Portland police chief says officers won't intervene to protect residents from Antifa rioters

If they won't protect people from rioters then they should resign from duty.

If the police won't protect people then I sincerely hope that people will shoot antifa members dead if they are assualted, made to feel unsafe, attacked or anything.

Antifa needs to die.

BLM needs to shouted down and run out of town.

And America haters need a slap in the face.
Gee, if this were some right wing group, they'd be out there cracking heads. I guess this means that the police there are worthless, don't do their jobs, aren't worth paying for, and the Proud Boys and other groups ought to just go down to the police station there and simply do like BLM did last year, just take it over, rout the place, and destroy it. Empty it out of the worthless public donut-eating employees.

The police aren't allowed to do their job. The mayor and the city council has repeatedly restricted the weapons they are allowed to use and given them insane R.O.E., and most recently arrested a cop for shoving a "protestor".

The force is hamstrung and understaffed and unable to hire people because no one in their right mind would work there.
When have the Proud Boys ever attacked "residents"? They only fight ANTIFA. :cuckoo:
They are a gang. In the US, we don't do gangs. proud boys, crips, whatever. You want to present this proud-boy gang as representing good solid Americans. They don't. They are filth. They are part of the criminal element.
They are a gang. In the US, we don't do gangs. proud boys, crips, whatever. You want to present this proud-boy gang as representing good solid Americans. They don't. They are filth. They are part of the criminal element.

You are a liar. You lie because they are good solid Americans and you hate them for that.
They are a gang. In the US, we don't do gangs. proud boys, crips, whatever. You want to present this proud-boy gang as representing good solid Americans. They don't. They are filth. They are part of the criminal element.
As is antifa and blm.
They are a gang. In the US, we don't do gangs. proud boys, crips, whatever. You want to present this proud-boy gang as representing good solid Americans. They don't. They are filth. They are part of the criminal element.
Crips attack people indescriminently, they sell drugs, they rob their fellow citizens and they murder thousands annually. Why are you comparing the Proud Boys to these gangs?
You are a liar. You lie because they are good solid Americans and you hate them for that.
How do you say that these thugs are good solid Americans? There are good, solid Americans of each gender, skin colors, ethnic backgrounds, faiths, sexual orientations, backgrounds. I prefer to be American Solid.
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How do you say that these thugs are good solid Americans? There are good, solid Americans of each gender, skin colors, ethnic backgrounds, faiths, sexual orientations, backgrounds. I prefer to be American Solid.
They protect people from ANTIFA, who has been committing wide spread assaults againt conservatives all over the nation for years.
Marching for Free Speech and defending yourself when attacked, is not being a thug.

That you don't know that, is about you being a bad person.
I have marched carrying a sign to further my cause. Not armed. No guns. Never attacked anyone with my fists. A person who appears on an American street carrying a loaded firearm is a hoodlum, gangster, gangbanger. Do not attack others and then claim that you were only defending yourself.
Well. I guess he like many of us felt the best solution was for the two opposing extremists to kill each other off. Shame they didn’t. Next time I suppose.
I have marched carrying a sign to further my cause. Not armed. No guns. Never attacked anyone with my fists. A person who appears on an American street carrying a loaded firearm is a hoodlum, gangster, gangbanger. Do not attack others and then claim that you were only defending yourself.

WOW. I make a point about how the Proud Boys s.o.p. is to march and when attacked, defend themselves.

Your response indicates that you either completely were unable to grasp that simple concept or just choose to lie.

Which is it? Are you stupid beyond belief, or just a liar?

Moot question I guess, you are a liberal. Back to the point.

You marched, carrying a sign and no one attacked you. That is the way it used to be.

Today, conservatives such as the Proud Boys, march, and they are attacked by people from your side and thus they defend themselves.

The difference is today, your side has become thugs and are now using violence to suppress the speech of your enemies.

You are the bad guys.
WOW. I make a point about how the Proud Boys s.o.p. is to march and when attacked, defend themselves.

Your response indicates that you either completely were unable to grasp that simple concept or just choose to lie.

Which is it? Are you stupid beyond belief, or just a liar?

Moot question I guess, you are a liberal. Back to the point.
a sign and no one attacked you. That is the way it used to be.

Today, conservatives such as the Proud Boys, march, and they are attacked by people from your side and thus they defend themselves.

The difference is today, your side has become thugs and are now using violence to suppress the speech of your enemies.

You are the bad guys.

The proud boys have shown themselves to be hoodlums, thugs, and, frankly, white trash. They accost people on the street, attack people, steal people's things. There is a video of them approaching some people. One woman said that she had taken her bike down to see what the fuss was and that she was confronted in a public park by proud boys who tried to order her around as if they were the police. Private citizens ordering other private citizens around? NO WAY. NO F**KING WAY!
Antifa and burn loot murder controlled Portland

This is the courthouse, or what was the courthouse.

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