Post A Message to The Future Here.

Hey Future, give Dolly Parton our regards. did she get any wrinkles yet??
Message from 1950 to 2050.

Dear Future. Now that all that Sears stock I left for you has made you rich beyond your wildest dreams, please expand the financial empire that I have created for you. Buy stock in Roy Rogers Roast Beef, and Howard johnson's. I think that there is going to be a big future in book stores. Chrysler Corp. is going to be big, and so is manufacturing of 33 1/3 RPM records. Load up on any movie studio that is producing 3d movies. Find out who builds blimps for Goodyear. They are going to be HUGE when they return to transatlantic service. Above all, invest in the gambling industry in Cuba~! (Don't forget Zenith TV!)
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Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

Work! Work! Work!

Strip the planet dry and buy your children plastic toys!

First generation to understand the concept of "enough" gets video of their grandchildren exploring the stars.

True Story! :thup:
I just had a three day stream of snail-mail from my healthcare provider, and the expensive bureaucracy that tracks a sizable sum of money that my employer surrenders under my tax ID number, and then pays some of my medical expenses based on formulas and math that I remember signing off on under the duress of knowing that, of all the highly limited number of expensive health-care 'plans' that my employer was waving under my confused nose when my employment became a contract, I had to pick one..... and I understood what happened.

I actually followed the math as I signed for "my portion" under my visa number!

How fucked up is that?!? :disbelief:
I hope when you are reading this, the era of Trumpism and single party control which consolidates the power of all three branches of our government has been tossed on the trash pile of history. If not RESIST!
AVG-Prediction #119: The Presidency of Donald Trump will make it way harder for the blue-haired church ladies of the world to stir up effective shit about the moral fabric of flawed Monkeys seeking higher office.
Happy Friday, Everybody!!!

So far, this is my Favorite Friday of 2019.....

A lucky, fun, tragic and sad 22,915 turns back... just nineteen turns after the music died.... when the annual Five-double-"oh" first fired her engines on that obscure Florida beach....

Sing it! "Three thousand six hundred fifty three more turns on the wheel! Three thousand six hundred fifty three more turns......"

Double face palm - if being stupid enough to write out a personal check to the thugs hired to commit fraud isn't Darwin Award material, I :dunno:

Friday again already?!? :disbelief:

Is human luck holding?

Have you kids reached the stars yet?

Gook luck, and, Happy Friday, Y'all!! :party:
April 20-something, 2019

:102: It sucks that our most persistent and bloody conflict points still revolve around our Imaginary Friends and arguing over what happens when we die.

:slap: The Time to bury The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament, and/or The Qur'an with Abraham, and celebrate The God of (insert your name here) is now!

:soapbox: Stop trying to right the past and focus on educating your spawn to live on a crowded planet!

Or a wedding ring.

Either, if used as designed, is highly effective in preventing the spread nasty of sex-bugs :thup:
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

I still think Miss Ellie shot JR
Happy Friday, Y'all!!! Time sure flies when you're having fun, eh?

The ride continues........


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