Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Which party handed out applications for food stamps in Mexico to entice illegal aliens??????

5. Democrats take Americans' money to entice illegal aliens.

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Welfare: As if being "food stamp president" weren't enough, Barack Obama's administration is partnering with the Mexican government to make sure Mexican nationals living in the U.S. don't miss out. Ay caramba!"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

6. And then, made certain that they stay:

"200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama
....."administratively closed" without action, a move that left tens of thousands of illegal immigrants free to roam America, sometimes indefinitely, according to a new report.

When added to those cases still pending court action, it brings the backlog of cases to about 800,000, far more than previously known.

In his report, he said the exact number isn't known. "I believe that the Obama administration's use of the practice may have ‘cooked the books' as it relates to the true number of cases that are pending adjudication before the immigration courts."

The Trump administration has taken action to reverse the practice of letting authorities close the cases and is working to reschedule them, he added."
200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama
Then we'd better keep the Dems out of power so that the wall will be properly maintained and staffed.

Just sayin'.

We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.
According to Washington Post

And our 100% American Terrorist Gun Nutters
makes sure 30K plus Americans are killed/murdered by guns each year.

We are in safer hands with the illegals.

Most gun deaths (2/3rds) are suicide. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by someone (probably not gun related in the first place) who our Government was responsible to keep out, but neglected to do so.
My point is, murder, deaths are not all done by illegals.
And the NRA is the sponsor of deaths by guns.

And who, exactly, ever claimed that all murders were done by illegals? This murder was only made possible because our Government allowed it.

What exactly is the point you are trying to make in respect to this?
We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

Yep, we have to instigate to give us an excuse to keep policing.
Then we'd better keep the Dems out of power so that the wall will be properly maintained and staffed.

Just sayin'.

We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

The fact is we should have a military capable of handling multiple wars and fronts at the same time. We don't.

Then add in the fact that many of eligible recruiting age are too fat or disinterested, and the pool for new recruits is pitifully small. Adding border patrol responsibilities just makes the problem worse.
Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect, illegal immigrant Cristhian Rivera, allegedly passed E-Verify system

Rivera's employer, Yarrabee Farms, confirmed Tuesday that Rivera worked at the farm for four years and said Rivera passed the federal E-Verify check, which is intended to maintain a database of I-9 forms and tax records of employees across the country.

He managed to game the system and passed the E verify! So, Kudos to the Republican farmer, he tried to check him out! The fucking Democrats on the other hand gladly welcome these murderers in!

Build the goddamn wall already!
This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

To bad. Many think just like you until they get T-boned by a drunk illegal from south of our border. Then you would agree. Republicans need to be held to account to. Every election they say democrats will let the beaners is, yet every time they get a chance to stop it they waffle. Hold the polititions responsible at the polls and hurt those who employ this trash in the wallet and the problem will fix its self.

YOur pretense that what I said was a desire to not see the law enforced strongly is dismissed.

No pretense intended. It’s just time to fix this. That involves calling the republicans out on their lies and hurting anyone who provides ANY incentive for this trash to keep coming here. That go’s for those who pick up a dozen $75.00 vatos at Home Depot to Tyson. Start tossing those folks in jail and the illegals stop coming.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

It is significant when the murder could easily have been prevented if the Government was doing it's job.

In this case, Border Security.
The same argument can be made for citizens commiting crimes. How big do you want goverment to get get? How many fortunes do you want to spend on one issue? We have thousands of miles of coast lines. We have thousnads of miles of borders that can be walked over. We have people that come here legaly and over stay, they are already across the border. You expect illegal crime to drop to zero! You have as much chance as getting all crime to drop to zero! Mean while the crooks you elected are about to go to jail, so the system works even though idiots like you are out there jamming it up! Shut the fuck up and lets the adults talk!

Bull shit. Had the trash not been here illegally then no murder would have happened.
We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

The fact is we should have a military capable of handling multiple wars and fronts at the same time. We don't.

Then add in the fact that many of eligible recruiting age are too fat or disinterested, and the pool for new recruits is pitifully small. Adding border patrol responsibilities just makes the problem worse.

We do not need to add border patrol responsibilities, we need to replace world patrol responsibilities with defending this nation for a change.

Were you too fat, is that why you did not join?
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Don’t matter. Punish the employer and you do what trump promised but can’t deliver. Run that farmer out of business and do it enough then wet backs stop killing our kids.

I would throw any employer who knowingly hires an illegal in jail, and take their business license away.
Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

The fact is we should have a military capable of handling multiple wars and fronts at the same time. We don't.

Then add in the fact that many of eligible recruiting age are too fat or disinterested, and the pool for new recruits is pitifully small. Adding border patrol responsibilities just makes the problem worse.

We do not need to add border patrol responsibilities, we need to replace world patrol responsibilities with defending this nation for a change.

Were you too fat, is that why you did not join?

What an idiot. You are clearly overcompensating for a serious short-cumming by feeling the need to insult me for posting a perfectly reasonable reply.

