Pornography/Censorship: Dialing the Devil


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern age is about media and communications, which is why intelligibility, tech-reliability, and verbal hygiene are considered so valuable.

No one wants to be overloaded with spam, viruses, or slang in this age of network-driven 'language.' Heck, business even runs on Twitter now...

So how should we measure the valuation of pornography in a time when verbal cleanliness, censorship, and racism-terminology seem so darn important? After all, media has enabled much easier access to intellectual properties, including Playboy.

Does all this 'socialization swordsmanship' remind you of The Devil's Advocate or something?



A journalist named Jimmy was fascinated with painting portraits of typewriters. Jimmy worked for the Daily, a Washington gazette, and would sometimes complement his submissions with his nifty paintings of typewriters. You see, Jimmy was interested in the 'aesthetics' of communication and why the typewriter reminded people of the modern world of the developed sociological appreciation of communication/transcription technologies/devices such as Twitter, SMS, and FaceTime.


As we might expect from an idealistic journalist meditating about communication and networking technologies, Jimmy was fascinated also by the 'art' of pornography and why Playboy magazine symbolized an American interest in the 'aesthetics' of self-presentation voyeurism. After all, countless people (even some celebrities) logged onto Internet chat-rooms and used identity-masking aliases or 'avatars' while conversing with others (who did likewise) about secret daydreams. This was the era of good feelings but also the age of communication archaeology. Jimmy was therefore a big fan of Playboy.


A new Marvel Comics super-villain caught Jimmy's attention in the summer of 2018. This villain, known as the Red Goblin, was a hybrid creature comprised of an alien morphing substance known as the Symbiote and the serum-mutated terrorist known as the Goblin. Red Goblin symbolized mischief and malice, and Jimmy appreciated how the creature/entity tapped into new age fears regarding self-presentation unintelligibility (e.g., linguistic deformities). Was Red Goblin a potential 'anarchy-diplomat' of modernism pornography/censorship debates? He did, after all, inspire discussions about the 'ugliness' of brutal honesty. The Red Goblin resembled the Devil.


A Catholic nun who liked Jimmy's contributions to the Washington Daily decided to submit her own editorial about the value/virtue of communication and hence journalism in this new age of networking and traffic (and email!). This nun, Eileen, wanted to debate with Jimmy about the weight of pornography/censorship in this new 'social context' of hygiene-conscious networking evaluations (e.g., peer-edited websites such as Wikipedia; invitation-based networking site such as Facebook). Eileen also liked Jimmy's newest painting of a Red Goblin (Marvel Comics) insignia modern typewriter.


JIMMY: Thanks for your interest, Sister Eileen!
EILEEN: Your submissions to the Daily are quite symbolic.
JIMMY: So, you're a fan of Red Goblin (Marvel Comics)?
EILEEN: Well, I appreciate how that 'creature' represents modern 'fashion consciousness.'
JIMMY: Yes, Red Goblin symbolizes new age 'network hygiene' art.
EILEEN: He's sort of like Godzilla or Pee-Wee Herman.
JIMMY: That's correct; Red Goblin reveals our new interests in self-presentation hygiene.
EILEEN: He sure is grotesque!
JIMMY: Of course he is; people today care about spam, slang, and slander clean-up.
EILEEN: There sure is a lot of spam on the Internet.
JIMMY: Which is why we are constantly thinking about censors and cleaners.
EILEEN: There's a difference between hygiene and censorship, no?
JIMMY: Of course.
EILEEN: That's what drew me to your work on the Daily; you seem to care about ethics.
JIMMY: I do care; Red Goblin is to Playboy what King Kong was to Harper's Bazaar!
EILEEN: Yes, the 'aesthetics' of permissible imagery has changed radically.
JIMMY: Media has made network-etiquette much more...eclectic.
EILEEN: Eclectic but also more profane, no?
JIMMY: That's why censors evaluate the contours of Playboy and comic books now.
EILEEN: We have to literally 'watch what we think' (online, on TV, etc.)!
JIMMY: The contours of pornography/censorship are so crazy, we think of the Devil.
EILEEN: In Christian mythos, the Devil (Lucifer/Satan) is a totem of heresy.
JIMMY: God bless America!


I love our modern Information Age where I can practice, not judging women by the clothes they don't wear on the Internet, and try to port it to real life whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.

