Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing?

I agree, Mertex is a partisan hack.
One of my women friends manages a popular pizza/pasta restaurant in Seattle. They have to move personnel around from time to time when an advancement in responsibilities doesn't work out. I don't see why they couldn't have just demoted her to a position with fewer responsibilties. If the issue was an ultimatum that she pay back the cash then I feel she has a definite shot at a wrongful firing.

Maybe she should have paid more attention to the cash removal from the registers but ordering her to pay back the money from a robbery is outrageous.

She should get some of her friends together and picket the joint to run parallel with her wrongful termination suite.
It wouldn't take too long to get a healthy settlement from the company.
By refusing to open the safe, she saved them who knows how much.

It could have ended a lot differently, also, if the robber hadn't been at least partly satisfied with the measly $400, and turned violent.
Popeye's tears up my digestive track. It is like a cleanse so I try to have it no more than once per year.
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.
Pregnant restaurant manager fired after armed robbery

"By the back of my shirt, he pulled me up and he pushed me to the front," she said. "He told me to give him everything out of my safe."
“I told them I'm not paying nothing. I just had a gun to me. I'm not paying the money.”
But the only thing Holcomb could open were the registers. The gunman got away with nearly $400.
After the robbery, Holcomb claimed that one of her managers gave her a choice: Pay the money back or be fired. Less than 36 hours later, she was fired.
"I don't think it's right because now I'm struggling for my family," she said. "What I had to do (was) keep my life."

However, a spokesman in the company's human resources department said Holcomb was fired because she didn't follow company policy, leaving too much money in the cash register. And this wasn't her first offense.

Holcomb said that Tuesday was busy: The restaurant offers a two-piece chicken meal for $1.19, and she moved money into the safe as fast as she could.
"They got what they got because that's what we made within one hour," she said

A manager often has to keep business flowing during a busy period rather than stopping to move cash

I believe insurance should be a better solution.
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

Toddster's so eager to drop to his knees to slob the knob of the corporate cock, he'll take down the messenger who gave him the opportunity too. Another day in Hackistan.
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.

And then she should be given the decision on whether to fire the manager.

She was a manager. She had a responsibility. She failed to fulfill her duties. It wasn't the first time. She was fired for failing to perform her managerial duties.
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.

And then she should be given the decision on whether to fire the manager.

She was a manager. She had a responsibility. She failed to fulfill her duties. It wasn't the first time. She was fired for failing to perform her managerial duties.

uh -- where do you get these ideas?
I don't see anywhere it says she was a manager -- she was fired by a manager. Regardless what her position, do you think her duties included taking a bullet to protect company profits?
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

So, you're going to paint an entire corporation as evil, because one manager is an imbecile. Is that correct?
Gotta love the way the corporate bootlickers all come oozing in to make sure the poor widdle corporation's feelings didn't get hurt.

Pregnant woman held at gunpoint? Fuck her and her unborn, just don't upset the AlmightyCorp.
Oh and now that you have no job you owe us $400 that somebody else took because that's all he could get when you wouldn't open the safe.

Stay classy, corporate hacknoids.
The Popeyes corporation is out $400

They lost much more than that in bad publicity for firing a pregnant manager who risked her life over $400 in the cash register
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.

And then she should be given the decision on whether to fire the manager.

She was a manager. She had a responsibility. She failed to fulfill her duties. It wasn't the first time. She was fired for failing to perform her managerial duties.

How the fuck to you fullfill your managerial duties during a robbery?
What the fuck is that?
She already went way above and beyond the call of duty by not give out the code to the safe.
When a bank is robbed, does the manager have to replace the millions?

Now, put on your thinking cap...
So...this is a perfect way to demonstrate why a free market solution is better than the statist thug method...if you don't like what happened simply tweet, call, or facebook Popeyes corporate head quarters...that should take care of the situation....no goon squad of statist thugs needed to step in....no greedy politician needs to write a new law that they will simply use to get more bribes....

That is how you handle something like this with freedom.......and that is the lesson for you statist thugs for today....
Gotta love the way the corporate bootlickers all come oozing in to make sure the poor widdle corporation's feelings didn't get hurt.

Pregnant woman held at gunpoint? Fuck her and her unborn, just don't upset the AlmightyCorp.
Oh and now that you have no job you owe us $400 that somebody else took because that's all he could get when you wouldn't open the safe.

Stay classy, corporate hacknoids.

And you too are acting like an imbecile.

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