Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

What happened to that poor girl was tragic. To blame Democrats for illegals is just intellectual dishonesty as Republicans were just as responsible for the current immigration situation as everyone and still are. The blame for the girl's death is the trash that killed her.
Trump is the figurehead and leader of the Republican Party.

WE support him on illegal immigration.

A few rinos fight Trump at every turn. Democrats ARE responsible for this life ended.

Democrats want OPEN BORDERS and illegal immigration without consequence. They don't want vetting. Republicans only disagree with what to do about all those who he Democrats let in.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!

Sorry you think it is political because MY whole point was that the MSM won't call it as it is! An illegal immigrant. 90 million of us either "LEGAL immigrants" or as I have a relative that is a "LEGAL" immigrant as does President Trump really get offended when the MSM and truly ignorant people LET these "ILLEGALs" slip by. No one has ever said EVERY ILLEGAL immigrant is a rapist i.e. like this guy. Or an idiot killer who killed Steinle... but if you can't at least be honest and call a spade a spade then it truly becomes US against you because you aren't being honest! Golfing Gator how do you think the parents of Molly Tibbets feel about "undocumented immigrants"?

Of course you point was political, you took a tragedy and thought to can I use this on the forum to make some good post.

Did you even stop for 10 seconds and have a bit of sadness for the dead girl before you used her death for your own advantage?

Your party continues to obstruct securing our border, deporting illegals, they give illegals sanctuary, refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, your party has blood on its hands.

My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
Sure you will, and I bet you have.

Have you ever commented on school shootings? Somehow, I think you have.

Feel free to find a political post from me about school shootings.
Like this POS never killed before? And he blacked out and doesn’t remember. No one is safe anywhere, even in the middle of Iowa. We don’t need throwaways from every shit hole in the world. If you want to come to our country, do it the right way. It was good enough for those that came through Ellis Island years back. But those people worked and paid taxes or didn’t eat. Stop making them victims, and start preventing our kids from becoming victims. Feel empathy for her parents, family and friends.

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Liberals own the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. Way to go Democrats. Another US citizen murdered at the hands of an illegal.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!

Sorry you think it is political because MY whole point was that the MSM won't call it as it is! An illegal immigrant. 90 million of us either "LEGAL immigrants" or as I have a relative that is a "LEGAL" immigrant as does President Trump really get offended when the MSM and truly ignorant people LET these "ILLEGALs" slip by. No one has ever said EVERY ILLEGAL immigrant is a rapist i.e. like this guy. Or an idiot killer who killed Steinle... but if you can't at least be honest and call a spade a spade then it truly becomes US against you because you aren't being honest! Golfing Gator how do you think the parents of Molly Tibbets feel about "undocumented immigrants"?

Of course you point was political, you took a tragedy and thought to can I use this on the forum to make some good post.

Did you even stop for 10 seconds and have a bit of sadness for the dead girl before you used her death for your own advantage?

Your party continues to obstruct securing our border, deporting illegals, they give illegals sanctuary, refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, your party has blood on its hands.

My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.

Oh shit a Gary Johnson supporter :laughing0301:
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!

Sorry you think it is political because MY whole point was that the MSM won't call it as it is! An illegal immigrant. 90 million of us either "LEGAL immigrants" or as I have a relative that is a "LEGAL" immigrant as does President Trump really get offended when the MSM and truly ignorant people LET these "ILLEGALs" slip by. No one has ever said EVERY ILLEGAL immigrant is a rapist i.e. like this guy. Or an idiot killer who killed Steinle... but if you can't at least be honest and call a spade a spade then it truly becomes US against you because you aren't being honest! Golfing Gator how do you think the parents of Molly Tibbets feel about "undocumented immigrants"?

Of course you point was political, you took a tragedy and thought to can I use this on the forum to make some good post.

Did you even stop for 10 seconds and have a bit of sadness for the dead girl before you used her death for your own advantage?

Your party continues to obstruct securing our border, deporting illegals, they give illegals sanctuary, refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, your party has blood on its hands.

My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.

Oh shit a Gary Johnson supporter :laughing0301:

Yep, that I am. He was far and away the best candidate in the field in 2016.

But then again I am smaller government and more personal freedoms guy so that is why I liked him.

You are against both those things, so you voted for a guy that is against both those things.
What stuck out for me on this Tibbets case, is that they ran this story day in and day out until her body was found, yet large numbers of African-American women disappear each year and you barely hear a peep from the media. Clearly, she was white and thus more important to find.
Your a piece of shit.
Sorry you think it is political because MY whole point was that the MSM won't call it as it is! An illegal immigrant. 90 million of us either "LEGAL immigrants" or as I have a relative that is a "LEGAL" immigrant as does President Trump really get offended when the MSM and truly ignorant people LET these "ILLEGALs" slip by. No one has ever said EVERY ILLEGAL immigrant is a rapist i.e. like this guy. Or an idiot killer who killed Steinle... but if you can't at least be honest and call a spade a spade then it truly becomes US against you because you aren't being honest! Golfing Gator how do you think the parents of Molly Tibbets feel about "undocumented immigrants"?