I try to be, Social in gender relations.
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.

As long as they can assemble IKEA furniture, that'll do for me. :04:
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.

As long as they can assemble IKEA furniture, that'll do for me. :04:
I can assemble IKEA furniture and remodel the house around it :)
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.

As long as they can assemble IKEA furniture, that'll do for me. :04:
I can assemble IKEA furniture and remodel the house around it :)

Can you put up bookshelves and curtain rails?
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.

As long as they can assemble IKEA furniture, that'll do for me. :04:
I can assemble IKEA furniture and remodel the house around it :)

Can you put up bookshelves and curtain rails?
Psh, I just built a custom built-in bookshelf at my house
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.

As long as they can assemble IKEA furniture, that'll do for me. :04:
I can assemble IKEA furniture and remodel the house around it :)

Can you put up bookshelves and curtain rails?
Psh, I just built a custom built-in bookshelf at my house


I like those Billy bookshelves from IKEA.
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
yet, there are nice guys; and, how many guys, can find women who try to convince us they are nice girls, for a few months.
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
yet, there are nice guys; and, how many guys, can find women who try to convince us they are nice girls, for a few months.

Be nice, but be your own man and don’t be a pussy.

Good luck, kid.

Hope you get laid.
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
yet, there are nice guys; and, how many guys, can find women who try to convince us they are nice girls, for a few months.

Be nice, but be your own man and don’t be a pussy.

Good luck, kid.

Hope you get laid.
thanks. i will, eventually. i hope to let Capital, do the "heavy lifting" for me under our form of Capitalism.
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
yet, there are nice guys; and, how many guys, can find women who try to convince us they are nice girls, for a few months.

Be nice, but be your own man and don’t be a pussy.

Good luck, kid.

Hope you get laid.
thanks. i will, eventually. i hope to let Capital, do the "heavy lifting" for me under our form of Capitalism.
So, you’re going to buy some sex? Well, it is the world’s oldest profession. Just don’t go for the $20 bargain. Save up and get a decent piece.

Or ask out a nice girl to dinner :dunno:
Where are the nice girls who really just want a nice boyfriend to lean on, even if only for a little while?
hace twerk bien sabroso(se desnuda) video caliente de mi ex
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
yet, there are nice guys; and, how many guys, can find women who try to convince us they are nice girls, for a few months.

Be nice, but be your own man and don’t be a pussy.

Good luck, kid.

Hope you get laid.
thanks. i will, eventually. i hope to let Capital, do the "heavy lifting" for me under our form of Capitalism.
So, you’re going to buy some sex? Well, it is the world’s oldest profession. Just don’t go for the $20 bargain. Save up and get a decent piece.

Or ask out a nice girl to dinner :dunno:
i can't believe how quickly my post on Craigslist was taken down. It is almost, like modern women with high numbers and Plenty of practice, hate casual practice sessions regarding full body massage.
Women don’t want the nice guy. They don’t want a complete asshole either. You need to show them that you’re independent, confident and not a pushover. But you also need to show them respect. It’s a balancing act. For example: you’ve convinced a girl to go out on a date. Don’t ask where she’d like to go; tell her you know of a good place and you’ve made reservations (or it’s the type of place that doesn’t take reservations). Or just keep it casual the first time. Meet for coffee or an adult beverage. Go for a walk. Whatever. But wherever you go, don’t talk about yourself too much; ask about her; be confident; and for gods sake, don’t whine (women hate whiners — don’t you?).

In summary: Be confident without being a dick. Be nice without being a pussy. Show interest in them beyond sex.
yet, there are nice guys; and, how many guys, can find women who try to convince us they are nice girls, for a few months.

Be nice, but be your own man and don’t be a pussy.

Good luck, kid.

Hope you get laid.
thanks. i will, eventually. i hope to let Capital, do the "heavy lifting" for me under our form of Capitalism.
So, you’re going to buy some sex? Well, it is the world’s oldest profession. Just don’t go for the $20 bargain. Save up and get a decent piece.

Or ask out a nice girl to dinner :dunno:
i can't believe how quickly my post on Craigslist was taken down. It is almost, like modern women with high numbers and Plenty of practice, hate casual practice sessions regarding full body massage.
Craigslist cracks down on that now. Try Doublelist.

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