Pope say's climate change and abortion are interrelated


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Uh oh, suddenly the Pope's leftist agenda hit's an iceberg.

Pope Francis: Climate Change and Abortion Are ‘Interrelated’

June 18, 2015 Pope Francis has unveiled an encyclical—a rare and influential Vatican statement—on climate change and the environment.

The highly anticipated document says that global warming is real, is caused partly by human activity, and is a grave threat to humanity. The Vatican hopes it will pave the way for a strong international climate deal later this year when diplomats descend on Paris for United Nations talks. But Pope Francis wants the encyclical to be read by everyone—and the Vatican hopes that the document will influence much more than just the Paris talks.

And just so his message is clear, the Vatican's official Twitter account, @Pontifex, has been active Thursday morning with blunt views from the pope. "The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth," reads one tweet.

Here are six key points from the encyclical.

Population Control Is Not the Answer

For Pope Francis, caring about the environment goes hand in hand with taking a strong stand against abortion. "Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also incompatible with the justification of abortion," the encyclical says. "How can we genuinely teach the importance of concern for other vulnerable beings, however troublesome or inconvenient they may be, if we fail to protect a human embryo, even when its presence is uncomfortable and creates difficulties?"

Francis suggests that efforts to slow population growth are misguided and a distraction from the underlying cause of the world's environmental crisis—the hoarding of the Earth's resources by the rich and powerful. "To blame population growth instead of extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues," the encyclical says.

This Isn't Just About the Environment

While the encyclical is centered around climate change and the environment, the overall message takes broad swipes at the consumer culture and calls for humans to cut back. "We seem to think that we can substitute an irreplaceable and irretrievable beauty with something that we have created ourselves," Francis writes, one of several times he warns about the dangers of technology created without a thought to its long-term impacts.

The encyclical also takes a broad look at humans' overall relationships with each other, saying that development in the last century has "not always led to an integral development and an improvement in the quality of life" and highlighting effects like social aggression and drug use. Even the digital revolution gets a mention: "Today's media do enable us to communicate and to share our knowledge and affections. Yet at times they also shield us from direct contact with the pain, the fears, and the joys of others and the complexity of their personal experiences."

International Action Is Needed, But Only the Right Kind

The encyclical says that governments need to think as "one world with a common plan," saying that individual nations may not always act in everyone's interest or have enforceable measures on their own. But Francis also expresses disappointment with international negotiators in the past, saying that 2012 talks in Rio de Janiero only produced "a wide-ranging but ineffectual outcome document," in part because developed countries were only thinking of their own self-interests. Other more narrow agreements, like the Basel Convention on hazardous waste or the Vienna Convention on the ozone layer have been more effective, though.

Pope Francis Climate Change and Abortion Are Interrelated - NationalJournal.com
I'm not a fan of the Catholic church.

They are usually the last, dragged kicking and screaming, into modernity.

Money is the primary reason.

And before we shake our heads at them, let's consider that all our precious politicians, spokesmouths, stars, and prominent figures are all as corrupt in this modern age, and money is the main reason for it all.
I'm not a fan of the Catholic church.

They are usually the last, dragged kicking and screaming, into modernity.

Money is the primary reason.

And before we shake our heads at them, let's consider that all our precious politicians, spokesmouths, stars, and prominent figures are all as corrupt in this modern age, and money is the main reason for it all.

That's why the Catholic church is all for illegal immigration. They know the only future they have in the U.S is with Hispanics.
Just like politicians.

They're all a worthless lot.
I'm not a fan of the Catholic church.

They are usually the last, dragged kicking and screaming, into modernity.

Money is the primary reason.

And before we shake our heads at them, let's consider that all our precious politicians, spokesmouths, stars, and prominent figures are all as corrupt in this modern age, and money is the main reason for it all.

That's why the Catholic church is all for illegal immigration. They know the only future they have in the U.S is with Hispanics.
good observation , sad to say but it may be a correct observation DD !!
they are if you look at it, how we take care of the earth, our air and water is not much different than tossing away a human life, because its inconvenient. I don't push my views on anyone, but today there is very few reasons to have an abortion. RUBBERS , no wonder VD , AIDS and Cervical cancer is so prevalent. We really do have little regard for life, and we are very wasteful and while some are starving with nothing to wear.

