Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Demands a Meeting With DHS Officials to Negotiate a ‘Cease-fire’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Demands a Meeting With DHS Officials to Negotiate a ‘Cease-fire’

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s progressive delusions seem to have gotten worse since he was tear-gassed while being at the riot as other rioters were trying to set fire to the federal courthouse.
Wheeler now wants to talk with the DHS about negotiating a “ceasefire” and the removal of increased federal law enforcement agents from Portland.
So, the man who let the anarchists get out of hand for the past 60 days, who has done nothing substantial to curtail their attacks on the federal courthouse and federal agents, seems to be negotiating the “war” on their behalf, seemingly asking the federal government to give in to the terrorism that has been going on for weeks by leaving.
So, here’s the thing. Unless he actually is representing the terrorists, how can he negotiate a “ceasefire?” Also, interesting choice of language: he’s basically admitting they are attacking the United States.
The radical anarchists are the ones attacking, the feds are only responding. You can’t end a “war” if only one side concedes. The feds aren’t conceding the rule of the law, which is represented by their presence and the courthouse, especially in the absence of the failure to maintain the rule of law by the local politicians like Wheeler and Commissioner Hardesty. It’s the radical anarchists who have to stop attacking or all be arrested.
What would be precious is seeing Ted pitch that idea to the rioters and see what their response to him is. Something tells me he isn’t going to get the reaction he wants.

I would prefer if Director Wolf uses the word General McCauliffe used during the Battle of the Bulge -- "Nuts". I would reply with my own terms... "Unconditional Surrender" of the terrorists.
Wheeler claims he negotiates for the terrorists/anarchists after he tried to talk to them and go booed and told to leave the area, and was chased out. But now he says targeting the complicit media that he can negotiate for them.
One would say that Taylor is a spokesman and part of the terrorist anarchists.
The leftist loser of a mayor needs to be arrested before being deported to Venezuela. What an absolute ideological Commie Putz.
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Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Demands a Meeting With DHS Officials to Negotiate a ‘Cease-fire’

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s progressive delusions seem to have gotten worse since he was tear-gassed while being at the riot as other rioters were trying to set fire to the federal courthouse.
Wheeler now wants to talk with the DHS about negotiating a “ceasefire” and the removal of increased federal law enforcement agents from Portland.
So, the man who let the anarchists get out of hand for the past 60 days, who has done nothing substantial to curtail their attacks on the federal courthouse and federal agents, seems to be negotiating the “war” on their behalf, seemingly asking the federal government to give in to the terrorism that has been going on for weeks by leaving.
So, here’s the thing. Unless he actually is representing the terrorists, how can he negotiate a “ceasefire?” Also, interesting choice of language: he’s basically admitting they are attacking the United States.
The radical anarchists are the ones attacking, the feds are only responding. You can’t end a “war” if only one side concedes. The feds aren’t conceding the rule of the law, which is represented by their presence and the courthouse, especially in the absence of the failure to maintain the rule of law by the local politicians like Wheeler and Commissioner Hardesty. It’s the radical anarchists who have to stop attacking or all be arrested.
What would be precious is seeing Ted pitch that idea to the rioters and see what their response to him is. Something tells me he isn’t going to get the reaction he wants.

I would prefer if Director Wolf uses the word General McCauliffe used during the Battle of the Bulge -- "Nuts". I would reply with my own terms... "Unconditional Surrender" of the terrorists.
Wheeler claims he negotiates for the terrorists/anarchists after he tried to talk to them and go booed and told to leave the area, and was chased out. But now he says targeting the complicit media that he can negotiate for them.
One would say that Taylor is a spokesman and part of the terrorist anarchists.
The leftist loser of a mayor needs to be arrested before being deported to Venezuela. What an absolute ideological Commie Putz.

