Portland Rapid Response Team Resigns Ahead of Upcoming Riots

Do you support "defunding the police" and removing legal protections from the police?

  • Yes, the fewer cops on the streets the better

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • No, I support the police, they have a very difficult job to do

    Votes: 13 81.3%

  • Total voters
Spoiled brats, not tough enough too handle the job they volunteered for.
It seems they are supporting a fellow volunteer. The city of Portland isn't looking out for the city's best interests, then what is the point?

Maybe the mayor, city council and prosecutors office should go out with the volunteers during a riot and see what is really going on?

Why don't you get the training and volunteer?
I have this problem of being able to walk more than one hundred feet or stand more than ten minutes at a time or I'd train them myself.
Sure you would, you are just making excuses you coward.
Denigrating someone who actually served in the military. Typical trump cultist.
So he got his injuries from a war? I didn't know he served. Prove I'm a Trump cultist.
Oh hun, you prove it almost every time you sycophantically post. :heehee:
So again, you have nothing. Thanks for posting your usual lies and hate.
Chauvin was in the wrong. He went too far,
I agree

But after 12 years of lib riots all over America based on false accusations of racism by the time chauvin came along I just dont care anymore

If it were up to me I’d release him from jail tomorrow if he promises not to do it again
I have trouble excusing wrongs. Always have, my parents always told me two wrongs don't make it right. The issue for me was Chauvin put all the good police officers under a microscope. Police already have a tough enough job without a bad one making it worse.
Gotta love it

Did they resign from the force or just from that special unit like what happened in Buffalo after they were held responsible for pushing down that elderly man?
Just the special unit. They are still on the force and can still be deployed. In other words, "resigning" was largely symbolic.

On Wednesday night, just hours after the Multnomah County district attorney announced the indictment, the roughly 50 colleagues who had served with Officer Budworth on the unit voted to leave the squad, known as the Rapid Response Team, Deputy Chief Chris Davis said on Thursday. He said the officers would remain on regular patrol and could still be deployed to respond to protests.
Chauvin was in the wrong. He went too far,
I agree

But after 12 years of lib riots all over America based on false accusations of racism by the time chauvin came along I just dont care anymore

If it were up to me I’d release him from jail tomorrow if he promises not to do it again
I have trouble excusing wrongs. Always have, my parents always told me two wrongs don't make it right. The issue for me was Chauvin put all the good police officers under a microscope. Police already have a tough enough job without a bad one making it worse.
Be all that as it may be, as I said I am burned out on black rage just as so many parts of American cities are burned out by Black Lies Matter
Spoiled brats, not tough enough too handle the job they volunteered for.

Who the hell can afford to possibly defend Fake Criminal charges that can be levied?

Resigning and backing away from such a risky situation is actually a smart and considerate idea, the officers are thinking about their family's future. They are counting on using their nest egg to pay their children's tuition and orthodontic bills, or retire. Not enrich some lawyer because of fake charges levied by a whining liberal DA at the behest of a rioter.
Yes, if the going gets tough, run away, don't suck it up and continue...The cops are wimps unlike the military which do or die...
Hell you fukterds hate the military when it is politically to your favor. You live by that rule
I am a two timer, I have two honorable discharges from the army, now sell your lies to someone else who is as stupid as you is.
Stupid as I "Is". I'm sure you were tops in your special needs classes.....Stupid as I is.....................LOLOLOL
I was a specialist in the army that is for sure, I am sorry you were a bolo. Cops need to stop being pampered and get tough or they will continue to get their asses handed to them. It's all about the discipline and control.

Police officers need to learn how to avoid trouble and ugly situations. If Officer Chauvin would have had the foresight to tell the storekeep complaining about George Floyd passing fake twenties to "call the Secret Service, counterfeit money isn't part of the responsibilities of the Minneapolis PD", he'd still be a free man today enjoying donuts and coffee at the local Krispy Kreme.

Don’t blame them for doing this like I have said before I don’t know why anyone would want to be a cop in this environment.
Spoiled brats, not tough enough too handle the job they volunteered for.
It seems they are supporting a fellow volunteer. The city of Portland isn't looking out for the city's best interests, then what is the point?

Maybe the mayor, city council and prosecutors office should go out with the volunteers during a riot and see what is really going on?

