Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Nope, a wall is a waste of money and sink that will just keep eating more money.

The purpose of the military is to defend the country, but we are too stupid to let them do that.

3 simple steps to end the majority of illegal crossing and none cost more than we are already spending.

1. Put the military on the border to protect it from illegal crossings.
2. Create an actual workable guest worker program for migrant agricultural work.
3. Go after companies that hire illegals, and go after them so hard that nobody will do it. The first time a major corporation is fined out of business the rest will learn it is not worth it to hire illegals.
Yeah, that's fine UNTIL we elect another brain dead tards like Obama or Hillary and policies change. Then it's open borders again.

No, a WALL is necessary and MUCH CHEAPER than subsidizing millions of foreign invaders.


A wall that is not defended or maintained is just an eyesore and will stop nobody, thus the same outcome could come from a wall

Then we'd better keep the Dems out of power so that the wall will be properly maintained and staffed.

Just sayin'.

We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.
4. “Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect Cristhian Rivera originally from Mexico, living in US illegally"

Mollie more American slaughtered by an illegal brought here by Democrats, for their own advantage: political power.

Democrats entice illegals into the country, give them all sorts of bogus ‘rights,’ make sure they don’t get removed…..

Of course the bogus IDs and driver's licenses are intended to be used for the purpose of voting for Democrats.

There is no other explanation for elected Democrats devising the scam for illegally invaded our country.

Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.

Yet.....Democrats give them documents that allow them to's a quid pro quo.

Here is Hussein telling illegal aliens that voting makes them a citizen, and to go out and do so:

Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
OBAMA: "Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. "

[....a bald-faced liar!]

"And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera."

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and one will be the wiser!']

" The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote."

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

And, Obama did say those exact words, in the exact order I’ve provided them.
A Colorado father murdered his family. It`s time to deport all Colorado fathers.

Once again common sense doesn't seem to be in people like you purview.

No one is saying deport the "illegal immigrant".
What we are saying is :
A) The MSM needs to be reporting the news NOT making the news...i.e. the Des Moines Register "Undocumented immigrant"! That is not correct. He was here illegally.
B) The "illegal immigrant" issues would be reduced if our laws were obeyed, "sanctuary cities" hiding illegals and the securitizing the border were accomplished.
Yes, he committed a misdemeanor before he killed somebody. Pittsburgh is a sanctuary city and we`re not hiding anybody. We just don`t think that the Pittsburgh police should be doing the job of the feds.
A Colorado father murdered his family. It`s time to deport all Colorado fathers.

Once again common sense doesn't seem to be in people like you purview.

No one is saying deport the "illegal immigrant".
What we are saying is :
A) The MSM needs to be reporting the news NOT making the news...i.e. the Des Moines Register "Undocumented immigrant"! That is not correct. He was here illegally.
B) The "illegal immigrant" issues would be reduced if our laws were obeyed, "sanctuary cities" hiding illegals and the securitizing the border were accomplished.
Yes, he committed a misdemeanor before he killed somebody. Pittsburgh is a sanctuary city and we`re not hiding anybody. We just don`t think that the Pittsburgh police should be doing the job of the feds.

Good to know that the citizens of Pittsburgh will be paying part of the Tibbett's "wrongful death suit". If they are smart they will file, and name any place that gave her killer sanctuary in the suit..
A Colorado father murdered his family. It`s time to deport all Colorado fathers.

Once again common sense doesn't seem to be in people like you purview.

No one is saying deport the "illegal immigrant".
What we are saying is :
A) The MSM needs to be reporting the news NOT making the news...i.e. the Des Moines Register "Undocumented immigrant"! That is not correct. He was here illegally.
B) The "illegal immigrant" issues would be reduced if our laws were obeyed, "sanctuary cities" hiding illegals and the securitizing the border were accomplished.
Yes, he committed a misdemeanor before he killed somebody. Pittsburgh is a sanctuary city and we`re not hiding anybody. We just don`t think that the Pittsburgh police should be doing the job of the feds.
In short you just don’t think American lives matter! We got it!
I get it. One life taken by a brown foreigner trumps the 1,500 US citizens who have been murdered since Mollie's murder.
I get it. One life taken by a brown foreigner trumps the 1,500 US citizens who have been murdered since Mollie's murder.

The circumstances in Mollie's death is the issue.

You'll have to give us some feedback on the 1500 others for your post to have validity
I get it. One life taken by a brown foreigner trumps the 1,500 US citizens who have been murdered since Mollie's murder.

Apparently you don't get it. A government policy played a huge part in Mollie's death sentence. The others, you will have to explain.

As were the 1,500 amerAmerdeaths you ignored.

And just how? You forgot that part

You figure it out yourself - 40 - 50 murders every day from gun violence.

1 every few months by an undocumented brown person
I get it. One life taken by a brown foreigner trumps the 1,500 US citizens who have been murdered since Mollie's murder.

Apparently you don't get it. A government policy played a huge part in Mollie's death sentence. The others, you will have to explain.

As were the 1,500 amerAmerdeaths you ignored.

And just how? You forgot that part

You figure it out yourself - 40 - 50 murders every day from gun violence.

1 every few months by an undocumented brown person
Focus on the gun, ignore the actual murderer...
Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

To bad. Many think just like you until they get T-boned by a drunk illegal from south of our border. Then you would agree. Republicans need to be held to account to. Every election they say democrats will let the beaners is, yet every time they get a chance to stop it they waffle. Hold the polititions responsible at the polls and hurt those who employ this trash in the wallet and the problem will fix its self.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

It is significant when the murder could easily have been prevented if the Government was doing it's job.

In this case, Border Security.
The same argument can be made for citizens commiting crimes. How big do you want goverment to get get? How many fortunes do you want to spend on one issue? We have thousands of miles of coast lines. We have thousnads of miles of borders that can be walked over. We have people that come here legaly and over stay, they are already across the border. You expect illegal crime to drop to zero! You have as much chance as getting all crime to drop to zero! Mean while the crooks you elected are about to go to jail, so the system works even though idiots like you are out there jamming it up! Shut the fuck up and lets the adults talk!

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