Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.
The political leanings of the farmer has zero to do with the illegal murdering the girl.

If the man who hired the illegal to work on his farm was a Democrat, it wouldn't have ever made the news.

But the sick, deranged liberals will try to shift the focus from the murdering illegal piece of crap, to who employed him. .... :cuckoo::

I believe you caught the dolt shuckin'-n-jivin' again.
Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

I think making examples out of the first few that are caught is an efficient way to get the rest to change their ways.

Your system has two flaws, first it is hard to catch them and 2nd it is slow to have an effect.

A few companies/corporations being put out of business would have a very positive effect on the rest.
Yeah, the Dems suck, that is for sure.
None of that changes the Repubs want them here for their cheap labor.
That is the difference between you and I. You are a partisan sheep that has their head up Trump's ass and I think both parties suck ass.

As if there are no Democrats who employ illegal immigrant labor. :rolleyes:

Besides, how many "Repubs" cater to them and support them at TAXPAYER EXPENSE in sanctuary cities?

You say you think both parties "suck ass", but you sure seem to overlook one sides ass sucking.
another exciting edition of "White Women in Peril!"
Yeah...who gives a fuck if white women are murdered, but we do care if minority women are murdered.

This from a guy who supports D pols in Chicago, were minorities are murdered in vast numbers.
I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

I think making examples out of the first few that are caught is an efficient way to get the rest to change their ways.

Your system has two flaws, first it is hard to catch them and 2nd it is slow to have an effect.

A few companies/corporations being put out of business would have a very positive effect on the rest.

Sure it is efficient. It is just wrong.

I do not believe it is hard to catch them. A blind man with no hands could find them. We just need to do it more.

YOu fine employers for each illegal, and then swing back in 3 months and if they are still doing, fine the times three?

It won't take long.

I've heard of ICE doing some of this. We need MORE. And we should empower state and local law enforcement to do it too.
Yeah, the Dems suck, that is for sure.
None of that changes the Repubs want them here for their cheap labor.
That is the difference between you and I. You are a partisan sheep that has their head up Trump's ass and I think both parties suck ass.

As if there are no Democrats who employ illegal immigrant labor. :rolleyes:

Besides, how many "Repubs" cater to them and support them at TAXPAYER EXPENSE in sanctuary cities?

You say you think both parties "suck ass", but you sure seem to overlook one sides ass sucking.

Since 1980 the GOP has held the White House the majority of the time, 23 years out of 38. What have they done about the issue of illegal immigration in that time?
Yeah, the Dems suck, that is for sure.
None of that changes the Repubs want them here for their cheap labor.
That is the difference between you and I. You are a partisan sheep that has their head up Trump's ass and I think both parties suck ass.

As if there are no Democrats who employ illegal immigrant labor. :rolleyes:

Besides, how many "Repubs" cater to them and support them at TAXPAYER EXPENSE in sanctuary cities?

You say you think both parties "suck ass", but you sure seem to overlook one sides ass sucking.

Since 1980 the GOP has held the White House the majority of the time, 23 years out of 38. What have they done about the issue of illegal immigration in that time?

Which party entices illegal aliens into the nation, blocks the wall and deportations, and provides them with food stamps.....while they are performing criminal acts that injure citizens?
Since 1980 the GOP has held the White House the majority of the time, 23 years out of 38. What have they done about the issue of illegal immigration in that time?
Get a grip. ... :cool:

Obama was recently in the White house for 8 long years and didn't do jack about stopping illegals from crossing the border.
A Colorado father murdered his family. It`s time to deport all Colorado fathers.

Once again common sense doesn't seem to be in people like you purview.

No one is saying deport the "illegal immigrant".
What we are saying is :
A) The MSM needs to be reporting the news NOT making the news...i.e. the Des Moines Register "Undocumented immigrant"! That is not correct. He was here illegally.
B) The "illegal immigrant" issues would be reduced if our laws were obeyed, "sanctuary cities" hiding illegals and the securitizing the border were accomplished.
I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

I think making examples out of the first few that are caught is an efficient way to get the rest to change their ways.

Your system has two flaws, first it is hard to catch them and 2nd it is slow to have an effect.

A few companies/corporations being put out of business would have a very positive effect on the rest.

Just go really hard on a few. Sertapro painting for one and a get more in the construction trades. On the surface it seem tough but all one has to do is a criminal background check and there you go. That will Segway into the persons legality. Then do Monfort, Tyson and a few factory farmers. That will at least get them to look deeper then just $8.00 an hour.
I hope all you people understand that EVEN here on the usmessageboard political correctness rules!
I started a unique thread that was pointing out the difference between an "Illegal immigrant" and the MSM's use of "undocumented immigrant".
And I started this thread before the arrest made in mollie Tibbets topic was started.
A) why did the moderators chose to use the term "illegal alien" with the term most Americans relate to is "illegal immigrant"? Political correctness?
B) Why was my original thread merged when it was first before this thread topic?

I'd certainly like an explanation because the point of MY thread was "political correctness" was the MSM's concern...and apparently the same for the moderators on this board!

They do have a screwy way of maintaining this system. This thread was merged with another.....okay, I can understand that, but they merged it with another thread that was also stopped. What senses does that make?

I don't want to read ten posts on the same topic or related topic either, but there has to be a better way of doing it instead of putting --- under VIEWS and stopping the last reply from putting the topic back to the top of the forum.

Good points. I'm not sure but I thought maybe that which thread came first would be the criteria and I looked first to see any mention of the Iowa girl and there were none.
Nope, a wall is a waste of money and sink that will just keep eating more money.

The purpose of the military is to defend the country, but we are too stupid to let them do that.

3 simple steps to end the majority of illegal crossing and none cost more than we are already spending.

1. Put the military on the border to protect it from illegal crossings.
2. Create an actual workable guest worker program for migrant agricultural work.
3. Go after companies that hire illegals, and go after them so hard that nobody will do it. The first time a major corporation is fined out of business the rest will learn it is not worth it to hire illegals.
Yeah, that's fine UNTIL we elect another brain dead tards like Obama or Hillary and policies change. Then it's open borders again.

No, a WALL is necessary and MUCH CHEAPER than subsidizing millions of foreign invaders.


A wall that is not defended or maintained is just an eyesore and will stop nobody, thus the same outcome could come from a wall

Then we'd better keep the Dems out of power so that the wall will be properly maintained and staffed.

Just sayin'.

We have a military that is already getting paid, we do not need to waste money on a wall when we are already going to add more than a trillion dollars this CY to our debt.

Nonsense. The military is already understaffed.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...
You support sanctuary cities, you have blood on your hands. Time to start jailing people like yourselves.
This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.

If the employer did indeed, know, then yes, punish him harshly.

I dislike systems that "work" by creating examples of a few.

Better would be a system that catches large numbers of the lawbreakers and punishes them harshly enough that they learn, likely with increasing penalties for repeat offensives.

I think making examples out of the first few that are caught is an efficient way to get the rest to change their ways.

Your system has two flaws, first it is hard to catch them and 2nd it is slow to have an effect.

A few companies/corporations being put out of business would have a very positive effect on the rest.

Just go really hard on a few. Sertapro painting for one and a get more in the construction trades. On the surface it seem tough but all one has to do is a criminal background check and there you go. That will Segway into the persons legality. Then do Monfort, Tyson and a few factory farmers. That will at least get them to look deeper then just $8.00 an hour.

So much for them being hard to find.

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