Why don't you get the training and volunteer?
I have this problem of being able to walk more than one hundred feet or stand more than ten minutes at a time or I'd train them myself.
Sure you would, you are just making excuses you coward.
Oh my, now you like to pick on gimps..
You are the one touting how the job is to tough for them to handle. Not me, I say if you want to volunteer fine and thank you, if you don't then you don't no big deal.

I respect those doing a job I can't or won't do. You just piss on them.
Gotta love it

USMB Progressives are already lining up to move there!

I'm chippin' in for tickets!
You have any money left? Shame on you.
Spoiled brats, not tough enough too handle the job they volunteered for.

Who the hell can afford to possibly defend Fake Criminal charges that can be levied?

Resigning and backing away from such a risky situation is actually a smart and considerate idea, the officers are thinking about their family's future. They are counting on using their nest egg to pay their children's tuition and orthodontic bills, or retire. Not enrich some lawyer because of fake charges levied by a whining liberal DA at the behest of a rioter.
Yes, if the going gets tough, run away, don't suck it up and continue...The cops are wimps unlike the military which do or die...
Hell you fukterds hate the military when it is politically to your favor. You live by that rule
I am a two timer, I have two honorable discharges from the army, now sell your lies to someone else who is as stupid as you is.
Stupid as I "Is". I'm sure you were tops in your special needs classes.....Stupid as I is.....................LOLOLOL
I was a specialist in the army that is for sure, I am sorry you were a bolo. Cops need to stop being pampered and get tough or they will continue to get their asses handed to them. It's all about the discipline and control.

Police officers need to learn how to avoid trouble and ugly situations. If Officer Chauvin would have had the foresight to tell the storekeep complaining about George Floyd passing fake twenties to "call the Secret Service, counterfeit money isn't part of the responsibilities of the Minneapolis PD", he'd still be a free man today enjoying donuts and coffee at the local Krispy Kreme.
Chauvin was in the wrong. He went too far, there is nothing to suggest the officer in Portland took it to far, other than a prosecutor that seems to believe rioters have more rights than other citizens in Portland.
Then the question of the incident can be worked out in administration.
Sure can and the volunteers can stop volunteering because they have the freedom to do what they feel is in their best interests. It is a smart move on their part. If I'm volunteering and I do not like the way I am being treated by the administrators, then I have every right to step away until I feel they get it right.

Let the mayor, city council and prosecutors go volunteer, they created the mess. Last year they downplayed, coddled and encouraged the riots, so maybe it's time for them to put up or shut up.
They get their confidence from the voters to not do anything since the voters keep on reelecting them.
Then the volunteers can force the issue.
This goes under the heading of "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone!"

All the idiots that have fallen for the narrative that "brutal" Police are the problem for blacks in America are about to be shown what happens when you don't HAVE Police in bad neighborhoods!
Police have failed to stop crime or prevent it all they do effectively is extort monies from drivers.
You're a fool, Moonie! In some neighborhoods the only thing that allows law abiding citizens to leave their homes to shop or go to work are Police patrolling. Take that away and our cities are going to be so dangerous nobody will want to go near them.
Then I suggest they enjoy their cops or learn to fight back and take back their streets since the cops seem incapable of doing such.
So do you favor gang wars? Move to Chicago and pick a color.
No, I don't but favor gang wars not even when it was nothing but whites doing it. Yet this has nothing to do with the OP subject.
Proving once again that you are a dimwitted fool. The thread is about the resignation of an elite police response team and the potential ramifications of it. Gang warfare is what you suggested. Vigilante action! That's the ticket!

I repeat: Move to Chicago!
Spoiled brats, not tough enough too handle the job they volunteered for.
It seems they are supporting a fellow volunteer. The city of Portland isn't looking out for the city's best interests, then what is the point?

Maybe the mayor, city council and prosecutors office should go out with the volunteers during a riot and see what is really going on?

Why don't you get the training and volunteer?
I have this problem of being able to walk more than one hundred feet or stand more than ten minutes at a time or I'd train them myself.
Sure you would, you are just making excuses you coward.
Oh my, now you like to pick on gimps..
View attachment 502864 they have a model to follow
That is all these guys have been, I have experience their so called Christian love all my life and they disgust me.
You poor victim.

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