Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Perhaps American lives are the Repubs exchange currency for profits. Rivera was employed for the last 4 year by a Repub farmer.

Which party has been revealed to be counting on illegal alien votes for their 'electoral future'????

That's right.....the Democrat Party.

Let me know if you doubt I can prove it.

Which party has been revealed to be counting on illegal alien votes for their 'financial future'????

That's right.....the Repub Party.

I am so very happy to smash this custard pie in your ugly lying kisser:

Jennifer Palmieri....Hillary Clinton's #1 aide....caught here:

"A secret strategy memo from the Left’s most influential think tank warns that Democrats face electoral oblivion unless they immediately double-down on their support for the young illegal immigrants known as the DREAMers.

DREAMers are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” according to the memo dated Jan. 8.

Shielding DACA beneficiaries from enforced removal is so important to the left-wing agenda that Democrats have to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” states Palmieri’s memo.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo states. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

…they tend to be underachievers, less educated and less established than typical Americans.

According to the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies, about 24 percent of DREAMers are functionally illiterate and 46 percent possess only “basic” English ability. Only 49 percent have a high school diploma, even though a majority are now adults.”
Democrats Must Embrace DREAMers or Face Doom, Says Secret Left-Wing Memo

Speak up, liar......I can't hear you.

Yeah, the Dems suck, that is for sure.

None of that changes the Repubs want them here for their cheap labor.

That is the difference between you and I. You are a partisan sheep that has their head up Trump's ass and I think both parties suck ass.

Which party brings and keeps illegal aliens into this country and lies about how wonderful they are?

Which party wants to make sure that no constructed?

Antifa Chanting "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All'

Antifa.....Republican or Democrat voters????????

In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Someone needs to look into that

Yes they do, then they need to destroy this mans business and torpedo his political ambitions.
Americans cannot be called persons, just dead bodies, while ms 13 have sparks of divinity.

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Someone needs to look into that

Yes they do, then they need to destroy this mans business and torpedo his political ambitions.

The system isn't infallible. Perhaps you should wait until they see if the illegal did pass before lynching the guy?
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify
Perhaps American lives are the Repubs exchange currency for profits. Rivera was employed for the last 4 year by a Repub farmer.

Which party has been revealed to be counting on illegal alien votes for their 'electoral future'????

That's right.....the Democrat Party.

Let me know if you doubt I can prove it.

Which party has been revealed to be counting on illegal alien votes for their 'financial future'????

That's right.....the Repub Party.

I am so very happy to smash this custard pie in your ugly lying kisser:

Jennifer Palmieri....Hillary Clinton's #1 aide....caught here:

"A secret strategy memo from the Left’s most influential think tank warns that Democrats face electoral oblivion unless they immediately double-down on their support for the young illegal immigrants known as the DREAMers.

DREAMers are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” according to the memo dated Jan. 8.

Shielding DACA beneficiaries from enforced removal is so important to the left-wing agenda that Democrats have to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” states Palmieri’s memo.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo states. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

…they tend to be underachievers, less educated and less established than typical Americans.

According to the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies, about 24 percent of DREAMers are functionally illiterate and 46 percent possess only “basic” English ability. Only 49 percent have a high school diploma, even though a majority are now adults.”
Democrats Must Embrace DREAMers or Face Doom, Says Secret Left-Wing Memo

Speak up, liar......I can't hear you.

Yeah, the Dems suck, that is for sure.

None of that changes the Repubs want them here for their cheap labor.

That is the difference between you and I. You are a partisan sheep that has their head up Trump's ass and I think both parties suck ass.
I think you suck ass.
Perhaps American lives are the Repubs exchange currency for profits. Rivera was employed for the last 4 year by a Repub farmer.

Which party has been revealed to be counting on illegal alien votes for their 'electoral future'????

That's right.....the Democrat Party.

Let me know if you doubt I can prove it.

Which party has been revealed to be counting on illegal alien votes for their 'financial future'????

That's right.....the Repub Party.

I am so very happy to smash this custard pie in your ugly lying kisser:

Jennifer Palmieri....Hillary Clinton's #1 aide....caught here:

"A secret strategy memo from the Left’s most influential think tank warns that Democrats face electoral oblivion unless they immediately double-down on their support for the young illegal immigrants known as the DREAMers.

DREAMers are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” according to the memo dated Jan. 8.

Shielding DACA beneficiaries from enforced removal is so important to the left-wing agenda that Democrats have to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” states Palmieri’s memo.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo states. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

…they tend to be underachievers, less educated and less established than typical Americans.

According to the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies, about 24 percent of DREAMers are functionally illiterate and 46 percent possess only “basic” English ability. Only 49 percent have a high school diploma, even though a majority are now adults.”
Democrats Must Embrace DREAMers or Face Doom, Says Secret Left-Wing Memo

Speak up, liar......I can't hear you.

Yeah, the Dems suck, that is for sure.

None of that changes the Repubs want them here for their cheap labor.

That is the difference between you and I. You are a partisan sheep that has their head up Trump's ass and I think both parties suck ass.
I think you suck ass.

Quit telling people your sexual fantasies about me, it is a little spooky
In an ironic twist of making this murder into an political issue, the illegal was in Iowa to kill this young lady because he was being paid by a Republican to work on his farm.

Sorry, forgot that...

The Latest: Suspect worked at farm tied to Republican farmer

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.
You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?
3. Those ‘reliable Democrat voters,’ the government school grads, lap up the propaganda like cats lapping milk from a saucer…..without questioning….no matter how many times their masters are exposed as liars.

For the longest time the Liberal elites put out the pap that illegal aliens were more law-abiding than actual citizens…..even though every one broke the law to get here.

Here are the actual federal stats showing how much more dangerous illegals are than American citizens:

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

Oh....and this reminder: “Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect Cristhian Rivera originally from Mexico, living in US illegally"

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.

Which party hid this from you????

Which party hates Americans?
Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

I just posted a link saying e verify has issues.

You look like a lynch mob

This is why immigration never gets any better, nobody is willing to go after those paying them to be here.

I'm fully willing to go after employers, but if he did what he could to check on the guy, that's not on him, it is on the system giving the employer false information.

Do you want to create a system where employers are afraid to hire hispanics because they might be illegals with false paperwork?

I want to create a system that punishes employers so harshly that only the most foolish of them will pay illegals.

The "oh, the system didn't work" is a lame excuse and once it has been looked into normally the system was fine and the employer is just using it as an excuse.
The political leanings of the farmer has zero to do with the illegal murdering the girl.

If the man who hired the illegal to work on his farm was a Democrat, it wouldn't have ever made the news.

But the sick, deranged liberals will try to shift the focus from the murdering illegal piece of crap, to who employed him. .... :cuckoo::
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