Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

More FYI:

"In the end, there are only two hard historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth upon which we can confidently rely: the first is that Jesus was a Jew who led a popular Jewish movement in Palestine at the beginning of the first century C.E.; the second is that Rome crucified him for doing so. By themselves these two facts cannot provide a complete portrait of the life of a man who lived two thousand years ago. But when combined with all we know about the tumultuous era in which Jesus lived—and thanks to the Romans, we know a great deal—these two facts can help paint a picture of Jesus of Nazareth that may be more historically accurate than the one painted by the gospels. Indeed, the Jesus that emerges from this historical exercise—a zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine—bears little resemblance to the image of the gentle shepherd cultivated by the early Christian community."

Zealot: The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth By Reza Aslan (EXCERPT)

So, find another source? It's not like this is news, but to the "Christians".

I'm not particularly interested in pop culture revisionist historians who speculate on personalities.

Not very interested in the history of Christianity either then, it would seem.
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Are you casting the proverbial first stone, or are you judging in spite of the admonition that ye be judged?

Ah! Alleged Christians making the call on faith! Much like all other religious extremists.

Are you a Christian hating liberal?
I'm a Christian, but not Evangelical. I'm a Christian, but not Roman Catholic. And, yes, I'm a Liberal.

I have never met a practicing liberal Christian.

So, uh, you ask everyone you meet how they vote and if they're christian?


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Liberals have a particularly foul stench they are pretty easy to spot.
Look around the room. Spot the mouth breathers and those with a wistful, far away look like an Amish chick in a Best Buy. Those are the Conservatives
The pontiff was responding to a direct question using trumps name, he should have responded

I wish it was not necessary for us to build walls, or I would wish that building a wall is the last option and buidling understanding would be our first.

There is much talk that the pope was persuaded by Mexican officials without getting the whole story.

The parties can back peddle all they want but the genie is out of the bottle. It's like Obama lying his way to the presidency and saying well I am president now so the lying is not important. The pope is supposed to live in a bubble of faith, belief, and proselytizing for the virtues of his religion. As such he enjoys a respect and reverence and an untouchability because he is dealing only with the spiritual aspect of the human condition, as well as speaking up for those who cannot help themselves, the less fortunate, and the poor. When he removes himself from that bubble by adding his imprimatur to global warming or national politics his sullies his sacred position. Activism that includes pronouncing whether someone is Christian or not is reminiscent of witch trials or the famous inquisitions. We have enough false guilt tripping by democrats or posters on usmb, we don't need a pope or an imam proclaiming who is a heretic, after all that is what caused this great country to be founded. Remember, this is the land of the free.
Q: What does one call a CEO whose corporation does not discourage pedophelia within its corporate ranks?

A: "Your Holiness"

Meanwhile, it's going to be fun when some future American president scolds The College of Cardinals rfor the list of candidates it's considering to become Pope!
Are you a Christian hating liberal?
I'm a Christian, but not Evangelical. I'm a Christian, but not Roman Catholic. And, yes, I'm a Liberal.

I have never met a practicing liberal Christian.

So, uh, you ask everyone you meet how they vote and if they're christian?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Liberals have a particularly foul stench they are pretty easy to spot.
Look around the room. Spot the mouth breathers and those with a wistful, far away look like an Amish chick in a Best Buy. Those are the Conservatives

Don't get your gender neutral panties in a bunch lib, it was a joke.
Actually, both the Pope and the Donald have shown class by moving on beyond this. Both have backtracked. It is now a non-issue. We all should follow their example and put this issue behind us.
For Catholics, the Pope questioning Trump's Christianity may certainly be an issue for them since Trump has repeatedly declared himself a Christian.

If someone declares that they are a Christian, I accept it. However, when they make that declaration over and over in political rallies, I ask myself in what ways has he shown himself a Christian, turning the other cheek, spreading the gospel, doing unto others what you would have them do unto you.
My question is, is the Pope a Christian? Only God knows.

