Portland truck attack suspect arrested

So no one should stand up to the Klan.

Thank you for your wrong, misleading, and uninformed remark concerning the KKK, which so far as I know was not openly demonstrating in Portland yesterday. If it had been, it would certainly have been targeted by Antifa and BLM demonstrators.

If some Oregon Klansmen came openly with both Confederate and American flags, would they have been accepted into the car caravans organized by the “Proud Boys”?

I don’t know the answer to that question myself.
A clan can consist of any group be it man or animal (grouped together by genetics in the case of animal's) or in man's case it is the attempt to gather together either for bad or for good reasoning as a clan, group, gang, club, and etc. To think that the word clan only pertains to one group is as ridiculous as it gets. Of course the KKK in traditional sense has changed the first letter in Clan to K in order to distinctively set themselves apart or to create something different in meaning there of, but it's still a clan.
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
This Left Wing Hate and Violence is created by our Education System, the Press and the Hollywood hate machine.
All of which leftist had taken control of years ago. It just finally all came to a head.
You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.

There is a video of Joe Biden putting his hand on an 11 year old girl's shoulder and then moving it very systematically until over her breast. It's right there, and anybody can see it with their own eyes.

There is a video of Nick Sandman just standing silently and smiling as an old crackhead beats his fucking drum in the boy's face. It's right there, and anybody can see it with their own eyes.

There is a video of Michael Brown robbing a store, grabbing a little clerk around the throat and tossing him aside like a rag doll. It's right there, and anybody can see it with their own eyes.

Despite being able to see with their own eyes, how many little drones in this forum will STILL swear up and down that what the media wants them to believe is true instead of their own eyes? This is the nature of the true believer and when the grand inquisitor stands before them holding up three fingers and demanding they see two, they are already right there.
Thank you for your wrong, misleading, and uninformed remark concerning the KKK, which so far as I know was not openly demonstrating in Portland yesterday. If it had been, it would certainly have been targeted by Antifa and BLM demonstrators.

If some Oregon Klansmen came openly with both Confederate and American flags, would they have been accepted into the car caravans organized by the “Proud Boys”?

I don’t know the answer to that question myself.

The KKK died decades ago. But the democrats are violent by nature and revived the Klan under Potentate Obamugabe. The Klan now preys on whites, but the BLM Klan operates in exactly the same manner as the democrats' Ku Klux Klan did a hundred years ago. BLM is the Klan - pure and simple.

democrats, democrats never change.
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Say what you want, it's a free country.

If the Maoist democrats steal the election in November it won't be anymore.

Even now, there are words and ideas that I as an inferior and hated white are prohibited from saying or thinking, lest I be labeled a ni$$er - a racist (same meaning - applied to the new scapegoats).

democrats are waging civil war to utterly destroy America - and civil rights are the first victim.
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
Biden has condemned the violence at some of the protests many times. The guy was arrested right away and is facing the consequences. What more are you looking for?

Please provide a link to your claim. I can't find a single major Democrat who has so much as mentioned the violence.
According to the democrat leadership, the violent protests are a "myth" and JoMala are playing along with it. They didn't mention it once during the DNC.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?
The democrats are violent by nature and revived the Klan under Potentate Obamugabe. The Klan now preys on whites, but the BLM Klan operates in exactly the same manner as the democrats' Ku Klux Klan did a hundred years ago. BLM is the Klan - pure and simple.

Well, my parents voted straight Democrat ever since FDR, and they always taught me to hate the Klan — which is indissolvably linked to anti-black racism by American history.

I myself may vote for the Democrats this election, despite despising many DNC policies, precisely because I fear and despise Trump more. Many of Trump’s supporters are mindless hysterics who denounce Democrats as “Satanic,” “baby killers,” “communists,” “new Klan fascists,” “Chinese agents,” etc. At the higher levels DNC corporate politicians are not much better or different than Wall Street Republicans, and both support our military adventurism abroad. The difference is that Trump’s base today seems to long for an authoritarian super-patriotic leader who will bring domestic policing more in line with our roll as violent policeman of the world. Trump is playing to the fears of this hysterical base. My aim here is just to dampen down that hysteria.
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You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.