I don't understand Mayor Wheeler's position here. Isn't he supposed to be the commander in chief of the Portland PD? Where are the cops in all of this? Are the cops fighting the terrorists, or are they fighting the Federal Government?
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Demands a Meeting With DHS Officials to Negotiate a ‘Cease-fire’

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s progressive delusions seem to have gotten worse since he was tear-gassed while being at the riot as other rioters were trying to set fire to the federal courthouse.
Wheeler now wants to talk with the DHS about negotiating a “ceasefire” and the removal of increased federal law enforcement agents from Portland.
So, the man who let the anarchists get out of hand for the past 60 days, who has done nothing substantial to curtail their attacks on the federal courthouse and federal agents, seems to be negotiating the “war” on their behalf, seemingly asking the federal government to give in to the terrorism that has been going on for weeks by leaving.
So, here’s the thing. Unless he actually is representing the terrorists, how can he negotiate a “ceasefire?” Also, interesting choice of language: he’s basically admitting they are attacking the United States.
The radical anarchists are the ones attacking, the feds are only responding. You can’t end a “war” if only one side concedes. The feds aren’t conceding the rule of the law, which is represented by their presence and the courthouse, especially in the absence of the failure to maintain the rule of law by the local politicians like Wheeler and Commissioner Hardesty. It’s the radical anarchists who have to stop attacking or all be arrested.
What would be precious is seeing Ted pitch that idea to the rioters and see what their response to him is. Something tells me he isn’t going to get the reaction he wants.

I would prefer if Director Wolf uses the word General McCauliffe used during the Battle of the Bulge -- "Nuts". I would reply with my own terms... "Unconditional Surrender" of the terrorists.
Wheeler claims he negotiates for the terrorists/anarchists after he tried to talk to them and go booed and told to leave the area, and was chased out. But now he says targeting the complicit media that he can negotiate for them.
One would say that Taylor is a spokesman and part of the terrorist anarchists.
The leftist loser of a mayor needs to be arrested before being deported to Venezuela. What an absolute ideological Commie Putz.

You do not negotiate with Terrorists, this is with either International Terrorists or Domestic Terrorists, you should not agree to ANY ceasefire and you should DEMAND they give up EVERYTHING and it's ALL on YOUR terms and they get ZERO if they do not agree then you go in in MASSIVE FORCE and DESTROY them.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Demands a Meeting With DHS Officials to Negotiate a ‘Cease-fire’

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s progressive delusions seem to have gotten worse since he was tear-gassed while being at the riot as other rioters were trying to set fire to the federal courthouse.
Wheeler now wants to talk with the DHS about negotiating a “ceasefire” and the removal of increased federal law enforcement agents from Portland.
So, the man who let the anarchists get out of hand for the past 60 days, who has done nothing substantial to curtail their attacks on the federal courthouse and federal agents, seems to be negotiating the “war” on their behalf, seemingly asking the federal government to give in to the terrorism that has been going on for weeks by leaving.
So, here’s the thing. Unless he actually is representing the terrorists, how can he negotiate a “ceasefire?” Also, interesting choice of language: he’s basically admitting they are attacking the United States.
The radical anarchists are the ones attacking, the feds are only responding. You can’t end a “war” if only one side concedes. The feds aren’t conceding the rule of the law, which is represented by their presence and the courthouse, especially in the absence of the failure to maintain the rule of law by the local politicians like Wheeler and Commissioner Hardesty. It’s the radical anarchists who have to stop attacking or all be arrested.
What would be precious is seeing Ted pitch that idea to the rioters and see what their response to him is. Something tells me he isn’t going to get the reaction he wants.

I would prefer if Director Wolf uses the word General McCauliffe used during the Battle of the Bulge -- "Nuts". I would reply with my own terms... "Unconditional Surrender" of the terrorists.
Wheeler claims he negotiates for the terrorists/anarchists after he tried to talk to them and go booed and told to leave the area, and was chased out. But now he says targeting the complicit media that he can negotiate for them.
One would say that Taylor is a spokesman and part of the terrorist anarchists.
The leftist loser of a mayor needs to be arrested before being deported to Venezuela. What an absolute ideological Commie Putz.

I don't understand Mayor Wheeler's position here. Isn't he supposed to be the commander in chief of the Portland PD? Where are the cops in all of this? Are the cops fighting the terrorists, or are they fighting the Federal Government?

Maybe Director Wolf could meet with Wheeler after Taylor's arrest and detention in Gitmo for insurrection, sedition and fomenting riots? I’m sure they would have plenty of time to chat then.
This candy ass dipshit truely does not know who the enemy is.

