Pope Francis wants Lord's Prayer changed

It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.
Pope Francis = Same Homophobic, Misogynistic, superstitious bullshit, shiny new package.

You see, what is bothersome is that the Church has been getting this wrong for 2000 years, including all those "Infallible" Popes. And not on an insignificant point. Does God "lead" us into temptation? I thought that was Satan's gig.
That is one of the best points I have seen you make Joe, thanks.
Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.

Did God actually say it?

Then why did Luke and Matthew have two different versions of it.

Lord's Prayer - Wikipedia

Matthew 6:9–6:13 (NRSV)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.

Luke 11:2–11:4 (NRSV)

Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.

We can also wonder why you want someone dropped into a lake of fire because you don't agree with his interpretation of the Magic Sky Man.....
It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.
Just think how many interpretations there have been over 2,000 years.
BTW, it's man's words, not God's.
Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.

Did God actually say it?

Then why did Luke and Matthew have two different versions of it.

Lord's Prayer - Wikipedia

Matthew 6:9–6:13 (NRSV)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.

Luke 11:2–11:4 (NRSV)

Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.

We can also wonder why you want someone dropped into a lake of fire because you don't agree with his interpretation of the Magic Sky Man.....
And where is the contradiction between the two?

And if you knew anything about the faith, you would know that God holds teachers to a higher standard and teaching falsely leads to dire consequences.
The Lords Prayer

The Prayer To Our Father

(translated into first century Aramaic)

"Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,

who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.

Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.

Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).

Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna
daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên.

detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma)
like we let go the guilt of others.

Wela tachlân l'nesjuna
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),

ela patzân min bischa.
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

Sealed in trust, faith and truth.
(I confirm with my entire being)

Lords Prayer
Translation by Neil Douglas-Klotz in Prayers of the Cosmos

O Birther! Father- Mother of the Cosmos

Focus your light within us - make it useful.

Create your reign of unity now-

through our fiery hearts and willing hands

Help us love beyond our ideals

and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures.

Animate the earth within us: we then

feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all.

Untangle the knots within

so that we can mend our hearts' simple ties to each other.

Don't let surface things delude us,

But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.

Out of you, the astonishing fire,

Returning light and sound to the cosmos.


Lords Prayer
Translation by G.J.R. Ouseley from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve

Our Father-Mother Who art above and within:

Hallowed be Thy Name in twofold Trinity.

In Wisdom, Love and Equity Thy Kingdom come to all.

Thy will be done, As in Heaven so in Earth.

Give us day by day to partake of Thy holy Bread, and the fruit of the living Vine.

As Thou dost forgive us our trespasses, so may we forgive others who trespass against us.

Shew upon us Thy goodness, that to others we may shew the same.

In the hour of temptation, deliver us from evil.


Astounding. Once again those whom are anti-catholic and anti-religion always have the most to say about religious practices they reject.

12 years of dealing with psychotic nuns and creepy ass priests, I'm entitled to say anything I want about these phonies and hypocrites, thanks.

It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Screw that liberal anti-Christ. While you're at it, stop saying "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those tho trespass against us." The Lord clearly said " forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

No the anti Christ is the one who owns 666 5th Ave, NY. Anyway Rome gave you the bible and they can change it if they so desire.
Des Moines has a 666 Walnut street. Wells Fargo had a head there so I kind'a figured the antichrist must be there too....:biggrin:

The Vatican can do as they wish as you say but we also have a right to take away their crown (spiritually speaking) as they go to war against us. They have done things for years "in my name" that were atrocious so it is probably time that their publishing rights are restricted (again spiritually speaking)

Protest all you want, but that is the way its going to be. That is why you are called a "Protestant".

See that Penelope even Joe wasn't into that shotgun marriage/arraignment being promoted by the Catholic Church.
It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.
Just think how many interpretations there have been over 2,000 years.
BTW, it's man's words, not God's.
I can pick up a Bible from 500AD and it reads exactly like mine. I can read the OT written 2,000 years ago and it reads exactly like mine.
To me, they can change the Lord's word all they want to, but at the end of the day, no one's way of putting anything is above the Lord's way of delivering it.

God bless you always!!!

Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.

Did God actually say it?

Then why did Luke and Matthew have two different versions of it.

Lord's Prayer - Wikipedia

Matthew 6:9–6:13 (NRSV)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.

Luke 11:2–11:4 (NRSV)

Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.

We can also wonder why you want someone dropped into a lake of fire because you don't agree with his interpretation of the Magic Sky Man.....
And where is the contradiction between the two?

