Portland truck attack suspect arrested

Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

I haven't seen that at all. Yes there were the extremists who tried to downplay the Floyd murder, but they were the outliers. Overwhelmingly the conservatives called it murder from the outset. I think you are allowing your bias to color your perception.
The democrats are violent by nature and revived the Klan under Potentate Obamugabe. The Klan now preys on whites, but the BLM Klan operates in exactly the same manner as the democrats' Ku Klux Klan did a hundred years ago. BLM is the Klan - pure and simple.

Well, my parents voted straight Democrat ever since FDR, and they always taught me to hate the Klan — which is indissolvably linked to anti-black racism by American history.

I myself may vote for the Democrats this election, despite despising many DNC policies, precisely because I fear and despise Trump more. Many of Trump’s supporters are mindless hysterics who denounce Democrats as “Satanic,” “baby killers,” “communists,” “new Klan fascists,” “Chinese agents,” etc. At the higher levels DNC corporate politicians are not much better or different than Wall Street Republicans, and both support our military adventurism abroad. The difference is that Trump’s base today seems to long for an authoritarian super-patriotic leader who will bring domestic policing more in line with our roll as violent policeman of the world. Trump is playing to the fears of this hysterical base. My aim here is just to dampen down that hysteria.
Ah, so that is why you promote the radical hate site counterpunch and try to downplay the attack because you share the agenda. You are just trying to dampen the hysteria.
You seem to have your own dogmatic phobia, Mr. Dogmaphobe, blaming the messenger and fearing to look at honest reports from web sites you disapprove of. Perhaps you should try to be more like Tucker Carlson, who recently gave a platform to a reporter from the often news-breaking far left anti-imperialist website, GrayZone.

I did an OP on this very interview just a little while ago:

I see that now you are promoting a former apparatchik for Russia Times. Sheesh -- As if counterpunch wasn't enough.

I do think it is cute how you communists try to posit that it isn't the three solid months of violent mayhem that is any way hysterical, but rather any rejection of it.
Well, my parents voted straight Democrat ever since FDR, and they always taught me to hate the Klan — which is indissolvably linked to anti-black racism by American history.

Not anymore. The new improved Klan, the BLM Klan, now comes in "Hating whitey."

The hatred of whites among the Maoist democrats is perhaps more virulent than the hatred of blacks with the democrats last Klan.

I myself may vote for the Democrats this election, despite despising many DNC policies, precisely because I fear and despise Trump more. Many of Trump’s supporters are mindless hysterics who denounce Democrats as “Satanic,” “baby killers,” “communists,” “new Klan fascists,” “Chinese agents,” etc. At the higher levels DNC corporate politicians are not much better or different than Wall Street Republicans, and both support our military adventurism abroad. The difference is that Trump’s base today seems to long for an authoritarian super-patriotic leader who will bring domestic policing more in line with our roll as violent policeman of the world. Trump is playing to the fears of this hysterical base. My aim here is just to dampen down that hysteria.

The democrat party is openly Communist - you may not be open about it - but the racist democrats are.

Trump is "playing the fears," yet the Klan and the democrat Brown Shirts are burning cities, murdering and raping people, and generally engaging in terrorism.

Clearly you fully approve of terrorism to promote the Marxist goals of the party.

BTW, Trump is the first president since Reagan to not start any new wars, which totally pissed the Khmer Rouge democrats off. The democrats demanded that Trump start a war in Syria and were OUTRAGED that he refused.
Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct.

Well that, and murder, rape, burglary, arson. George Soros' "Open Society" has put terrorists like Kim Foxx into positions of power to rape lady justic.

Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.

Assault like this is an everyday occurrence with the Klan and the Brown Shirts. This isn't the first time democrat terrorists pulled people from cars - it isn't even the first time this month. democrats have the Klan and ANTIFA to spread terror, but they are just the front line troops, the REAL terrorists are the democrat party themselves.

Where was that! Holy cow!

Seattle, this month. The democrat terrorists are waging full blow war against America. The media suppresses it, but it gets captured by citizens.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

They are bean bag shots filled with rubber pellets.

