Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Very nice, except he was dead then:

15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

Now, are you planning to fight the history that there were only Jews (or Jewish coverts) in the Jesus cult? That the Gentiles came in under Paul, not Jesus? Please do, that or show us your faith with deadly snakes and poisons...

Paul wrote the Gospel of Mark?

The amazing insights you Atheists offer into Christianity...
Actually no one knows who wrote the Gospels, they were written anonymously, and they were written long after the death of Jesus, at least three or four decades. The Letters of Paul, the Epistles, are the first New Testament documents, written ten to twenty years after the death of Yeshua.
"Paul's Antinomistic and Gnostic Views.

II. This radical change was brought about by Saul of Tarsus or Paul, the real founder of the Christian Church, though Peter formed the first community of the risen Christ (Matt. xvi. 16; Acts i. 15; I Cor. xv. 5). Having, under the influence of a vision, turned from an earnest persecutor of the new sect into its vigorous champion (Acts ix. 1-14, xxii. 3-16, xxvi. 9-18; I Cor. ix. 1, xv. 8 et seq.; Gal. i. 16), he construed the belief in the atoning death of Christ held by the rest into a system altogether antagonistic to Judaism and its Law, claiming to have received the apostleship to the heathen world from the Christ he beheld in his visions. Operating with certain Gnostic ideas, which rendered the Messiah as Son of God a cosmic power, like Philo's "logos," aiding in the world's creation and mediating between God and man, he saw both in the Crucifixion and in the Incarnation acts of divine self-humiliation suffered for the sake of redeeming a world polluted and doomed by sin since the fall of Adam. Faith alone in Christ should save man, baptism being the seal of the belief in God's redeeming love. It meant dying with Christ to sin which is inherited from Adam, and rising again with Christ to put on the new Adam (Rom. vi. 1-4; I Cor. xv.; Gal. iii.-iv.). See Baptism."
Actually no one knows who wrote the Gospels, they were written anonymously, and they were written long after the death of Jesus, at least three or four decades. The Letters of Paul, the Epistles, are the first New Testament documents, written ten to twenty years after the death of Yeshua.

They do know that Paul did not.

You are a fraud.

Oh and Sploogy? Can you offer me some evidence that "Yeshua" as you call him, even existed?
That's correct. Your faith is that of Paul (who never met Jesus in life), not Yeshua (Jesus).

So you contend that Paul wrote the gospel of Mark?
Nope. No one knows who did. And they were written long after Paul's letters.

"The Bible's New Testament, which includes these four Gospels, was originally written entirely in Greek, the common language of the Mediterranean lands in Roman times. The first of the Gospels was probably Mark, written around 70 A.D., about 40 years after Jesus was crucified. Matthew and Luke were written between 80 and 90 A.D. Finally, The Gospel of John appeared in its final form around 95 A.D.

All four Gospels are anonymous in the sense that none includes the author's name. The traditional names - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - did not become associated with these writings until the second century.
In the early centuries of Christianity, our four Gospels coexisted with a number of other Christian writings, many of which have not been preserved. Finally, the Synod of Carthage adopted the present twenty-seven New Testament books, including the four Gospels, as the canon of the New Testament in the year 397."
Introduction - the Gospels
Actually no one knows who wrote the Gospels, they were written anonymously, and they were written long after the death of Jesus, at least three or four decades. The Letters of Paul, the Epistles, are the first New Testament documents, written ten to twenty years after the death of Yeshua.

They do know that Paul did not.

You are a fraud.

Oh and Sploogy? Can you offer me some evidence that "Yeshua" as you call him, even existed?
There's enough evidence, if you strip away the crap, for that to be a safe bet. There were many Messiah Cults around that time, his wasn't even a very good one. When he died on the cross, that just about closed it out.

And we know a lot about Paul, not surprising since he created the actual faith called Christianity.
Nope. See above, little ignorant "Christians". Learn Your Faith...

Again, what you post is bullshit purveyed by the Soros hate sites. You have no grasp of the actual subject and think you can fake your way through by snipping shit.

With this as in all things, you are an obvious fraud.
Read the links, learn the faith. Here's a very good book, if you can deal with it:

Start 16:30 if you have no patience.
I realize most of you are not Christians but the Pope berating a man for wanting to build a wall simply is mindboggling. Apparently, the Pope has never read the Book of Nehemiah. God sent Nehemiah to Jerusalem for the expressed purpose of rebuilding the wall there.
It's pretty clear that the Pope was speaking metaphorically when he said,
“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” I think his message was that people that call themselves Christians should be building bridges of understanding, not walls that divide neighbors, families and nations. Walls are a concession to failure and they rarely accomplish their purpose. The Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of China, the Belfast Peace Walls, and most other such walls ultimately fail because instead of creating a sense of security, they do the very opposite. They become monuments to hatred, bigotry, and division.
More FYI: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/17/zealot-reza-aslan-_n_3605667.html

"In the end, there are only two hard historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth upon which we can confidently rely: the first is that Jesus was a Jew who led a popular Jewish movement in Palestine at the beginning of the first century C.E.; the second is that Rome crucified him for doing so. By themselves these two facts cannot provide a complete portrait of the life of a man who lived two thousand years ago. But when combined with all we know about the tumultuous era in which Jesus lived—and thanks to the Romans, we know a great deal—these two facts can help paint a picture of Jesus of Nazareth that may be more historically accurate than the one painted by the gospels. Indeed, the Jesus that emerges from this historical exercise—a zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine—bears little resemblance to the image of the gentle shepherd cultivated by the early Christian community."

