Post election audits find no voter fraud in Arizona

It was audit and there was no fraud.

The audit in Arizona’s four largest counties, which included 86% of all votes for president, provided no evidence of systematic voter fraud, which President Trump has complained about.


Now what will Trumpers bitch about.

There is no voter fraud in Georgia, in PA, in MI and each and every other state in the USA.

Well, those of us whose brains are not syrup already know that.

Your link does not go to the article.

I am very curious to see what it says since the net is totally quiet on the subject of results.

All you get is pushback against Trump's hyperbolic comments.

There have been no results published.

So the article can't have anything of value.

Additionally, the source isn't mainstream.

You got one of these (a mainstream source) ?

Didn't think so.

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