Hey, don't rape, pillage, and burn and you won't have them used on you. The Klan and the Brown Shirts can't seem to grasp this concept.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Look, boom boxes went out in the early 80s, so more than likely he wasn't just carrying some music box on his shoulder. Hey, do the crime suffer the consequences. If you ask me the law hasn't been tough enough on them yet.

They said he was holding up a speaker. No one has said otherwise. Why do make excuses for it? He committed no crime. You are no different then those you criticize of you support this viole ce.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Look, boom boxes went out in the early 80s, so more than likely he wasn't just carrying some music box on his shoulder. Hey, do the crime suffer the consequences. If you ask me the law hasn't been tough enough on them yet.

They said he was holding up a speaker. No one has said otherwise. Why do make excuses for it? He committed no crime. You are no different then those you criticize of you support this viole ce.

How do you know he committed no crime?
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Look, boom boxes went out in the early 80s, so more than likely he wasn't just carrying some music box on his shoulder. Hey, do the crime suffer the consequences. If you ask me the law hasn't been tough enough on them yet.

They said he was holding up a speaker. No one has said otherwise. Why do make excuses for it? He committed no crime. You are no different then those you criticize of you support this viole ce.

How do you know he committed no crime?

It's just the way they (the coyote's),roll. Pathetic.
westwall...are we talking about two different things?

Self defense (or immediate defense of another)...

Or..taking the law into your own hands and meting out justice?

Because imo those are two different things. The first, I agree with you on and the law recognizes it as valid. That is not vigilantism.

Vigilantism begins with self defense. When the State refuses to defend the people, the people are going to defends themselves. Then, if the State CONTINUES to do nothing, the vigilantes will mete out justice. They will do so under control however. Your interpretation of vigilante justice is completely wrong. In all the cases in the west where it was used, the accused was duly tried, had a jury determine guilt, and then was summarily hanged for the crimes they were convicted of. The vigilantes rose up ONLY as a last resort.

They then disbanded. That was true in all cases. Unlike what progressives claim, the regular people are not the bloodthirsty mob you claim them to be. They are NOT the BLM assholes who are doing exactly that! That sort of behavior is a LEFTIST thing. Not a normal human being thing.
I don’t agree...while I agree with you on self defense, I can never condone vigilantism. It is lawlessness at best, and caused the deaths of thousands at worst. It is mob justice.

What do you think is going to happen when the rioters continue to wreak havoc without consequence. Human nature tells us that if they suffer no consequences, they will escalate. How many murders do they have to commit before you start paying attention?

Who says it is without consequence? Most of this is occurring in a very small areas (though the RW media insists entire cities are burning and people everywhere being murdered) - worst have been charged and will be prosecuted. The man who pulled the guy from his car and attacked him is in jail (and apparently has a record of prior violence).

Shooting is not an acceptable consequence for disorderly conduct.

90 nights in a row is pretty much "without consequence" when EACH NIGHT BEGINS with police being ORDERED to give the rioters space.. Are you also aware that donations to a bail fund to get these looters/arsonists out the same night they are arrested has donations from MAJOR Dem leaders and even from members of the Biden Campaign staff???

The history of Portland/Seattle radicalism goes back about 60 years.. Am writing about it right now in a policy paper.. BEFORE "domestic spying" was made legal with the Patriot Act and the "Greatest Big Brother Spy Machine Ever Known to Man" -- The FBI and CIA was caught coordinating "domestic spying activity" on political activists, legal politicians, civil rights protesters, other protesters. A LOT of the ABUSES HAPPENED in the Pac. NW... This resulted in the Church Commission in 1975 demanding an END to any involvement of the CIA/NSA/DOTreas/IRS/etc in DOMESTIC surveillance.

