Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

They found them...where the hell have you been?

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | Op-Ed | US News

Yeah, we invaded Iraq and sacrificed more than 4000 US service members for less than 5000 30 year old warheads and bombs.

Are you people really this dumb?

We went to war with Iraq for other reasons also

Are you really this dumb?

See what I did there?

Yes, we went to war with them to fulfill the vision of the Neo-Cons for the world

We sacrificed more than 4000 of my fellow service members lives to make the region worse off than it was when we went.

It's patently obvious you have no clue, lefty
So, the Republican tried to verify but the system failed, Democrats never met an illegal they did not like so they will do nothing about saving American lives!
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

They found them...where the hell have you been?

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | Op-Ed | US News

Yeah, we invaded Iraq and sacrificed more than 4000 US service members for less than 5000 30 year old warheads and bombs.

Are you people really this dumb?

We went to war with Iraq for other reasons also

Are you really this dumb?

See what I did there?

Yes, we went to war with them to fulfill the vision of the Neo-Cons for the world

We sacrificed more than 4000 of my fellow service members lives to make the region worse off than it was when we went.

It's patently obvious you have no clue, lefty

HA! You are just another partisan hack that was happy to sacrifice the lives of more than 4000 member of our military for some bullsthit political war
The farmhand from hell gamed the system! E verify does not work nor does deportation. Build the wall.

As was the case in the recent raids in Nebraska and Minnesota, e-verify was gamed. Corporations were formed to gather fake identities to get around e-verify, Then these corporations (formed by Legal Immigrants), were used to collect the taxes that the workers were supposed to pay, but instead of paying the taxes, these corporations took the funds and invested in Real Estate in the Las Vegas area.

We need a strong border to not only protect our citizens, but also protect those that are here for their cheap labor.

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

its always someone else's fault with you people

Yes, I guess it is my fault that you are such a bumbling dumbass!

It is your fault that your head is so far up Trump's ass that you are suffering brain damage from lack of oxygen.

You are such an arrogant imbecile. I am though reading your bullshit and trying to show how truly stupid you are.
So, the Republican tried to verify but the system failed, Democrats never met an illegal they did not like so they will do nothing about saving American lives!

Any leftist coddling illegals, supporting sanctuary cities or thinks dreamers have any right to stay here owns Mollie's death.

No ifs ands or buts about it.

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

its always someone else's fault with you people

Yes, I guess it is my fault that you are such a bumbling dumbass!

It is your fault that your head is so far up Trump's ass that you are suffering brain damage from lack of oxygen.

You are such an arrogant imbecile. I am though reading your bullshit and trying to show how truly stupid you are.

oh, is another snowflake going to run off to their safespace?
So, the Republican tried to verify but the system failed, Democrats never met an illegal they did not like so they will do nothing about saving American lives!

Any leftist coddling illegals, supporting sanctuary cities or thinks dreamers have any right to stay here owns Mollie's death.

No ifs ands or buts about it.
They are all dripping her blood from their nasty hands!
A Colorado father murdered his family. It`s time to deport all Colorado fathers.

Once again common sense doesn't seem to be in people like you purview.

No one is saying deport the "illegal immigrant".
What we are saying is :
A) The MSM needs to be reporting the news NOT making the news...i.e. the Des Moines Register "Undocumented immigrant"! That is not correct. He was here illegally.
B) The "illegal immigrant" issues would be reduced if our laws were obeyed, "sanctuary cities" hiding illegals and the securitizing the border were accomplished.
Yes, he committed a misdemeanor before he killed somebody. Pittsburgh is a sanctuary city and we`re not hiding anybody. We just don`t think that the Pittsburgh police should be doing the job of the feds.

So USING YOUR logic... "should be doing the job of the feds"... what would you say about the police involvement with a bank robbery? You don't think the police should be involved in an FBI operation because bank robbery is in the FBI jurisdiction. So the police according to YOUR logic should NOT help the FBI do their job. Right?

And remember all of this is because of the 1993 Motor Voter Bill signed by Bill Clinton and backed by the DEMOCRATS. And why?
And to what purpose is the MSM/Democrats in favor of “open borders”…doing away with ICE?

This was pure politicization of the immigration process.
As a result millions of “illegals” are considered Democrats. This is a very well known fact.
The “The Safe and Responsible Drivers Act,” signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown in 2015, allows undocumented immigrants to obtain a legal driver’s license in the state.
More than 1 million undocumented immigrants have received California driver’s licenses, as first reported by The Sacramento Bee.

California DMV allows illegals to vote: GOP chairman

Then with the extremely biased MSM preaching “undocumented” instead of “illegal” this palliative i.e. makes it easier to swallow the fact that promoting illegal behavior
gains democrat voters.

And my point was even in this case the MSM bias is showing just in using the word “undocumented” makes it easier for voters to swallow while getting more “illegal” democrat voters.
So....we have an illegal alien accused of an atrocious murder of a white girl
Perfect fodder for 2018 Republican candidates

Except the illegal alien has been employed by a prominent Iowa Republican for four years
Obama invaded Iraq? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Damn you people are fucking stupid
Damn you're pretty stupid.

Yeah, Obama, the MUSLIM, fucked up everything in the ME once he got in office.

Your responses tell me where you REALLY are politically.

Things were fucked up n the ME long before anyone had even heard Obama's name.

We could still be in Iraq and it would still be more fucked up than it was in March of 2003. All we were doing in Iraq was sacrificing our service member to the political elite, same thing we are doing in Afghanistan right now. Whether we leave tomorrow or 20 years from now the outcome will be the same.

You are probably one of those morons that would catch your house on fire and then bitch about the fire department getting your shit wet.
So....we have an illegal alien accused of an atrocious murder of a white girl
Perfect fodder for 2018 Republican candidates

Except the illegal alien has been employed by a prominent Iowa Republican for four years

Who passed the e-verify system because of (likely) using a stolen identity, and who, if we were not dealing with the insanity at the border, would not have been in the Country and given access to this victim.

You were saying?

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