There is a video of Joe Biden putting his hand on an 11 year old girl's shoulder and then moving it very systematically until over her breast. It's right there, and anybody can see it with their own eyes.

There is a video of Nick Sandman just standing silently and smiling as an old crackhead beats his fucking drum in the boy's face. It's right there, and anybody can see it with their own eyes.

There is a video of Michael Brown robbing a store, grabbing a little clerk around the throat and tossing him aside like a rag doll. It's right there, and anybody can see it with their own eyes.

Despite being able to see with their own eyes, how many little drones in this forum will STILL swear up and down that what the media wants them to believe is true instead of their own eyes? This is the nature of the true believer and when the grand inquisitor stands before them holding up three fingers and demanding they see two, they are already right there.
It's really unbelievable. Like so many say today, this world is upside down and inside out anymore. I road through my little home town just the other day, and I couldn't believe (to use the words of those who can see this today), the shit-hole it has become.

Sorry about the curse word, but it's true, and I can see the government finger prints all over it. Electing these bad actors into government is a major problem going on in this country today.
The democrats are violent by nature and revived the Klan under Potentate Obamugabe. The Klan now preys on whites, but the BLM Klan operates in exactly the same manner as the democrats' Ku Klux Klan did a hundred years ago. BLM is the Klan - pure and simple.

Well, my parents voted straight Democrat ever since FDR, and they always taught me to hate the Klan — which is indissolvably linked to anti-black racism by American history.

I myself may vote for the Democrats this election, despite despising many DNC policies, precisely because I fear and despise Trump more. Many of Trump’s supporters are mindless hysterics who denounce Democrats as “Satanic,” “baby killers,” “communists,” “new Klan fascists,” “Chinese agents,” etc. At the higher levels DNC corporate politicians are not much better than Wall Street Republicans, and both support our military adventurism abroad. The difference is that Trump’s base today seems to long for an authoritarian super-patriotic leader who will bring domestic policing more in line with our roll as violent policeman of the world. Trump is playing to the fears of this hysterical base. My aim here is just to dampen down that hysteria.
Ohhhh so it's really just the republicans/conservatives doing all the very bad stuff out in our society at large ??

Wow, I'm so glad you cleared that up for me, because for a second there I could have sworn. Ohhh nevermind.
The democrats are violent by nature and revived the Klan under Potentate Obamugabe. The Klan now preys on whites, but the BLM Klan operates in exactly the same manner as the democrats' Ku Klux Klan did a hundred years ago. BLM is the Klan - pure and simple.

Well, my parents voted straight Democrat ever since FDR, and they always taught me to hate the Klan — which is indissolvably linked to anti-black racism by American history.

I myself may vote for the Democrats this election, despite despising many DNC policies, precisely because I fear and despise Trump more. Many of Trump’s supporters are mindless hysterics who denounce Democrats as “Satanic,” “baby killers,” “communists,” “new Klan fascists,” “Chinese agents,” etc. At the higher levels DNC corporate politicians are not much better or different than Wall Street Republicans, and both support our military adventurism abroad. The difference is that Trump’s base today seems to long for an authoritarian super-patriotic leader who will bring domestic policing more in line with our roll as violent policeman of the world. Trump is playing to the fears of this hysterical base. My aim here is just to dampen down that hysteria.
Ah, so that is why you promote the radical hate site counterpunch and try to downplay the attack because you share the agenda.

You are just trying to dampen the hysteria.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Maybe the person shouldn't have out there in the first place. I'm sure it was after the curfew, so he's already broken the law, and I have no doubt the crowd he was with was told to disperse and he didn't, so there's another law he broke. "All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head." Yeah, but he was part of a riot. The use of rubber bullets, tear gas and the like are nothing new, he had to know what was going to happen sooner or later and yet he did what he did right in front of the cops/agents, making a target out of himself. Sorry, but I can't bring myself to feel bad for him, he brought it on himself.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Look, boom boxes went out in the early 80s, so more than likely he wasn't just carrying some music box on his shoulder. Hey, do the crime suffer the consequences. If you ask me the law hasn't been tough enough on them yet.
Cell phone cameras are the bane of the left. The left depends on the complacent and complicit press to filter events, as long as AP were deciding what people could know, the left had absolutely control. But now anyone with a phone can record events as they happen. And yes, YouTube can censor and suppress, but then other sites just host it.