And if you knew anything about the faith, you would know that God holds teachers to a higher standard and teaching falsely leads to dire consequences.
Who said, God??
It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Screw that liberal anti-Christ. While you're at it, stop saying "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those tho trespass against us." The Lord clearly said " forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

No the anti Christ is the one who owns 666 5th Ave, NY. Anyway Rome gave you the bible and they can change it if they so desire.
. I would agree with you. It is the address of Starbucks on Fifth Avenue
It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Changing what God said, great idea! I look forward to watching him dropped into the lake of fire.
Definitely the pope should read the last few verses of Revelations and take warning.
Astounding. Once again those whom are anti-catholic and anti-religion always have the most to say about religious practices they reject.

12 years of dealing with psychotic nuns and creepy ass priests, I'm entitled to say anything I want about these phonies and hypocrites, thanks.
i have to agree with Joe here...i know exactly what you are saying Joe....been there myself.......
It's being used in France already .. makes sense.

Pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord's Prayer changed

The current wording that says "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation, because God does not lead humans to sin, he says.

He suggests using "do not let us fall into temptation" instead, he told Italian TV on Wednesday night.
Screw that liberal anti-Christ.
Your God would lead you to sin?
He can lead us to sin but he can't make us sin. You have to become a politician for that.
And where is the contradiction between the two?

THey aren't the same words... (Let's not even get into how different translations aren't the same.)

And if you knew anything about the faith, you would know that God holds teachers to a higher standard and teaching falsely leads to dire consequences.

Yes, yes, you've been burning each other for centuries about whether or not your Magic God Man is made of wafers or not.

Frankly, your God comes off as kind of an asshole, if that's what he does. He gives poor old Francis contradictory texts and then wonders why he might not come up with the right interpretation. Didn't guess right. Burn in hell, you infallible MFer..
While the change itself seems trivial, it points to a much larger picture: Pope Frannie the Foot Fetish Fuck wants to remake the Catholic church into his own muslim cocksucking image. The same way Typhoid Barry wanted to remake America into his own muslim cocksucking image.

Remember, this papal pig is the one who reacted to the Brussels terrorism by getting on his knees and slobbering all over muslim men's feet the very next day. This walking disease is a sadist who gets his sexual jollies off muslim violence. Fuck popes, fuck their pederast-enabling, fuck their golden scepters and fuck that stupid-looking pope hat they wear - these theological clowns remind me of little kids dressing up for Halloween. The Vatican IS the modern money-changers Jesus threw out of the temple. No different than TV evangelist scammers who tell you that if you send them X amount of dollars, they'll personally pray for you.....riiiiiight.
While the change itself seems trivial, it points to a much larger picture: Pope Frannie the Foot Fetish Fuck wants to remake the Catholic church into his own muslim cocksucking image. The same way Typhoid Barry wanted to remake America into his own muslim cocksucking image.

Remember, this papal pig is the one who reacted to the Brussels terrorism by getting on his knees and slobbering all over muslim men's feet the very next day. This walking disease is a sadist who gets his sexual jollies off muslim violence. Fuck popes, fuck their pederast-enabling, fuck their golden scepters and fuck that stupid-looking pope hat they wear - these theological clowns remind me of little kids dressing up for Halloween. The Vatican IS the modern money-changers Jesus threw out of the temple. No different than TV evangelist scammers who tell you that if you send them X amount of dollars, they'll personally pray for you.....riiiiiight.
P. J. is that you? :lmao:
While the change itself seems trivial, it points to a much larger picture: Pope Frannie the Foot Fetish Fuck wants to remake the Catholic church into his own muslim cocksucking image. The same way Typhoid Barry wanted to remake America into his own muslim cocksucking image.

Remember, this papal pig is the one who reacted to the Brussels terrorism by getting on his knees and slobbering all over muslim men's feet the very next day. This walking disease is a sadist who gets his sexual jollies off muslim violence. Fuck popes, fuck their pederast-enabling, fuck their golden scepters and fuck that stupid-looking pope hat they wear - these theological clowns remind me of little kids dressing up for Halloween. The Vatican IS the modern money-changers Jesus threw out of the temple. No different than TV evangelist scammers who tell you that if you send them X amount of dollars, they'll personally pray for you.....riiiiiight.

I love when the crazy protestants get on this board and spew about how much they hate Catholics... it's funny to watch.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, bud, if you are scared of Muslims, maybe we should stop going into their part of the world and fucking with them.

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