SPANISH--------and have not seen spain for more than 500 years------do not try to sell to me that pile of shit about "CATHOLICISM"------Catholicism has committed genocides against innocent people in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. I was a child long ago-------at age five I discovered I am a jew-------some of the little girls of my age back then told me ----that I had killed some guy named "JESUS"------they attended the local catholic school-------and---some of them threw rocks at me. I TOOK DETOURS on my way home from kindergarten to avoid those nasty sluts dressed in little plaid jumpers. As a five year old---CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRLS meant to me-------VIOLENT BITCHES------I was a jewish girl----I have never thrown a rock at a living thing in my entire life. ----
my mom would have been horrified if I had-----I was not even allowed to HOLD A STICK------she had stories about how a kid once accidentally knocked the eye out of a baby with a stick
Logically the POOP should be ignored and denied entry into any part of Israel/Judea. That he touched the western wall with his shitty paws makes me cringe. That the piece of shit POOP was involved in the coverup of the bombing of the jewish center in Argentina-----is becoming more and more apparent

And yet a jew financed the bombing.

French Canadian catholic dogs and pigs--------ie your people-----murdered and raped native American kids for the glory of the cause that the lump of shit, Francis----supports-----WHY and HOW???---they justified the fact that nuns and priests raped the kids and murdered them with "LIBELS"----you are the same shit and very well practiced in your disgusting heritage

Those pills won't work unless you actually take them, you know.
I generally don't think much about Popes and Popery but this one is fun!

Personable little chap, articulate, cleaned up nice and is so much like Obama in so many cute little ways......

Maybe he should run for President? Democrats need a candidate dedicated to finishing what the apparently semi-Messiah has started. Maybe one with actual church credentials could go it better?
The faux Pope actually claimed "Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem"?? Yet he makes no claim to the Holy Land and refuses to dispute radical Islam's claim to it?

This Pope is an imposter. The very center of the Catholic Church has been ate up with the devil. In a time where Christians and Jews are having to unite against the rise of radical Islam, it sickens me to think that he could make a statement like that.

It sickens me that he can't.

Me too. Even though I'm not a Catholic, I still recognize the importance a position like the Pope holds. He seems to be failing his responsibility at every turn.

I have the opposite opinion, I think he is a breath of fresh air after the last one. Its about time we get a man of integrity in the Vatican.
That alone is a condemnation of this pope.

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