Which was a HIGH POINT for Civil Liberties in America.. The Antifa and other militants have been organized that long in the N.W. and were one of the targets.. So even tho it's hypocritical for local leaders to be "leveling the playing field" for THEM -- while they have NO CONCERN for the MORE POWERFUL domestic surveillance tools being abused TODAY -- there is this history of over-use of Fed Intelligence to suppress unrest and thuggery that maybe Portland and Seattle are stupidly trying to make reparations of some kind to the anarchist know-nothings..
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Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

What was the dumb ass doing at the Federal Courthouse............oh well..........too dang bad

He got a fractured skull............police are now blind and dead...............to hell with them.............

The National Guard needs to come there...........martial law and break heads........end of story........

These people have murdered and killed........thrown piss and shit.........and hosed small business who were already on the ropes.

No sympathy whatsoever.............NONE.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Look, boom boxes went out in the early 80s, so more than likely he wasn't just carrying some music box on his shoulder. Hey, do the crime suffer the consequences. If you ask me the law hasn't been tough enough on them yet.

They said he was holding up a speaker. No one has said otherwise. Why do make excuses for it? He committed no crime. You are no different then those you criticize of you support this viole ce.

He should have stayed home then.............did someone put a gun to his head and say..........lets try to assault the Federal Courthouse because we are spoiled rotten libs..................He's lucky this isn't like it was when I was a kid........this shit would be over in one night..................

The DNC has failed to protect their city.........the Feds are forced to defend against the mob.......get piss and shit thrown at them every night...........and one guy gets a bounce shot from tear gas and it's HOW DARE YOU.

To hell with him............where is your sympathy for dead police from this BS
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct. Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.
Does anyone have an update on the condition of that guy anyway? He should have not tried to reason with those people. You can't...unless you bend the knee...

He was still black/blue last night when interviewed on TV.. Were false reports that he died.. But he did spend 2 nights in a coma.. Speaks well.. But doesn't like the Portland government much any more..
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

What was the dumb ass doing at the Federal Courthouse............oh well..........too dang bad

He got a fractured skull............police are now blind and dead...............to hell with them.............

The National Guard needs to come there...........martial law and break heads........end of story........

These people have murdered and killed........thrown piss and shit.........and hosed small business who were already on the ropes.

No sympathy whatsoever.............NONE.

Six or seven Fed officers just defending that Courthouse over 2 nights have permanent eye damage from lasers.. Over 20 with serious injuries.. NYPD lost over 30 vehicles in the 1st 2 DAYS of looting downtown stores for "reparations"... The left doesn't know -- because the media wont report the magnitude and extent of it...

Hope to use it against Trump.. But they can only do that if the voting public is unaware as to how much has lost in lives, businesses, 1st responders, and neighborhoods living in fear..

Ironic story of all this is the lefty reporter living in NYC who thought he was SAFE LIVING above a Starbucks because his sources of news didn't TELL THEM that Starbucks is on the hit list by the radicals.. Got burned out of his apartment in the 1st week... Not a happy lefty reporter anymore..
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

What was the dumb ass doing at the Federal Courthouse............oh well..........too dang bad

He got a fractured skull............police are now blind and dead...............to hell with them.............

The National Guard needs to come there...........martial law and break heads........end of story........

These people have murdered and killed........thrown piss and shit.........and hosed small business who were already on the ropes.

No sympathy whatsoever.............NONE.

Six or seven Fed officers just defending that Courthouse over 2 nights have permanent eye damage from lasers.. Over 20 with serious injuries.. NYPD lost over 30 vehicles in the 1st 2 DAYS of looting downtown stores for "reparations"... The left doesn't know -- because the media wont report the magnitude and extent of it...

Hope to use it against Trump.. But they can only do that if the voting public is unaware as to how much has lost in lives, businesses, 1st responders, and neighborhoods living in fear..

Ironic story of all this is the lefty reporter living in NYC who thought he was SAFE LIVING above a Starbucks because his sources of news didn't TELL THEM that Starbucks is on the hit list by the radicals.. Got burned out of his apartment in the 1st week... Not a happy lefty reporter anymore..

They should be recalled and thrown out of office...........but Portland is a brain dead liberal zone...........Trump can do something............but requires calling a martial law there..........send in the National Guard in force............and END IT.........

