Pope's Charity Helps Trans Prostitutes Who Lack Customers During COVID-19

Only the Pope knows...
IMHO the Pope is the spokesman for the anti-Christ. Pushing one sin after the other.

I agree with you and I'm Roman Catholic, he is not my Pope, Francis to be considered an Anti-Pope, everything this creature does is the opposite of what Our Lord wants for this world.
I don't want to give the impression that I am belittling Catholics. Along with Catholics and non-Catholics alike, I was surprised and disappointed when Benedict XVI was replaced with Francis. I don't know the whole story but I feel there was something fishy.
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

Everyone is a sinner.
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

Everyone is a sinner.
I'm not
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

Everyone is a sinner.
I'm not
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Reason #2347 on why I am not Catholic.
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Our Lord created Man and Woman and the first this was Adam and Eve, Our Lord did NOT create 55 DIFFERENT Genders or whatever stupid and insane number the Athiest Left are now saying that there are.

The 55 DIFFERENT Genders are from Satan, it is Luciferarian and designed like EVERYTHING Satan does to INVERT EVERYTHING Our Lord intended and still intends for this world.

The Athiest Left who are servants of Satan have created a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in real time, but like with the original Sodom and Gomorrah that Our Lord DESTROYED Our Lord's force and spirit will also DESTROY this modern Sodom and Gomorrah and I include in this not ONLY the "all animals unclean" ie. LGBTQ and paedophiles I also include in this the GENOCIDE of Human Sacrifice of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. That WAS seen once before also the Human Sacrificing of the the most innocent and ALSO born children to this Satan:


Satan and Molech Moloch and Ba'al are ALL the SAME thing and what the SOUL-LESS did back then, what they OFFERED to this demon was the SAME thing the SOUL-LESS OFFER to this demon TODAY:

CHILD Sacrifice to the demons, in MODERN day we call this Abortion on Demand.

Psalm 106:34-43

"They served their idols and were ensnared by them. They sacrificed to demons their own sons and daughters, shedding innocent blood, the blood of their own sons and daughters. whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, desecrating the land with bloodshed.

They defiled themselves by their actions, became adulterers by their conduct"

Psalm 106:34-43:





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IMHO the Pope is the spokesman for the anti-Christ. Pushing one sin after the other.
this Pope is pure trash and pure evil; he fights hard against decent people everywhere
I don't always agree with this pope, but I see that he is trying to live out the message received from Jesus. So you hate him. BTW: There is no such thing as an "anti-Christ."

Whom do you think are "decent people"?
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Our Lord created Man and Woman and the first this was Adam and Eve, Our Lord did NOT create 55 DIFFERENT Genders or whatever stupid and insane number the Athiest Left are now saying that there are.

The 55 DIFFERENT Genders are from Satan, it is Luciferarian and designed like EVERYTHING Satan does to INVERT EVERYTHING Our Lord intended and still intends for this world.

The Athiest Left who are servants of Satan have created a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in real time, but like with the original Sodom and Gomorrah that Our Lord DESTROYED Our Lord's force and spirit will also DESTROY this modern Sodom and Gomorrah and I include in this not ONLY the "all animals unclean" ie. LGBTQ and paedophiles I also include in this the GENOCIDE of Human Sacrifice of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. That WAS seen once before also the Human Sacrificing of the the most innocent and ALSO born children to this Satan:

View attachment 331539

Satan and Molech Moloch and Ba'al are ALL the SAME thing:

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View attachment 331546

Where do you get this crazy stuff from? The southern baptist seminary? Jeez. Where is your primitive tribe from?
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

Everyone is a sinner.
I'm not
here it is:
Definition of sin
(Entry 1 of 4)
1a: an offense against religious or moral law
b: an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensibleit's a sin to waste food
c: an often serious shortcoming : FAULT
2a: transgression of the law of God
b: a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God

bold words are the key words
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Our Lord created Man and Woman and the first this was Adam and Eve, Our Lord did NOT create 55 DIFFERENT Genders or whatever stupid and insane number the Athiest Left are now saying that there are.

The 55 DIFFERENT Genders are from Satan, it is Luciferarian and designed like EVERYTHING Satan does to INVERT EVERYTHING Our Lord intended and still intends for this world.

The Athiest Left who are servants of Satan have created a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in real time, but like with the original Sodom and Gomorrah that Our Lord DESTROYED Our Lord's force and spirit will also DESTROY this modern Sodom and Gomorrah and I include in this not ONLY the "all animals unclean" ie. LGBTQ and paedophiles I also include in this the GENOCIDE of Human Sacrifice of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. That WAS seen once before also the Human Sacrificing of the the most innocent and ALSO born children to this Satan:

View attachment 331539

Satan and Molech Moloch and Ba'al are ALL the SAME thing:

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Where do you get this crazy stuff from? The southern baptist seminary? Jeez. Where is your primitive tribe from?