Please, go buy a sports car instead. I'm assuming your driving capabilities are a bit better than your reasoning, although that may be optimistic.
We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

They found them...where the hell have you been?

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | Op-Ed | US News
Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.

Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

They found them...where the hell have you been?

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | Op-Ed | US News

Yeah, we invaded Iraq and sacrificed more than 4000 US service members for less than 5000 30 year old warheads and bombs.

Are you people really this dumb?
Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

The fact is we should have a military capable of handling multiple wars and fronts at the same time. We don't.

Then add in the fact that many of eligible recruiting age are too fat or disinterested, and the pool for new recruits is pitifully small. Adding border patrol responsibilities just makes the problem worse.

We do not need to add border patrol responsibilities, we need to replace world patrol responsibilities with defending this nation for a change.

Were you too fat, is that why you did not join?

What an idiot. You are clearly overcompensating for a serious short-cumming by feeling the need to insult me for posting a perfectly reasonable reply.

Please, go buy a sports car instead. I'm assuming your driving capabilities are a bit better than your reasoning, although that may be optimistic.

It was a simple question, if that is not why you didnt join, then why didnt you?

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.

Coulda shoulda woulda.

The fact is we should have a military capable of handling multiple wars and fronts at the same time. We don't.

Then add in the fact that many of eligible recruiting age are too fat or disinterested, and the pool for new recruits is pitifully small. Adding border patrol responsibilities just makes the problem worse.

We do not need to add border patrol responsibilities, we need to replace world patrol responsibilities with defending this nation for a change.

Were you too fat, is that why you did not join?

What an idiot. You are clearly overcompensating for a serious short-cumming by feeling the need to insult me for posting a perfectly reasonable reply.

Please, go buy a sports car instead. I'm assuming your driving capabilities are a bit better than your reasoning, although that may be optimistic.

It was a simple question, if that is not why you didnt join, then why didnt you?

No, it's a "have you quit beating your wife" type of question.

I don't post PI on the interwebs. And given your hostility, I see no reason to engage in any type of personal conversation with you.
Bullshit. We are not understaffed, we are misused and abused for political purposes.

We have 30,000 plus troops defending Germany instead of this country, we have 10,000 plus troops being wasted in Afghanistan, 12,000 plus in Italy.

You're not very aware of real information, are you slick?

Military Readiness: DOD's Readiness Rebuilding Efforts May Be at Risk without a Comprehensive Plan

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

They found them...where the hell have you been?

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | Op-Ed | US News

Yeah, we invaded Iraq and sacrificed more than 4000 US service members for less than 5000 30 year old warheads and bombs.

Are you people really this dumb?

We went to war with Iraq for other reasons also

Are you really this dumb?

See what I did there?
You obviously do. Other wise you consider the crime political.

Murder is murder, dead is dead.
Murder can be prevented if you keep those that don’t belong here out. A cold is a cold, if you keep people away from you that have it.

So, if we keep out all the illegals there will be no murder? Well shit I didnt know that is how it worked.
We can prevent murder by people that have no right to be here.

I have posted my solution to that multiple times.

Pull troops out of Europe and put them on the southern border and let them defend this nation instead of different nations.

I wish we could, but it's not that simple.
The U.S. military is very limited legally in what they can do protecting our borders. They cannot be used for apprehension, since that's a policing responsibility. Read the The Posse Comitatus Act.

You never spent a day in the military did you, slick?

The problem with the military is not being undermanned or underfunded, it is being over used and misused for political gain.

We should have zero troops in Afghanistan right now, but instead we have 10,000.

We have 30,000 troops in Germany alone, what the fuck for? To defend Germany instead of defending their own nation.

Bring them home and defend this nation for a change. Stop using the military as the world's police force.
Sometimes we`re the police force and other times we`re the instigator. We`ve been searching for wmds in Iraq for 15 years and we`re still coming up empty.

They found them...where the hell have you been?

New York Times Reports WMD Found in Iraq | Op-Ed | US News

Yeah, we invaded Iraq and sacrificed more than 4000 US service members for less than 5000 30 year old warheads and bombs.

Are you people really this dumb?

We went to war with Iraq for other reasons also

Are you really this dumb?

See what I did there?

Yes, we went to war with them to fulfill the vision of the Neo-Cons for the world

We sacrificed more than 4000 of my fellow service members lives to make the region worse off than it was when we went.
Murder is murder, dead is dead.
Murder can be prevented if you keep those that don’t belong here out. A cold is a cold, if you keep people away from you that have it.

So, if we keep out all the illegals there will be no murder? Well shit I didnt know that is how it worked.
We can prevent murder by people that have no right to be here.

I have posted my solution to that multiple times.

Pull troops out of Europe and put them on the southern border and let them defend this nation instead of different nations.

I wish we could, but it's not that simple.
The U.S. military is very limited legally in what they can do protecting our borders. They cannot be used for apprehension, since that's a policing responsibility. Read the The Posse Comitatus Act.

I have read it, it was never meant to cover border defense.
The farmhand from hell gamed the system! E verify does not work nor does deportation. Build the wall.

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