Of course you point was political, you took a tragedy and thought to can I use this on the forum to make some good post.

Did you even stop for 10 seconds and have a bit of sadness for the dead girl before you used her death for your own advantage?

Your party continues to obstruct securing our border, deporting illegals, they give illegals sanctuary, refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, your party has blood on its hands.

My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.

Oh shit a Gary Johnson supporter :laughing0301:

Yep, that I am. He was far and away the best candidate in the field in 2016.

But then again I am smaller government and more personal freedoms guy so that is why I liked him.

You are against both those things, so you voted for a guy that is against both those things.

LOL dude that's some funny shit right there.
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares
Of course you point was political, you took a tragedy and thought to can I use this on the forum to make some good post.

Did you even stop for 10 seconds and have a bit of sadness for the dead girl before you used her death for your own advantage?

Your party continues to obstruct securing our border, deporting illegals, they give illegals sanctuary, refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, your party has blood on its hands.

My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.

Oh shit a Gary Johnson supporter :laughing0301:

Yep, that I am. He was far and away the best candidate in the field in 2016.

But then again I am smaller government and more personal freedoms guy so that is why I liked him.

You are against both those things, so you voted for a guy that is against both those things.

LOL dude that's some funny shit right there.

Glad you find the truth so funny.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
Sure you will, and I bet you have.

Have you ever commented on school shootings? Somehow, I think you have.

Feel free to find a political post from me about school shootings.
My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...
Why is the idea that a young woman is killed by someone whose citizenship/immigrant status is more important than the idea that a young woman has been killed by anyone? Let's keep track of all the girls/women who disappear or whose bodies are found each year. Killed by American citizens, immigrants, "illegals," whomever. These poor people with their whole lives in front of them are still dead.

Moreover, we are undergoing yet another person whose partner and children-in-common have been found dead in Colorado. It's the abuse/murder that is the problem.

When a white guy kills his wife and kids it does not get any time on this forum as there are no political post to be made about it, so nobody cares

These are illegals thugs preying on Americans. How many Americans need to be raped and killed by illegals before you stop defending them?
Your party continues to obstruct securing our border, deporting illegals, they give illegals sanctuary, refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, your party has blood on its hands.

My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.

Oh shit a Gary Johnson supporter :laughing0301:

Yep, that I am. He was far and away the best candidate in the field in 2016.

But then again I am smaller government and more personal freedoms guy so that is why I liked him.

You are against both those things, so you voted for a guy that is against both those things.

LOL dude that's some funny shit right there.

Glad you find the truth so funny.

Come on Johnson was a big cry baby, he was never going to be POTUS. He wasn't even a factor in shaping the debate on the issues.
Happy days for the partisan hacks. Another tragedy to use for political purposes!
you are part of the problem and en enemy of the US

Yep, because I will not use a dead body to make points on an internet forum I am the enemy of the US.

Here is my response to that...fuck off and die.
How did the dead body get dead? It used to be a living breathing human how did it get dead?

Someone killed her. That is normally what murder means
This is just another example of Trump being right.

Want to hear something tragic?

Mollie Tibbets was a Moon Bat Libtard. She supported Obama, illegal immigration and Crooked Hillary. She even once posted that she "hated White people".

I guessed she reaped what she sowed, didn't she?


Karma is a bitch, isn't it?

The poor confused Liberal girl became a victim of the policies that she supported and was warned against by people like Trump.

The asshole who murdered her was one of Obama's Dreamers. Obama dreamed of him voting for Democrats but he dreamed of raping and murdering a pretty American White girl.
My party did that?

Please provide the links to the Libertarian party doing those things.

Oh shit a Gary Johnson supporter :laughing0301:

Yep, that I am. He was far and away the best candidate in the field in 2016.

But then again I am smaller government and more personal freedoms guy so that is why I liked him.

You are against both those things, so you voted for a guy that is against both those things.

LOL dude that's some funny shit right there.

Glad you find the truth so funny.

Come on Johnson was a big cry baby, he was never going to be POTUS. He wasn't even a factor in shaping the debate on the issues.

True, he never was going to win as the two parties have their loyal slaves that will never vote for anyone not of their party.

But my state went to Clinton by almost 20%, so my vote counted just as much as the 2 million people that voted for Trump as he had as much chance to win this state as Johnson had to win the election.

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