Crazy stuff? WHY don't you tell us ALL again about how you consider a woman who has consensual sex with a man is nothing more than a common whore who is allowing herself to be raped? Do you want me to do Screen Shots of your TWISTED VIEWS on consensual Heterosexual Sex AGAIN like I did in a thread the other day? Should I post your word for word TWISTED VIEWS again in THIS thread? What about me also doing Screen Shots of your PERVERTED insane obsession with Conservative Christian Father's GROOMING their OPEN daughters so they can effectively be SOLD off to OLDER men to in your term be RAPED, should I do Screen Shots for this thread also?

You HATE men, you are FRIGHTENED of a penis, obviously you were raped at some point and this has twisted your views on men and their biological parts, no wonder you now just seem to support Faggots and Transgender freaks of nature.

Southern Baptist? Illustrating AGAIN what a low IQ Muppet Troll you are TWICE i already said I am Roman Catholic and there are many threads since the five years I have been at this forum where I have posted about being Roman Catholic.

Why should I a PRACTISING Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord pay ANY attention to a Jesus Christ hating Heathen like YOU. I should NOT.
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Our Lord created Man and Woman and the first this was Adam and Eve, Our Lord did NOT create 55 DIFFERENT Genders or whatever stupid and insane number the Athiest Left are now saying that there are.

The 55 DIFFERENT Genders are from Satan, it is Luciferarian and designed like EVERYTHING Satan does to INVERT EVERYTHING Our Lord intended and still intends for this world.

The Athiest Left who are servants of Satan have created a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in real time, but like with the original Sodom and Gomorrah that Our Lord DESTROYED Our Lord's force and spirit will also DESTROY this modern Sodom and Gomorrah and I include in this not ONLY the "all animals unclean" ie. LGBTQ and paedophiles I also include in this the GENOCIDE of Human Sacrifice of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. That WAS seen once before also the Human Sacrificing of the the most innocent and ALSO born children to this Satan:

View attachment 331539

Satan and Molech Moloch and Ba'al are ALL the SAME thing:

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View attachment 331546

Where do you get this crazy stuff from? The southern baptist seminary? Jeez. Where is your primitive tribe from?

Here's crazy from you, from your TWISTED rotting brain.

According to YOU women who have a Heterosexual Consensual sexual relationship with a man are basically allowing ourselves to be "raped" and we basically are ONLY common prostitutes:



Not to mention your bizarro perverted obsession with Mike Pence (to you pigpence) and throwing perverted accusations at him AND his wife Karen that have ZERO basis in reality:



Your PERVERTED insane obsession with Conservative Christian Father's BREEDING and GROOMING their Virgin daughters so they can effectively be SOLD off to OLDER men who of course to YOU are ALL paedophiles so they can be raped and we KNOW it is Christian Conservative Fathers you refer to below because there is NO other set of posts by you that fanatically trash OTHER RELIGIONS you ONLY trash Christians and Christianity:


You are LITERALLY so crazy and twisted you DON'T even know the difference between a man and a woman and by your weirdo OBSESSION with defending Transgenders, the question should be ASKED ARE YOU a Transgender? You HATE the penis, so were you BORN male and have now had it cut off and become a Trans-Whatever? I have NEVER read another woman who has so much FEAR and HATE of men and the penis, WTF even Lesbos do NOT HATE men and the penis as FANATICALLY as you do.

Tipsy thinks so:


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was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Our Lord created Man and Woman and the first this was Adam and Eve, Our Lord did NOT create 55 DIFFERENT Genders or whatever stupid and insane number the Athiest Left are now saying that there are.

The 55 DIFFERENT Genders are from Satan, it is Luciferarian and designed like EVERYTHING Satan does to INVERT EVERYTHING Our Lord intended and still intends for this world.

The Athiest Left who are servants of Satan have created a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in real time, but like with the original Sodom and Gomorrah that Our Lord DESTROYED Our Lord's force and spirit will also DESTROY this modern Sodom and Gomorrah and I include in this not ONLY the "all animals unclean" ie. LGBTQ and paedophiles I also include in this the GENOCIDE of Human Sacrifice of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. That WAS seen once before also the Human Sacrificing of the the most innocent and ALSO born children to this Satan:

View attachment 331539

Satan and Molech Moloch and Ba'al are ALL the SAME thing:

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View attachment 331546

Where do you get this crazy stuff from? The southern baptist seminary? Jeez. Where is your primitive tribe from?

Crazy stuff? WHY don't you tell us ALL again about how you consider a woman who has consensual sex with a man is nothing more than a common whore who is allowing herself to be raped? Do you want me to do Screen Shots of your TWISTED VIEWS on consensual Heterosexual Sex AGAIN like I did in a thread the other day? Should I post your word for word TWISTED VIEWS again in THIS thread? What about me also doing Screen Shots of your PERVERTED insane obsession with Conservative Christian Father's GROOMING their OPEN daughters so they can effectively be SOLD off to OLDER men to in your term be RAPED, should I do Screen Shots for this thread also?

You HATE men, you are FRIGHTENED of a penis, obviously you were raped at some point and this has twisted your views on men and their biological parts, no wonder you now just seem to support Faggots and Transgender freaks of nature.

Southern Baptist? Illustrating AGAIN what a low IQ Muppet Troll you are TWICE i already said I am Roman Catholic and there are many threads since the five years I have been at this forum where I have posted about being Roman Catholic.

