Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

To bad. Many think just like you until they get T-boned by a drunk illegal from south of our border. Then you would agree. Republicans need to be held to account to. Every election they say democrats will let the beaners is, yet every time they get a chance to stop it they waffle. Hold the polititions responsible at the polls and hurt those who employ this trash in the wallet and the problem will fix its self.

YOur pretense that what I said was a desire to not see the law enforced strongly is dismissed.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

It is significant when the murder could easily have been prevented if the Government was doing it's job.

In this case, Border Security.

I agree but its kinda hard to do your job when the bastards keep coming back after being deported.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

It is significant when the murder could easily have been prevented if the Government was doing it's job.

In this case, Border Security.

I agree but its kinda hard to do your job when the bastards keep coming back after being deported.
Not really, BUILD THE WALL
I get it. One life taken by a brown foreigner trumps the 1,500 US citizens who have been murdered since Mollie's murder.

Apparently you don't get it. A government policy played a huge part in Mollie's death sentence. The others, you will have to explain.

As were the 1,500 amerAmerdeaths you ignored.

And just how? You forgot that part

You figure it out yourself - 40 - 50 murders every day from gun violence.

1 every few months by an undocumented brown person

Neither I, nor Mollie Tibbetts, nor her parents, nor anyone else with half a brain, cares what the color of the Murderers skin is. If the guy was a native Swede, if he was gay, if he was transexual, if he was 4 foot tall, I and they would feel the same.

Of the 40 - 50 murders a day (if that is a fact), none of them involved a Government policy that allowed the Murderer access to the Victim. Only this one.
Here's a comment on the story.

"Our worst fears realized. Another daughter. Another illegal. Another murder. Another family grief-stricken. Another community shaken to its core. We certainly are praying for the repose of Mollie Tibbetts, as well for the comfort and consolation of her family, relatives, friends, and in a particular for the students of the University of Iowa. The Lord giveth. The Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Even as we do so, we as well ask, “How long? How long are our leaders going to continue to fail us? How many more lives will it take before they will cut the crap and get down to business on this matter of illegal immigration?”

We wonder whether they are content, as it seems, to support a larger agenda, which they seem to be doing in many countries of Europe, that is held more important then the safety and well of their citizens, in particular their daughters. How long? Indeed, how long?"
Illegal Immigrant Charged With Murder of Mollie Tibbetts

The lawless party.....the Democrats.
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Someone needs to look into that

Yes they do, then they need to destroy this mans business and torpedo his political ambitions.

The system isn't infallible. Perhaps you should wait until they see if the illegal did pass before lynching the guy?

That is not the libtard way, and GG is no exception. He just claims not to be a liberal, but he is definitely retarded.
I get it. One life taken by a brown foreigner trumps the 1,500 US citizens who have been murdered since Mollie's murder.

Apparently you don't get it. A government policy played a huge part in Mollie's death sentence. The others, you will have to explain.

As were the 1,500 amerAmerdeaths you ignored.

And just how? You forgot that part

You figure it out yourself - 40 - 50 murders every day from gun violence.

1 every few months by an undocumented brown person

Those 40-50 murders committed every day are by mostly brown people too!
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

I've wondered the same. Fake documents were used in the Nebraska/Minnesota ICE raids earlier this month. Shell corporations were used to obtain them in that case. Wondering what the future investigations will uncover. Also, was he a dreamer? That could also be a factor.
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

its always someone else's fault with you people
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

I've wondered the same. Fake documents were used in the Nebraska/Minnesota ICE raids earlier this month. Shell corporations were used to obtain them in that case. Wondering what the future investigations will uncover. Also, was he a dreamer? That could also be a factor.

He was not a dreamer, he came here at the age of 20
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

its always someone else's fault with you people

Yes, I guess it is my fault that you are such a bumbling dumbass!
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

its always someone else's fault with you people

Yes, I guess it is my fault that you are such a bumbling dumbass!

It is your fault that your head is so far up Trump's ass that you are suffering brain damage from lack of oxygen.
Yeah, that's fine UNTIL we elect another brain dead tards like Obama or Hillary and policies change. Then it's open borders again.

No, a WALL is necessary and MUCH CHEAPER than subsidizing millions of foreign invaders.


A wall that is not defended or maintained is just an eyesore and will stop nobody, thus the same outcome could come from a wall

Then we'd better keep the Dems out of power so that the wall will be properly maintained and staffed.

Just sayin'.

We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan
According to Washington Post

And our 100% American Terrorist Gun Nutters
makes sure 30K plus Americans are killed/murdered by guns each year.

We are in safer hands with the illegals.

Most gun deaths (2/3rds) are suicide. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by someone (probably not gun related in the first place) who our Government was responsible to keep out, but neglected to do so.


If this was true, the illegals would have to kill 6 people a day.

911 deaths were cause by legally traveling terrorist.

So lets take that 3000 away. Which makes this BS number 18,000
So now illegals are killing 5 peoples a per day. And many are illegals.

btw. over 63% of illegals fly in, 11% come by boats.
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According to Washington Post

And our 100% American Terrorist Gun Nutters
makes sure 30K plus Americans are killed/murdered by guns each year.

We are in safer hands with the illegals.

Most gun deaths (2/3rds) are suicide. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by someone (probably not gun related in the first place) who our Government was responsible to keep out, but neglected to do so.
My point is, murder, deaths are not all done by illegals.
And the NRA is the sponsor of deaths by guns.
My point is, murder, deaths are not all done by illegals.
Of course that's your point, it has nothing to do with this, in fact you are the only one even considering that "all deaths" are committed by illegals...btw, congratulations for finally using the word "illegals"
A wall that is not defended or maintained is just an eyesore and will stop nobody, thus the same outcome could come from a wall

Then we'd better keep the Dems out of power so that the wall will be properly maintained and staffed.

Just sayin'.

We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.

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