If the governor and mayor were not brain dead liberals...........this would not have lasted more than a few days...

They have tried in other areas of this country.........and found that these other places are not Portland REAL QUICK.....
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

What was the dumb ass doing at the Federal Courthouse............oh well..........too dang bad

He got a fractured skull............police are now blind and dead...............to hell with them.............

The National Guard needs to come there...........martial law and break heads........end of story........

These people have murdered and killed........thrown piss and shit.........and hosed small business who were already on the ropes.

No sympathy whatsoever.............NONE.

Six or seven Fed officers just defending that Courthouse over 2 nights have permanent eye damage from lasers.. Over 20 with serious injuries.. NYPD lost over 30 vehicles in the 1st 2 DAYS of looting downtown stores for "reparations"... The left doesn't know -- because the media wont report the magnitude and extent of it...

Hope to use it against Trump.. But they can only do that if the voting public is unaware as to how much has lost in lives, businesses, 1st responders, and neighborhoods living in fear..

Ironic story of all this is the lefty reporter living in NYC who thought he was SAFE LIVING above a Starbucks because his sources of news didn't TELL THEM that Starbucks is on the hit list by the radicals.. Got burned out of his apartment in the 1st week... Not a happy lefty reporter anymore..

They should be recalled and thrown out of office...........but Portland is a brain dead liberal zone...........Trump can do something............but requires calling a martial law there..........send in the National Guard in force............and END IT.........

If the governor and mayor were not brain dead liberals...........this would not have lasted more than a few days...

They have tried in other areas of this country.........and found that these other places are not Portland REAL QUICK.....

I actually believe that these Mayors/Govs have gone so far out of their way to wreck citizens lives in those cities -- that there will exodus.. But more importantly, the ones that choose to stay and fight this arrogance and corruption will win "bigly"...
westwall...are we talking about two different things?

Self defense (or immediate defense of another)...

Or..taking the law into your own hands and meting out justice?

Because imo those are two different things. The first, I agree with you on and the law recognizes it as valid. That is not vigilantism.

Vigilantism begins with self defense. When the State refuses to defend the people, the people are going to defends themselves. Then, if the State CONTINUES to do nothing, the vigilantes will mete out justice. They will do so under control however. Your interpretation of vigilante justice is completely wrong. In all the cases in the west where it was used, the accused was duly tried, had a jury determine guilt, and then was summarily hanged for the crimes they were convicted of. The vigilantes rose up ONLY as a last resort.

They then disbanded. That was true in all cases. Unlike what progressives claim, the regular people are not the bloodthirsty mob you claim them to be. They are NOT the BLM assholes who are doing exactly that! That sort of behavior is a LEFTIST thing. Not a normal human being thing.
I don’t agree...while I agree with you on self defense, I can never condone vigilantism. It is lawlessness at best, and caused the deaths of thousands at worst. It is mob justice.

What do you think is going to happen when the rioters continue to wreak havoc without consequence. Human nature tells us that if they suffer no consequences, they will escalate. How many murders do they have to commit before you start paying attention?

Who says it is without consequence? Most of this is occurring in a very small areas (though the RW media insists entire cities are burning and people everywhere being murdered) - worst have been charged and will be prosecuted. The man who pulled the guy from his car and attacked him is in jail (and apparently has a record of prior violence).

Shooting is not an acceptable consequence for disorderly conduct.

90 nights in a row is pretty much "without consequence" when EACH NIGHT BEGINS with police being ORDERED to give the rioters space.. Are you also aware that donations to a bail fund to get these looters/arsonists out the same night they are arrested has donations from MAJOR Dem leaders and even from members of the Biden Campaign staff???

I don’t really have an issue with that. They still have to face charges in court. Apparently this was for the 150 protesters in Minneapolis who violated curfew? Why should they be treated differently than other people held on bail and being helped by MMF? Biden must hundreds of campaign staffers, and 13 donated. The only thing that would make it a problem is they used campaign money.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

What was the dumb ass doing at the Federal Courthouse............oh well..........too dang bad

He got a fractured skull............police are now blind and dead...............to hell with them.............