Why should I a PRACTISING Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord pay ANY attention to a Jesus Christ hating Heathen like YOU. I should NOT.
Lucy. You are nuts. You have completely lost the plot. I am not on your trip. See a therapist.
was it really a donation, or was it REALLY a down payment for future services

Our Lord created Man and Woman and the first this was Adam and Eve, Our Lord did NOT create 55 DIFFERENT Genders or whatever stupid and insane number the Athiest Left are now saying that there are.

The 55 DIFFERENT Genders are from Satan, it is Luciferarian and designed like EVERYTHING Satan does to INVERT EVERYTHING Our Lord intended and still intends for this world.

The Athiest Left who are servants of Satan have created a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah in real time, but like with the original Sodom and Gomorrah that Our Lord DESTROYED Our Lord's force and spirit will also DESTROY this modern Sodom and Gomorrah and I include in this not ONLY the "all animals unclean" ie. LGBTQ and paedophiles I also include in this the GENOCIDE of Human Sacrifice of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb. That WAS seen once before also the Human Sacrificing of the the most innocent and ALSO born children to this Satan:

View attachment 331539

Satan and Molech Moloch and Ba'al are ALL the SAME thing:

View attachment 331545

View attachment 331543

View attachment 331544

View attachment 331547

View attachment 331546

Where do you get this crazy stuff from? The southern baptist seminary? Jeez. Where is your primitive tribe from?

Crazy stuff? WHY don't you tell us ALL again about how you consider a woman who has consensual sex with a man is nothing more than a common whore who is allowing herself to be raped? Do you want me to do Screen Shots of your TWISTED VIEWS on consensual Heterosexual Sex AGAIN like I did in a thread the other day? Should I post your word for word TWISTED VIEWS again in THIS thread? What about me also doing Screen Shots of your PERVERTED insane obsession with Conservative Christian Father's GROOMING their OPEN daughters so they can effectively be SOLD off to OLDER men to in your term be RAPED, should I do Screen Shots for this thread also?

You HATE men, you are FRIGHTENED of a penis, obviously you were raped at some point and this has twisted your views on men and their biological parts, no wonder you now just seem to support Faggots and Transgender freaks of nature.

Southern Baptist? Illustrating AGAIN what a low IQ Muppet Troll you are TWICE i already said I am Roman Catholic and there are many threads since the five years I have been at this forum where I have posted about being Roman Catholic.

Why should I a PRACTISING Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ Our Lord pay ANY attention to a Jesus Christ hating Heathen like YOU. I should NOT.
Lucy. You are nuts. You have completely lost the plot. I am not on your trip. See a therapist.

See a therapist? Mr. Lucy is a Psychiatrist and I just printed off and showed him your INSANE posts that I Screen Shot and he said yes you appear to be fucking crazy and you need professional help and that's from him a Professional Psychiatrist.
helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

Everyone is a sinner.

Yes but but but I always go to Confession like a good girl :smoke:
I am not a Catholic. However, I truly feel for all good Catholic people everywhere who have to suffer with this demon.

It is a very difficult time to be a Roman Catholic, I have had to temp-abandon my Church, I will go for Midnight Mass at Christmas etc, I am now, well as an entire family we now only associate with our own Priest who is a DARLING, he's the one I play Poker with, but he visits and we all have Mass in the house, we have our own Chapel in this house, it was built in the 16th Century by one of my Ancestors, members of my family have lived in this house since the 16th Century and now we live in it with the kidlets and Day Nanny and Night Nanny and others who help us day to day etc My Great-Uncle who is in charge of our family properties gave us this house, this Great-Uncle you might think strange for a Roman Catholic but he is an authority on the Occult and has been friends with Jimmy Page since 1970, I'm sure I might have ONE TIME posted about him and Jimmy Page.

I am rambling sorry, where was I? Oh yes I can not because of The Anti-Pope Francis go into my actual Church because to me this would make me a hypocrite. I pray each night for the death of this Heretic because I WANT to begin going to my Church AGAIN, I WANT a Pope who I can RESPECT and LOVE.

Not the first time this family has had a crisis, my ENTIRE family were AGAINST Vatican II and did NOT like Pope John XXIII because they considered him immoral and he was suspected of being a Freemason and as Conservative Catholics they ALL wanted Cardinal Siri to become The Pope, this was a massive controversy the 1958 Papal Conclave to elect a successor to Pope Venerable Pius XII who Pope John Paul II declared a Servant of God.

helping the SINNERS...good call
helping them woud be sharing the gospel and feeding them; giving them cash and enabling their sinful behavior, not so much
there is no such thing as sin ..it's all made up by man--just like fairytales

I am a Sinner and so are you does not matter if you do not recognise that you are. We are ALL born from Sin and in the final analysis we ALL will Repent of our Sins and hopefully be welcomed home into Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom, those who do NOT Repent of their Sins and especially Repent of their Blasphemy will NOT see Our Lord's face, they will see the face of the Fallen Angel, Satan.
I'm not a sinner

Everyone is a sinner.
I'm not
He doesn't even believe God exists. He can't even define sin

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