You can scream "who will you believe, our GLORIOUS party press, or you own lying eyes," but to no avail.
Until it's a cell phone video of police brutality, then watch the rapid back step from the right.

So, it's brutality that he was nailed with a bean bag with stolen goods in his hands?

Are there any criminal acts you DON'T support and promote?

You call being shot in the forehead with a rubber bullet...a "bean bag"? Not hardly. The injury was severe and life changing. All he was doing was holding a speaker over his head.

Now you thugs are sending his family hate messages and death threats. No indication he was holding stolen property either.

Wow. Speaking of defending the indefensible here...

Look, boom boxes went out in the early 80s, so more than likely he wasn't just carrying some music box on his shoulder. Hey, do the crime suffer the consequences. If you ask me the law hasn't been tough enough on them yet.

He was only participating in a group effort to burn people alive.

The way I see it, is that those who are egging on all the arson and attempted murder are not the innocent victims their supporters try to make them.
The democrats are violent by nature and revived the Klan under Potentate Obamugabe. The Klan now preys on whites, but the BLM Klan operates in exactly the same manner as the democrats' Ku Klux Klan did a hundred years ago. BLM is the Klan - pure and simple.

Well, my parents voted straight Democrat ever since FDR, and they always taught me to hate the Klan — which is indissolvably linked to anti-black racism by American history.

I myself may vote for the Democrats this election, despite despising many DNC policies, precisely because I fear and despise Trump more. Many of Trump’s supporters are mindless hysterics who denounce Democrats as “Satanic,” “baby killers,” “communists,” “new Klan fascists,” “Chinese agents,” etc. At the higher levels DNC corporate politicians are not much better or different than Wall Street Republicans, and both support our military adventurism abroad. The difference is that Trump’s base today seems to long for an authoritarian super-patriotic leader who will bring domestic policing more in line with our roll as violent policeman of the world. Trump is playing to the fears of this hysterical base. My aim here is just to dampen down that hysteria.
Ah, so that is why you promote the radical hate site counterpunch and try to downplay the attack because you share the agenda. You are just trying to dampen the hysteria.
You seem to have your own dogmatic phobia, Mr. Dogmaphobe, blaming the messenger and fearing to look at honest reports from web sites you disapprove of. Perhaps you should try to be more like Tucker Carlson, who recently gave a platform to a reporter from the often news-breaking far left anti-imperialist website, GrayZone.

I did an OP on this very interview just a little while ago:
Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct.

Well that, and murder, rape, burglary, arson. George Soros' "Open Society" has put terrorists like Kim Foxx into positions of power to rape lady justic.

Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.

Assault like this is an everyday occurrence with the Klan and the Brown Shirts. This isn't the first time democrat terrorists pulled people from cars - it isn't even the first time this month. democrats have the Klan and ANTIFA to spread terror, but they are just the front line troops, the REAL terrorists are the democrat party themselves.

Where was that! Holy cow!
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct. Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.
Does anyone have an update on the condition of that guy anyway? He should have not tried to reason with those people. You can't...unless you bend the knee...

He's okay. He was out of the hospital the next day but with two black eyes.

Frankly, he's lucky it wasn't worse. My niece has a longtime friend whose husband just died recently at the age of thirty five in a golf cart accident. They were out on the road at night fooling around and I believe the cart went off the road. Somehow or other he hit his head in just the right right place with just the right force that he was unable to recover.

The asshole Love tweeted later that he might go to jail for murder and seemed to make light of it. The fucking puke has no idea how close it was.

Love (what a name) also has a record of assault (I think domestic assault) - he's far from a stellar character to begin with. Hope he loses his job as a security guard - we don't need people like that in that business.

I would think you would hope he goes to prison for a long time for that attempt to murder someone. Oh well, I guess trying to murder someone matters to some, more than others.

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