The National Guard needs to come there...........martial law and break heads........end of story........

These people have murdered and killed........thrown piss and shit.........and hosed small business who were already on the ropes.

No sympathy whatsoever.............NONE.

Six or seven Fed officers just defending that Courthouse over 2 nights have permanent eye damage from lasers.. Over 20 with serious injuries.. NYPD lost over 30 vehicles in the 1st 2 DAYS of looting downtown stores for "reparations"... The left doesn't know -- because the media wont report the magnitude and extent of it...

Hope to use it against Trump.. But they can only do that if the voting public is unaware as to how much has lost in lives, businesses, 1st responders, and neighborhoods living in fear..

Ironic story of all this is the lefty reporter living in NYC who thought he was SAFE LIVING above a Starbucks because his sources of news didn't TELL THEM that Starbucks is on the hit list by the radicals.. Got burned out of his apartment in the 1st week... Not a happy lefty reporter anymore..

They should be recalled and thrown out of office...........but Portland is a brain dead liberal zone...........Trump can do something............but requires calling a martial law there..........send in the National Guard in force............and END IT.........

If the governor and mayor were not brain dead liberals...........this would not have lasted more than a few days...

They have tried in other areas of this country.........and found that these other places are not Portland REAL QUICK.....

I actually believe that these Mayors/Govs have gone so far out of their way to wreck citizens lives in those cities -- that there will exodus.. But more importantly, the ones that choose to stay and fight this arrogance and corruption will win "bigly"...

The exodus is what they want...........as people flee.........they still vote Blue .............and that is the strategy of the DNC.........a Locust strategy.........

Portland was flooded from California with people looking for cheaper rent...........like Locust they destroyed their new home...........now they want to move on to feed again.
You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.
What was Donavan La Bella doing with his life before he became a rioter and got shot with a rubber bullet?
westwall...are we talking about two different things?

Self defense (or immediate defense of another)...

Or..taking the law into your own hands and meting out justice?

Because imo those are two different things. The first, I agree with you on and the law recognizes it as valid. That is not vigilantism.

Vigilantism begins with self defense. When the State refuses to defend the people, the people are going to defends themselves. Then, if the State CONTINUES to do nothing, the vigilantes will mete out justice. They will do so under control however. Your interpretation of vigilante justice is completely wrong. In all the cases in the west where it was used, the accused was duly tried, had a jury determine guilt, and then was summarily hanged for the crimes they were convicted of. The vigilantes rose up ONLY as a last resort.

They then disbanded. That was true in all cases. Unlike what progressives claim, the regular people are not the bloodthirsty mob you claim them to be. They are NOT the BLM assholes who are doing exactly that! That sort of behavior is a LEFTIST thing. Not a normal human being thing.
I don’t agree...while I agree with you on self defense, I can never condone vigilantism. It is lawlessness at best, and caused the deaths of thousands at worst. It is mob justice.

What do you think is going to happen when the rioters continue to wreak havoc without consequence. Human nature tells us that if they suffer no consequences, they will escalate. How many murders do they have to commit before you start paying attention?

Who says it is without consequence? Most of this is occurring in a very small areas (though the RW media insists entire cities are burning and people everywhere being murdered) - worst have been charged and will be prosecuted. The man who pulled the guy from his car and attacked him is in jail (and apparently has a record of prior violence).

Shooting is not an acceptable consequence for disorderly conduct.

No, it's not. This assault on common decency is ripping the heart out of at least four major cities. It is a LIE that the rioting is small and localised. Portland's downtown is shuttered, the same for Seattle and Minneapolis, and significant parts of New York as well.

This is not localized. Why do you perpetuate these lies? Anyone can look at the THOUSANDS of videos being posted up, every day, and see what is really happening. You have to be willfully ignorant, and only watch CNN to be this misinformed.

I never watch CNN. I do not have cable. I do not use twitter, instagram, nor do I derive my news from FB.

