Possible Grand Jury Indictment for Hillary?

Maybe Mrs. Clinton has been drinking the water from Flint MI, the water that EPA under Obama, let poison the children.
Of course she is going to win the nomination

Then Trump is going to stump all over her--tis fate!
The Majority of this country is NOT right wing extremists. There's no way Trump can get enough votes to win. Santa Claus isn't real, and if he was, he'd put a lump of coal in that stocking.

I did not say Trump will win, I said that Trump is going to disrespect her like she was a red haired step child with Tourettes.
someone please tell me why the investigating Republicans took it so easy on Hillary ( a mere candidate) and did nothing ...

and investigating Republicans HAMMERED THE HELL out of her husband (the POTUS) and impeached him ..

this should be real good ..
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

In my never to be considered humble opinion, the chances of Hillary going to a grand jury are slim and none since the Obama Department of Justice and/or anybody else associated with Hillary won't do anything other than conduct the pretend investigation they have been conducting. If she was a Republican she would likely already be in jail or paying a really stiff fine, but it isn't going to happen as long as Obama has power to bring down his wrath on those in government. He isn't going to cross her because she knows where so many of the figurative bodies are buried.

If Hillary is elected President, it is even more improbable that any kind of serious attempt to indict will be done.

And if a Republican wins in November, he/she also will be unlikely to pursue it based on the backlash of public opinion that happened when the GOP went after Hillary's husband and would be First Gentleman.

So like every other pretend investigation that has gone on for the last seven plus years, don't expect much here folks. They'll keep telling you to just move along, nothing to see here. . .
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

In my never to be considered humble opinion, the chances of Hillary going to a grand jury are slim and none since the Obama Department of Justice and/or anybody else associated with Hillary won't do anything other than conduct the pretend investigation they have been conducting. If she was a Republican she would likely already be in jail or paying a really stiff fine, but it isn't going to happen as long as Obama has power to bring down his wrath on those in government. He isn't going to cross her because she knows where so many of the figurative bodies are buried.

If Hillary is elected President, it is even more improbable that any kind of serious attempt to indict will be done.

And if a Republican wins in November, he/she also will be unlikely to pursue it based on the backlash of public opinion that happened when the GOP went after Hillary's husband and would be First Gentleman.

So like every other pretend investigation that has gone on for the last seven plus years, don't expect much here folks. They'll keep telling you to just move along, nothing to see here. . .
But why do the investigators continue to leak out inflammatory news?
someone please tell me why the investigating Republicans took it so easy on Hillary ( a mere candidate) and did nothing ...

and investigating Republicans HAMMERED THE HELL out of her husband (the POTUS) and impeached him ..

this should be real good ..

Maybe the Republicans feel sorry for her....
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

In my never to be considered humble opinion, the chances of Hillary going to a grand jury are slim and none since the Obama Department of Justice and/or anybody else associated with Hillary won't do anything other than conduct the pretend investigation they have been conducting. If she was a Republican she would likely already be in jail or paying a really stiff fine, but it isn't going to happen as long as Obama has power to bring down his wrath on those in government. He isn't going to cross her because she knows where so many of the figurative bodies are buried.

If Hillary is elected President, it is even more improbable that any kind of serious attempt to indict will be done.

And if a Republican wins in November, he/she also will be unlikely to pursue it based on the backlash of public opinion that happened when the GOP went after Hillary's husband and would be First Gentleman.

So like every other pretend investigation that has gone on for the last seven plus years, don't expect much here folks. They'll keep telling you to just move along, nothing to see here. . .
But why do the investigators continue to leak out inflammatory news?

So we will believe they are actually investigating her and also so that it will be 'old news' by the time folks start going to the polls in November.

As each new 'scandal' is revealed and then allowed to fade, it makes it harder and harder for Trey Gowdy and the rest of the congressional investigating committees to gain any traction in effecting a real investigation or 'come clean' from the Obama administration.
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

What if unicorns stampede across the White House lawn? You're dreaming dude. Servergate is dead. If you can't find something more impactful to criticize Clinton about, then that's just sad.
someone please tell me why the investigating Republicans took it so easy on Hillary ( a mere candidate) and did nothing ...

and investigating Republicans HAMMERED THE HELL out of her husband (the POTUS) and impeached him ..

this should be real good ..

Maybe the Republicans feel sorry for her....


silly me, why didn't I think of that ?
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

What if unicorns stampede across the White House lawn? You're dreaming dude. Servergate is dead. If you can't find something more impactful to criticize Clinton about, then that's just sad.
The news came out today. Hardly dead.
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

What if unicorns stampede across the White House lawn? You're dreaming dude. Servergate is dead. If you can't find something more impactful to criticize Clinton about, then that's just sad.
The news came out today. Hardly dead.

