Portland OR Reaping the Fruits of Leftardism

Where are we headed with 2 generations of apathetic leftist drones?

Not to a good place, I'll guarantee that.
Accuse police of hunting minority’s and attack them for every action has results.

Nobody wants to risk their lives for such vermin. 120 vacancies in the Portland PD.

Call a Leftard next time you need a cop.

Portland Police Bureau struggling to fill vacant positions
The fucking mayor makes the cops stand down whenever Patriot Prayer is in town, and they allow antifa to attack them, or anybody else who has a freedom of speech event.

And very few real cops are interested in taking people's guns from them.

Add to that, people are running from the state as fast as they can. I know three families, long time Oregonians, who are splitting as soon as they can get it together and get out.
Accuse police of hunting minority’s and attack them for every action has results.

Nobody wants to risk their lives for such vermin. 120 vacancies in the Portland PD.

Call a Leftard next time you need a cop.

Portland Police Bureau struggling to fill vacant positions
The fucking mayor makes the cops stand down whenever Patriot Prayer is in town, and they allow antifa to attack them, or anybody else who has a freedom of speech event.

And very few real cops are interested in taking people's guns from them.

Add to that, people are running from the state as fast as they can. I know three families, long time Oregonians, who are splitting as soon as they can get it together and get out.
Agreed. It’s California Jr with taxpayers fleeing.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to be a cop in a city whose elected officials throws them under the bus continually.
Antifa should be declared domestic terrorists which is exactly what they are.

Portland will have a hard time filling 120 slots for officers. No police officer I know, and I work with 44, would work in that city under those conditions.

Hope the people living there have guns because they sure as hell will need em.
It's now a contest between SanFrancisco and Portland as to the which city is the preeminent shithole in America!:bye1:
Wonderful, I personally love it when bad things happen to Portland because that's where my overspoiled, overpampered, overprivilged, overindulged spoiled, leftist punk of my younger brother and his Gwyneth-Paltrow-clone of a wife live. Both of whom are utterly devoted to making America a muslim country. He's such a disgusting leftist who's been pussywhipped by his leftist, fanatically Islam-loving wife, that failure of manhood has his balls and brains in his leftist wife's purse. I hope my sister-in-law gets raped by a muslim - that's how devoted that bitch is to Islam over all other considerations and everyone else. I've had lots of heated arguments about Pisslam with my spoiled-brat-pusswhip brother and he still can't give me one single logical reason why America should import large amounts of muslims.
The fucking mayor makes the cops stand down whenever Patriot Prayer is in town, and they allow antifa to attack them, or anybody else who has a freedom of speech event.

And very few real cops are interested in taking people's guns from them.

Add to that, people are running from the state as fast as they can. I know three families, long time Oregonians, who are splitting as soon as they can get it together and get out.
Portland is a joke, but not a funny one. Leftist criminals are protected by police. The mayor is an idiot.
Another formerly decent city fucked up by the disease of liberalism.

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