Videos don't tell a whole story, and can often be used to perpetrate a lie. I see the point with Portland (though I will further research it - for instance - where did that map of arson come from? Is that all arsons for that period of time? Or, just those related to protests? What is the timeline - for instance were there many at the start and then they dwindled? How widespread is it NOW? Why doesn't anyone ask questions?

If people are mostly videoing and virally spreading only the violent clashes, and ignoring the (boring) mostly peaceful ones, then doesn't that perpetrate a false sense of what is going on?

Who's agenda is at stake perpetrating THAT? How can you get facts? Are agitators from both sides trying to hijack these movements to start a war? According to the FBI many protests involve outside elements. And them...there is what is going on online. But we're so dug down into left/right we could be failing to see larger patterns.

Here is an article from 7/28/2020 illustrating how both sides are using this to their advantage.

Protests in Portland following the killing of Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police in May, had dwindled to maybe 100 peaceful demonstrators per night before President Trump sent federal agents to the city, ostensibly to protect US government property.

Trump and his backers assert that the deployments are necessary to curb unrest in cities that have become anarchic war zones. You’d be hard-pressed to prove that’s true in Portland if you bothered to look anywhere but Lownsdale Square at midnight. (The only disruptive anarchists in my neighborhood are the crows in my garden.) If any widespread, persistent Portland protest war zone does exist, it isn’t in physical space at all. It’s online.

Anything that happens during a Portland protest happens in front of at least one camera and will end up on the internet. The crowd is full of smartphones. Men in press helmets climb up streetlights with expensive rigs to get a better view. People at the protest pulled up livestreams to see what was happening at the front of the crowd, squinting to see if the Feds had left their fortress yet. The federal agents watched those livestreams too. E
rgo, anything that happens at a Portland protest is meme fodder and a chance for good or bad online PR.

So tell me again how accurate videos are? When I said that the Portland Protests were mostly confined to one area - it was true. By the time Trump decided to send in his militia - it was Lowesten Square. It was winding down.
feel free to find videos of the peaceful protests.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

What was the dumb ass doing at the Federal Courthouse............oh well..........too dang bad

He got a fractured skull............police are now blind and dead...............to hell with them.............

The National Guard needs to come there...........martial law and break heads........end of story........

These people have murdered and killed........thrown piss and shit.........and hosed small business who were already on the ropes.

No sympathy whatsoever.............NONE.

Six or seven Fed officers just defending that Courthouse over 2 nights have permanent eye damage from lasers.. Over 20 with serious injuries.. NYPD lost over 30 vehicles in the 1st 2 DAYS of looting downtown stores for "reparations"... The left doesn't know -- because the media wont report the magnitude and extent of it...

Hope to use it against Trump.. But they can only do that if the voting public is unaware as to how much has lost in lives, businesses, 1st responders, and neighborhoods living in fear..

Ironic story of all this is the lefty reporter living in NYC who thought he was SAFE LIVING above a Starbucks because his sources of news didn't TELL THEM that Starbucks is on the hit list by the radicals.. Got burned out of his apartment in the 1st week... Not a happy lefty reporter anymore..

They should be recalled and thrown out of office...........but Portland is a brain dead liberal zone...........Trump can do something............but requires calling a martial law there..........send in the National Guard in force............and END IT.........

If the governor and mayor were not brain dead liberals...........this would not have lasted more than a few days...

They have tried in other areas of this country.........and found that these other places are not Portland REAL QUICK.....

I actually believe that these Mayors/Govs have gone so far out of their way to wreck citizens lives in those cities -- that there will exodus.. But more importantly, the ones that choose to stay and fight this arrogance and corruption will win "bigly"...

The exodus is what they want...........as people flee.........they still vote Blue .............and that is the strategy of the DNC.........a Locust strategy.........

Portland was flooded from California with people looking for cheaper rent...........like Locust they destroyed their new home...........now they want to move on to feed again.

They may still be voting Democrat, but it won't be arrogant, inept leftist ones.. More like -- well -- this gal in Baltimore.. She's a force to be reckoned with.. Scroll 1/2 way to Twitter Ad for her campaign..


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