Popular T.V. Series "Days of Our Lives" Gay Character Portrayal Wins Emmy!


More and more, we're seeing gay characters in TV and movies.

Since they make up a portion of the world's population, that's as it should be.

I'm not sure how many Golden Girls episodes Featured Homosexuals and topics surrounding it, but that was um... A Quarter of a Century ago... And it was The Golden Girls.

Get the Fuck over yourselves already. :thup:



More and more, we're seeing gay characters in TV and movies.

Since they make up a portion of the world's population, that's as it should be.

Yes a very small percentage

In 2011 a Gallup poll shows that U.S. adults estimate that
25% of Americans are gay - 52% of American Adults estimate that at least one in five Americans are gay or lesbian - 35% estimate that more than one in four are.
Few put the figure at less than 15%.

The actual number LESS THAN 4% are Gay - That's correct only 1 - 4% of the U.S. population is Gay or Lesbian. Why in Gods name would so many allegedly educated {or indoctrinated as the case may be} and supposedly informed American Adults believe that so very many of their countrymen are homosexuals ? ....Gross over representation and coverage by the Media, both in Entertainment Fiction {Soaps, Sitcoms, Movies..} as well as News coverage.

Gay and Lesbian Media influences
So now they are handing out Emmy's for packing fudge??

Go figure...... :cuckoo: :lol:

They're handing them out for disseminating Big Brothers Pro-Gay propaganda - remember broke back mountain - probably one of that years worst films and the queer mafia loaded it up with citations.

Next - look for them to "OUT" Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang theory
these left-wing losers are so predictable.
it's always the most political ones that get the most accolades from the Left

these left-wingnuts are the Taliban of American political discourse. their ideology infects everything.
they are without humor; slaves to their agenda

More and more, we're seeing gay characters in TV and movies.

Since they make up a portion of the world's population, that's as it should be.

I'm not sure how many Golden Girls episodes Featured Homosexuals and topics surrounding it, but that was um... A Quarter of a Century ago... And it was The Golden Girls.

Get the Fuck over yourselves already. :thup:



That was one of Norman Lears Productions - all he produced was Propaganda , some better than others .

Archie Bunker,Maude, Jeffersons ... all designed to contol the way you think, what you think and who you think it about - a step towards absolute control of the Mass Mind.
So now they are handing out Emmy's for packing fudge??

Go figure...... :cuckoo: :lol:

Why not... Who was the first person to call Sam when he Announced he Fucks Men?...

Barry "Out of the Closet in 2013" Obama, that's who! :rofl:

Who did they cut to on ESPN during the Draft when Sam was picked?...

A Bar full of Fudge Packers. :thup:

What is the President now doing with the Executive Pen?...

Do you think the Gay Men Associated with his Church who Died before Obama's Nomination were a Coincidence now?...

Was Larry Sinclair far off base?... Imagine if Obama would have been this Outwardly and Activist Pro-Gay in 2007 and 2008 when Liberal California was Voting Against Gay Marriage.

This President's Legacy is Gay... Literally.

It's just too bad he and the Left couldn't be Honest about their Intentions.

But then again, they are Inherently Dishonest People by Nature.


So, is there just one Emmy for gay guys, or are there both a Best Pitcher Emmy and a Best Catcher Emmy? Really two different skills involved so I hope they're not discriminating against one or the other.
So now they are handing out Emmy's for packing fudge??

Go figure...... :cuckoo: :lol:

Why not... Who was the first person to call Sam when he Announced he Fucks Men?...

Barry "Out of the Closet in 2013" Obama, that's who! :rofl:

Who did they cut to on ESPN during the Draft when Sam was picked?...

A Bar full of Fudge Packers. :thup:

What is the President now doing with the Executive Pen?...

Do you think the Gay Men Associated with his Church who Died before Obama's Nomination were a Coincidence now?...

Was Larry Sinclair far off base?... Imagine if Obama would have been this Outwardly and Activist Pro-Gay in 2007 and 2008 when Liberal California was Voting Against Gay Marriage.

This President's Legacy is Gay... Literally.

It's just too bad he and the Left couldn't be Honest about their Intentions.

But then again, they are Inherently Dishonest People by Nature.



It's NOT just about getting their point of view across - and ramming their societal mental programming into the Mass Mind - it's also about suppressing all oppossing views

Last Year A Religious group known as Focus on the Family was trying to release a movie in theaters entitled Irreplaceable which presents their views of the value of the traditional family, and dares to suggest the importance of fathers being involved in the lives of their children. I can't comment reliably on the entertainment value or worthiness of the film , as I haven't seen it, and if the Gay Mafia has their way I will never have the opportunity - nor will you.

LGBT advocates, pawns of the Gay Mafia, launched an intensive campaign to discredit the movie online. The Campaign to shut the Movie Down are being coordinated on Facebook, Twitter and a Change.org petition begun by a gay teacher from California. They have petitioned against it and are working vigorously to ensure that Irreplaceable is never seen in local theaters. The President of Focus on Family, Jim Daly reported that some of the more than 700 theaters nationwide scheduled to show the film are backing out under pressure from the Gay Mafia. [See Gay mafia' attacks Focus on the Family movie]

More and more, we're seeing gay characters in TV and movies.

Since they make up a portion of the world's population, that's as it should be.

I'm not sure how many Golden Girls episodes Featured Homosexuals and topics surrounding it, but that was um... A Quarter of a Century ago... And it was The Golden Girls.

Get the Fuck over yourselves already. :thup:



mal watched The Golden Girls


More and more, we're seeing gay characters in TV and movies.

Since they make up a portion of the world's population, that's as it should be.

I'm not sure how many Golden Girls episodes Featured Homosexuals and topics surrounding it, but that was um... A Quarter of a Century ago... And it was The Golden Girls.

Get the Fuck over yourselves already. :thup:



mal watched The Golden Girls


Watched?... Bitch I still watch it. :thup:


CONGRATULATIONS to Chandler Massey for his portrayal of Will Horton on "Days of Our Lives" and for his winning the EMMY for his performance!! It is a great soap-opera t.v.series that is really *with* the times as should be!

Chandler Massey wins third Daytime Emmy for portrayal of gay character on US soap | Gay Star News

You weren't excited by the first two wins? Or you weren't a member of a political message board when that happened?

Third time really isn't as big a deal as the first, in my opinion. But hey, the story provides you with a means to poke a few homophobic conservatives, good for you!

Oh, and congratulations to Mr. Massey. I bet he doesn't win it next year...
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CONGRATULATIONS to Chandler Massey for his portrayal of Will Horton on "Days of Our Lives" and for his winning the EMMY for his performance!! It is a great soap-opera t.v.series that is really *with* the times as should be!

Chandler Massey wins third Daytime Emmy for portrayal of gay character on US soap | Gay Star News

You weren't excited by the first two wins? Or you weren't a member of a political message board when that happened?

** = PoliticalTorch's comments.

** Of course I was excited by his previous wins only this time they have included a great YouTube Video showing the actual scene of the Gay wedding! That's what makes it so much more special!

Third time really isn't as big a deal as the first, in my opinion. But hey, the story provides you with a means to poke a few homophobic conservatives, good for you!

** Third time's a charm! And thanks for the high-five on "poking" some homophobic conservatives, I'm sure they love it! :badgrin:

Oh, and congratulations to Mr. Massey. I bet he doesn't win it next year...
Well not for his character in "Days of Our Lives" anyway since he is no longer working with that soap-opera. He quit some time back and was replaced by Guy Wilson who now plays the part of Will Horton on 'Days'. He is the blond guy you can see getting married in the YouTube video to Sonny.

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