He lives behind a wall, hates free enterprise, and thinks we owe Mexico free access to our wealth. Meanwhile his pervert priests remain in place....The guy is ELECTED....I don't believe for a minute there's anything "holy" about him....the Vatican is a business.
Actually, both the Pope and the Donald have shown class by moving on beyond this. Both have backtracked. It is now a non-issue. We all should follow their example and put this issue behind us.
For Catholics, the Pope questioning Trump's Christianity may certainly be an issue for them since Trump has repeatedly declared himself a Christian.

If someone declares that they are a Christian, I accept it. However, when they make that declaration over and over in political rallies, I ask myself in what ways has he shown himself a Christian, turning the other cheek, spreading the gospel, doing unto others what you would have them do unto you.

Apparently it is not an issue with Catholics. I saw some interviews the news media made with Catholics. Most of them said the Pope was out of line. I really think myself based upon your posts that you are the one who wishes to make it an issue. Both Trump and the Pope have already moved on.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.

I think you should. it would also probably be helpful if you learned to write complete sentences. it won't improve your content, but it will make it immeasurably easier to read.
You Takers are pretty witty this afternoon...
Red States are the takers. This has been proven countless times.

but you know they're fact-impaired.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.

I think you should. it would also probably be helpful if you learned to write complete sentences. it won't improve your content, but it will make it immeasurably easier to read.
You Takers are pretty witty this afternoon...
Red States are the takers. This has been proven countless times.

Proven countless times = We said it a lot, and by now you should be accepting it as common knowledge

no cesspit.... you lying wacko. it IS fact. your repeatedly lying and stating the same lies over and over, you pathetic loon, don't change the actual facts.

now read and learn... assuming you're capable.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?
Q: What does one call a CEO whose corporation does not discourage pedophelia within its corporate ranks?

A: "Your Holiness"

Meanwhile, it's going to be fun when some future American president scolds The College of Cardinals rfor the list of candidates it's considering to become Pope!

His Holiness the Dali Lama has never been accused of pedophilia.

Using a broad brush to paint with, aren't we?
In a way this story reminded me of why a sports team and player's agent initially say they don't wish to negotiate through the press. If the quotes attributed to either were said after a direct meeting between the two, now that would be something to talk about. I think both were more sincere today in expressing truer feelings.
Our immigration laws are the democratically voiced Will of the People.

The Pope is the one against democratic government.

The Pope expressed his opinion.

And his opinion rejected the Principle of Democratic Self Rule, as specifically represented by the American people crafting immigration laws to limit the number of people who are welcome into our nation.

He is thus against Democracy, at least for Americans.
You don't live in a democracy, and never have. That is so people like you, and Trump, do not have actual power...

It's a representative democratic republic.

And the Pope has taken a strong stand against Americans having that right to democratic self rule.

Are you for or against Democracy?

I am for it. The Pope is against it. Which side are you on?

Francis is a Marxist, Marxists are against Democracy in general.

This action certainly supports that.
Our immigration laws are the democratically voiced Will of the People.

The Pope is the one against democratic government.

The Pope expressed his opinion.

And his opinion rejected the Principle of Democratic Self Rule, as specifically represented by the American people crafting immigration laws to limit the number of people who are welcome into our nation.

He is thus against Democracy, at least for Americans.
You don't live in a democracy, and never have. That is so people like you, and Trump, do not have actual power...

It's a representative democratic republic.

And the Pope has taken a strong stand against Americans having that right to democratic self rule.

Are you for or against Democracy?

I am for it. The Pope is against it. Which side are you on?
Americans don't have a right to democratic self-rule, they live in a Constitutional Democratic Republic. And saying building walls to keep desperate people out isn't a Christian thing to do is not the same as saying you shouldn't have a vote.

1. GOt it. You are against democracy, just like the Pope. .

2. Yes it is. He doesn't think that People have a Right to vote to "keep out desperate people", even if they vote that way. Which we did.

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