Pope's Charity Helps Trans Prostitutes Who Lack Customers During COVID-19


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

I agree with you and I'm Roman Catholic, he is not my Pope, Francis to be considered an Anti-Pope, everything this creature does is the opposite of what Our Lord wants for this world.
thanks for this comment, because I did not mean to demean practicing Catholics in any way

buying food is sinful???!!!
keeping them from starving is wrong????!!!
..I thought jesus helped sinners?
you seem to be struggling with comprehension of the written word

what part of my statement, "helping them would be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much" prompted you to make the reply you did?

if reading is really hard for you, that is ok, just curious...
IMHO the Pope is the spokesman for the anti-Christ. Pushing one sin after the other.
this Pope is pure trash and pure evil; he fights hard against decent people everywhere

Francis IS as you comment pure trash, he is basically the Third World Shit Hole Supporting Ghetto Anti-Pope. he obviously like ALL Neo-Marxists HATES actual Christians especially White Conservative Christians and he can not suck the toes and probably the dicks of enough filthy Mooselimbs and disease infested Sub Saharan Africans fast enough. He is pure filth, total scum. And I can say these things about him AND worse if I want to because I'm Roman Catholic, he is a DISGRACE and an ABOMINATION.

When you have a creature like Francis who commits Heresy so often you know he is working for the Other Side. EG. of Francis Heresy include - saying The Bible is just a book, saying that God did not work miracles, saying that Athiests can go to Heaven, comparing Jesus Christ's Disciples to ISIS and the way they spread out across the planet to spread the word of Radical Islam.

These are NOT the actions of a Christian man, these are NOT the actions of a Pope OR any other Christian leader, these are the actions of an agent of The Anti-Christ, Francis could even be The False Prophet that was foretold.

ALL the world's Leftists who are mainly also ALL Athiests LOVE Francis because he's a lifelong Neo-Marxist
who has preached Liberation Theology for decades, I HOPE this creature dies soon and we Roman Catholics who do follow the Word of Our Lord can get a Pope to replace this Neo-Marxist Heretic.


Liberation theology - Wikipedia

Here's the Heretic Anti-Pope Francis likening ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word:

"Pope Francis: Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."

The below link gives the full interview with Francis that the above quote is from, he also makes other disturbing statements in the same interview:

buying food is sinful???!!!
keeping them from starving is wrong????!!!
..I thought jesus helped sinners?
you seem to be struggling with comprehension of the written word

what part of my statement, "helping them would be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much" prompted you to make the reply you did?

if reading is really hard for you, that is ok, just curious...
but they are not ''sinning'''
buying food is sinful???!!!
keeping them from starving is wrong????!!!
..I thought jesus helped sinners?
you seem to be struggling with comprehension of the written word

what part of my statement, "helping them would be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much" prompted you to make the reply you did?

if reading is really hard for you, that is ok, just curious...
lust/sex/pre-marital sex/etc is a sin
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

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