Zealot: The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth By Reza Aslan (EXCERPT)
Maybe "the donald" could take a page from this person's book.
Monty Williams Talks Forgiveness at Funeral Service to Driver Who Killed Wife

This is a real Christian.
I want to close with this, and I think it’s the most important thing we need to understand. Everyone is praying for me and my family, which is right, but let us not forget that there were two people in this situation. And that family needs prayer as well, and we have no ill will towards that family. In my house, we have a sign that says, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’
We cannot serve the Lord if we don’t have a heart of forgiveness. That family didn’t wake up wanting to hurt my wife. Life is hard. It is very hard, and that was tough, but we hold no ill will toward the Donaldson family. And we, as a group, brothers united in unity, should be praying for that family because they grieve as well. So let’s not lose sight of what’s important.
Maybe "the donald" could take a page from this person's book.
Monty Williams Talks Forgiveness at Funeral Service to Driver Who Killed Wife

This is a real Christian.
I want to close with this, and I think it’s the most important thing we need to understand. Everyone is praying for me and my family, which is right, but let us not forget that there were two people in this situation. And that family needs prayer as well, and we have no ill will towards that family. In my house, we have a sign that says, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’
We cannot serve the Lord if we don’t have a heart of forgiveness. That family didn’t wake up wanting to hurt my wife. Life is hard. It is very hard, and that was tough, but we hold no ill will toward the Donaldson family. And we, as a group, brothers united in unity, should be praying for that family because they grieve as well. So let’s not lose sight of what’s important.
An actual "Christian" act, and therefore both rare and worthy of praise. That's something Sassy would never do, never.
More FYI:

"In the end, there are only two hard historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth upon which we can confidently rely: the first is that Jesus was a Jew who led a popular Jewish movement in Palestine at the beginning of the first century C.E.; the second is that Rome crucified him for doing so. By themselves these two facts cannot provide a complete portrait of the life of a man who lived two thousand years ago. But when combined with all we know about the tumultuous era in which Jesus lived—and thanks to the Romans, we know a great deal—these two facts can help paint a picture of Jesus of Nazareth that may be more historically accurate than the one painted by the gospels. Indeed, the Jesus that emerges from this historical exercise—a zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine—bears little resemblance to the image of the gentle shepherd cultivated by the early Christian community."

Zealot: The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth By Reza Aslan (EXCERPT)
Actually, both the Pope and the Donald have shown class by moving on beyond this. Both have backtracked. It is now a non-issue. We all should follow their example and put this issue behind us.
Obama is not a Christian, how many times has he broken the 10 commandments by lying and giving false witness?
Are you casting the proverbial first stone, or are you judging in spite of the admonition that ye be judged?

Ah! Alleged Christians making the call on faith! Much like all other religious extremists.

Are you a Christian hating liberal?
I'm a Christian, but not Evangelical. I'm a Christian, but not Roman Catholic. And, yes, I'm a Liberal.

I have never met a practicing liberal Christian.

So, uh, you ask everyone you meet how they vote and if they're christian?


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Liberals have a particularly foul stench they are pretty easy to spot.
More FYI:

"In the end, there are only two hard historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth upon which we can confidently rely: the first is that Jesus was a Jew who led a popular Jewish movement in Palestine at the beginning of the first century C.E.; the second is that Rome crucified him for doing so. By themselves these two facts cannot provide a complete portrait of the life of a man who lived two thousand years ago. But when combined with all we know about the tumultuous era in which Jesus lived—and thanks to the Romans, we know a great deal—these two facts can help paint a picture of Jesus of Nazareth that may be more historically accurate than the one painted by the gospels. Indeed, the Jesus that emerges from this historical exercise—a zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine—bears little resemblance to the image of the gentle shepherd cultivated by the early Christian community."

Zealot: The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth By Reza Aslan (EXCERPT)

So, find another source? It's not like this is news, but to the "Christians".
More FYI:

"In the end, there are only two hard historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth upon which we can confidently rely: the first is that Jesus was a Jew who led a popular Jewish movement in Palestine at the beginning of the first century C.E.; the second is that Rome crucified him for doing so. By themselves these two facts cannot provide a complete portrait of the life of a man who lived two thousand years ago. But when combined with all we know about the tumultuous era in which Jesus lived—and thanks to the Romans, we know a great deal—these two facts can help paint a picture of Jesus of Nazareth that may be more historically accurate than the one painted by the gospels. Indeed, the Jesus that emerges from this historical exercise—a zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine—bears little resemblance to the image of the gentle shepherd cultivated by the early Christian community."

Zealot: The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth By Reza Aslan (EXCERPT)

So, find another source? It's not like this is news, but to the "Christians".

I'm not particularly interested in pop culture revisionist historians who speculate on personalities.

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