He should be considered part of the enemy as he has been the one protecting them AND enabling them. I saw footage of him literally standing in the middle of the Antifa/BLM filth, showing them he was supporting them or whatever.
LOL arrest the criminal piece of shit on terrorism charges. These narcissistic arrogant buffoons like Teddy Boy need to be deported, not negotiated with. He really thinks he's important, when his own mobs don't pay any attention to him just what is the point of negotiating with the moron??? The mob isn't going to stop for him.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Demands a Meeting With DHS Officials to Negotiate a ‘Cease-fire’

28 Jul 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s progressive delusions seem to have gotten worse since he was tear-gassed while being at the riot as other rioters were trying to set fire to the federal courthouse.
Wheeler now wants to talk with the DHS about negotiating a “ceasefire” and the removal of increased federal law enforcement agents from Portland.
So, the man who let the anarchists get out of hand for the past 60 days, who has done nothing substantial to curtail their attacks on the federal courthouse and federal agents, seems to be negotiating the “war” on their behalf, seemingly asking the federal government to give in to the terrorism that has been going on for weeks by leaving.
So, here’s the thing. Unless he actually is representing the terrorists, how can he negotiate a “ceasefire?” Also, interesting choice of language: he’s basically admitting they are attacking the United States.
The radical anarchists are the ones attacking, the feds are only responding. You can’t end a “war” if only one side concedes. The feds aren’t conceding the rule of the law, which is represented by their presence and the courthouse, especially in the absence of the failure to maintain the rule of law by the local politicians like Wheeler and Commissioner Hardesty. It’s the radical anarchists who have to stop attacking or all be arrested.
What would be precious is seeing Ted pitch that idea to the rioters and see what their response to him is. Something tells me he isn’t going to get the reaction he wants.

I would prefer if Director Wolf uses the word General McCauliffe used during the Battle of the Bulge -- "Nuts". I would reply with my own terms... "Unconditional Surrender" of the terrorists.
Wheeler claims he negotiates for the terrorists/anarchists after he tried to talk to them and go booed and told to leave the area, and was chased out. But now he says targeting the complicit media that he can negotiate for them.
One would say that Taylor is a spokesman and part of the terrorist anarchists.
The leftist loser of a mayor needs to be arrested before being deported to Venezuela. What an absolute ideological Commie Putz.

I don't understand Mayor Wheeler's position here. Isn't he supposed to be the commander in chief of the Portland PD? Where are the cops in all of this? Are the cops fighting the terrorists, or are they fighting the Federal Government?

Maybe Director Wolf could meet with Wheeler after Taylor's arrest and detention in Gitmo for insurrection, sedition and fomenting riots? I’m sure they would have plenty of time to chat then.

This Portland Mayor who has been protecting and enabling the feral mob, when he was out in the middle of them the other night as a show of how he was supporting them, they then turned on him and were screaming abuse at him and demanding he resign.

These Democrats are total morons, they think the general feral mob actually support them because the general feral mob hate Donald Trump also, what the Democrats fail to notice is that the general feral mob hates THEM now as well.

What they now have is a classic Frankenstein Scenario, the monster THEY have helped to create and have protected and enabled is now turning on THEM. Of course anyone with half a brain knew this would happen, the Democrats were the only ones who didn't see this happening because they are COMPLETELY consumed with 24/7 Trump Derangement Syndrome to the exclusion of EVERYTHING else.

Now they are attempting to put the Genie back into the bottle, which of course is impossible as it's gone Rogue and is out of their control and also basically out of control of even itself.
Is the Portland mayor acting on behalf of the anarchist rabble? What about the law abiding citizens?

He seems to be acting only on behalf of the anarchist rabble. The law abiding citizens he probably considers the actual terrorists.
LOL arrest the criminal piece of shit on terrorism charges. These narcissistic arrogant buffoons like Teddy Boy need to be deported, not negotiated with. He really thinks he's important, when his own mobs don't pay any attention to him just what is the point of negotiating with the moron??? The mob isn't going to stop for him.
This is what happens when weak politicians side with rioters, looters, arsonist, and anarchist over their own police, and the law abiding citizenry. This is what happens when cowards are elected to prominant position's in which they should have never been elected to.
This is the way the bad guy's were dealt with in WW2.

Best be glad the nation has become a more tolerant nation like it has become over the years or we could be witnessing this very thing once again.

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