Yes and it will probably continue for awhile as they leak a bit here, a bit there, let the media flurry die down so that her supporters who require little or no standards for their candidate can dismiss it as important and everybody else forgets about it or can be told that oh, that's old news. Drip, drip, drip. It's what they do but never to the point that the people rise up and demand action.
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

What if unicorns stampede across the White House lawn? You're dreaming dude. Servergate is dead. If you can't find something more impactful to criticize Clinton about, then that's just sad.
The news came out today. Hardly dead.

Yes and it will probably continue for awhile as they leak a bit here, a bit there, let the media flurry die down so that her supporters who require little or no standards for their candidate can dismiss it as important and everybody else forgets about it or can be told that oh, that's old news. Drip, drip, drip. It's what they do but never to the point that the people rise up and demand action.

The political ads are coming. Her lies will be highlighted!
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

What if unicorns stampede across the White House lawn? You're dreaming dude. Servergate is dead. If you can't find something more impactful to criticize Clinton about, then that's just sad.
The news came out today. Hardly dead.

Yes and it will probably continue for awhile as they leak a bit here, a bit there, let the media flurry die down so that her supporters who require little or no standards for their candidate can dismiss it as important and everybody else forgets about it or can be told that oh, that's old news. Drip, drip, drip. It's what they do but never to the point that the people rise up and demand action.

The political ads are coming. Her lies will be highlighted!

We have been highlighting her lies for months and years now. Believe me, the Democrats set the bar so low of what they expect of their candidates re character, accomplishment, ability, vision etc. that they will paint the GOP ads attacking her on the emails as just mean spirited, hateful, dishonest political tactics. And their surrogate media will help them do it. They don't care whether the charges are real or not.

And a lot of folks out there trust what they see on the internet or hear from the talking heads, don't do any research on their own, and whoever yells the loudest is the one heard. And even if enough back off Hillary, they go to Sanders. Do you want either of them to be nominating the next two or three Supreme Court justices?

Our only hope is that enough people are angry enough at what the current administration has done to them, they won't risk handing over the power for another four years to the same people who will just double down on the Obama Administration's bad. They will elect somebody with the courage and commitment to really make a difference and give us a chance to start changing our culture back to something with common sense.

I don't expect any charges to be brought against Hillary, and if they are, I don't expect them to stick. We'll just have to swallow hard and accept that. And move on to re-create a government where that kind of thing won't be allowed to happy without severe consequences.
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

You're pathetically holding on to a fruitless hope. Hillary won't be criminally charged with anything. You remind me of rove on election night pathetically claiming Obama couldn't win.
I don't know. If there wasn't a chance, it seems that the news reports that are so damaging would stop.

Right. Fear mongers aren't pushing that silly meme at all.

We on the right do not hate freedom, honesty, truth and the American way of life. But it sure seems like the left wing fears all of that.

BTW how do you still support Mrs. Clinton knowing she lied straight up about something as trivial as her Bosnia trip? I really need to know how anyone can over look such a lie. Or do you folks like being played?

When you tell me I hate freedom, honesty, truth and the American way of life, you aren't really convincing me that is true. I suggest you save all that for your next crazy teabagger meeting. I'm sure they will agree with you After all, rush told them all that crap.
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

You're pathetically holding on to a fruitless hope. Hillary won't be criminally charged with anything. You remind me of rove on election night pathetically claiming Obama couldn't win.
I don't know. If there wasn't a chance, it seems that the news reports that are so damaging would stop.
If she is taken out, the majority of this country will hold republicans responsible and make Bernie POTUS. Yea!

Why do you hate America? :dig:
someone please tell me why the investigating Republicans took it so easy on Hillary ( a mere candidate) and did nothing ...

and investigating Republicans HAMMERED THE HELL out of her husband (the POTUS) and impeached him ..

this should be real good ..

What Republicans? The Congress cannot indict her or prosecute her. Are you sure you passed high school?
What if a Grand Jury was assembled to hear Hillary Clinton's damaging control and misuse of her Top Secret and Beyond Top Secret emails?

From my understanding, in Washington D.C., 16 people would be assembled to hear the possible indictment and vote yea or nay. Three fourths or two thirds have to vote yea for her to be indicted.

What are the chances of a Grand Jury voting yea for the Democrat while she is running for President?

You're pathetically holding on to a fruitless hope. Hillary won't be criminally charged with anything. You remind me of rove on election night pathetically claiming Obama couldn't win.
I don't know. If there wasn't a chance, it seems that the news reports that are so damaging would stop.

Right. Fear mongers aren't pushing that silly meme at all.

We on the right do not hate freedom, honesty, truth and the American way of life. But it sure seems like the left wing fears all of that.

BTW how do you still support Mrs. Clinton knowing she lied straight up about something as trivial as her Bosnia trip? I really need to know how anyone can over look such a lie. Or do you folks like being played?

When you tell me I hate freedom, honesty, truth and the American way of life, you aren't really convincing me that is true. I suggest you save all that for your next crazy teabagger meeting. I'm sure they will agree with you After all, rush told them all that crap.
Limpballs said that "if you're going to say something, it has to be believable." Notice he didn't say it had to be true....just believable.

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