Population Control Is Not the Answer

For Pope Francis, caring about the environment goes hand in hand with taking a strong stand against abortion. "Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also incompatible with the justification of abortion," the encyclical says. "How can we genuinely teach the importance of concern for other vulnerable beings, however troublesome or inconvenient they may be, if we fail to protect a human embryo, even when its presence is uncomfortable and creates difficulties?"

Francis suggests that efforts to slow population growth are misguided and a distraction from the underlying cause of the world's environmental crisis—the hoarding of the Earth's resources by the rich and powerful. "To blame population growth instead of extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues," the encyclical says.
For the stupids that think we have abortions in this country because it is a woman's right to choose, welcome to the real truth. It is NWO population control. It was just fed to you as a right to get you on board. It wasn't a right until the U.N. condoned it to control the world's population.
Planned Parenthood was designed to get rid of the blacks.

And while we are at it. The global warming bullshit? NWO scam to redistribute our wealth. THE SUN DETERMINES THE TEMP. OF THE EARTH. Not your car emission's, not volcanoes, not your Golden retriever.

If Obama was the anti-Christ, this Pope would be his false prophet. Ignore them both....
It is official the catholic church has been infiltrated to the highest level. Comes to something when the pope is calling for world government.
For the stupids out there, who were convinced that we have abortions because it is a woman's right to choose, welcome to truth. We have abortions because the NWO wants to control population. That is when it became a "rights" issue.
Planned Parenthood was established to stop the "inferior blacks" from reproducing. It has nothing to do with rights.

As for the global warming scam. THE SUN DETERMINES THE TEMP. OF THE EARTH. Not you, not your car, not active volcanoes, not your Golden Retriever's footprint. You have been duped again.
Nevertheless, we'll be in front and center in Paris to pledge the redistribution of our wealth to help the "cause". Our globalist politicians are all about India now. Your "global warming paycheck/contribution" will be going there now.

If Obama was the anti-Christ, this Pope would be the false prophet. If they are telling you to head north, go south.

To be honest, I don't mind abortions.

Good conservative Christians generally don't have them.

Self absorbed liberals get their genetic garbage sucked into drains and I'm quite content to let them continue doing so.

That's a population that needs to be controlled. It wants to be controlled. The less of it the better.

Abortion was created for a eugenics agenda. When they first rolled out abortion guess who they targeted- black people in Harlem then they rolled it out for everyone.
Abortion was created for a eugenics agenda. When they first rolled out abortion guess who they targeted- black people in Harlem then they rolled it out for everyone.

They generally wanted to get rid of everyone they found inferior.

Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.

Holmes concluded his argument by declaring that "Three generations of imbeciles are enough".[6]

However the regressive democrooks quickly realized that if they started wiping out imbeciles they would loose elections.

Well that is 98% of the world population nowadays they see us as 'useless eaters' they hate us.
For the stupids out there, who were convinced that we have abortions because it is a woman's right to choose, welcome to truth. We have abortions because the NWO wants to control population. That is when it became a "rights" issue.
Planned Parenthood was established to stop the "inferior blacks" from reproducing. It has nothing to do with rights.

As for the global warming scam. THE SUN DETERMINES THE TEMP. OF THE EARTH. Not you, not your car, not active volcanoes, not your Golden Retriever's footprint. You have been duped again.
Nevertheless, we'll be in front and center in Paris to pledge the redistribution of our wealth to help the "cause". Our globalist politicians are all about India now. Your "global warming paycheck/contribution" will be going there now.

If Obama was the anti-Christ, this Pope would be the false prophet. If they are telling you to head north, go south.

To be honest, I don't mind abortions.

Good conservative Christians generally don't have them.

Self absorbed liberals get their genetic garbage sucked into drains and I'm quite content to let them continue doing so.

That's a population that needs to be controlled. It wants to be controlled. The less of it the better.

The single best thing about liberals, is their birthrate.

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