Post Game Analysis: Strictest Restrictions for ChiCom Flu Had the Worst Outcomes


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Yet another I toldja two years ago prophecy comes true.

Despite imposing some of the strictest [Chinese] COVID-19 policies, New York, New Jersey, and California had the worst outcomes, according to a new study.

The study, which was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, charted disparities in health outcomes, economic performance, and education among U.S. states since the start of the pandemic. Researchers found states such as Utah, South Dakota, and Florida that "maximized the individual freedoms of business owners, consumers, workers and parents—and allowed their citizens to make their own risk assessments without government mandates—had the best performance." By contrast, lockdown states such as New York, New Jersey, California, as well as Washington, D.C., had higher rates of learning loss for children in school, unemployment, and death.
Well all three are pestilent shit-holes so I'm not surprised things would be worse locked-down and living in their own filth.
Trump said it all along. The cure can't be worse than the virus. The liberal COVID response, exemplified by murderer Fauci, has been an abject failure.
Yet another I toldja two years ago prophecy comes true.

Despite imposing some of the strictest [Chinese] COVID-19 policies, New York, New Jersey, and California had the worst outcomes, according to a new study.

The study, which was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, charted disparities in health outcomes, economic performance, and education among U.S. states since the start of the pandemic. Researchers found states such as Utah, South Dakota, and Florida that "maximized the individual freedoms of business owners, consumers, workers and parents—and allowed their citizens to make their own risk assessments without government mandates—had the best performance." By contrast, lockdown states such as New York, New Jersey, California, as well as Washington, D.C., had higher rates of learning loss for children in school, unemployment, and death.

They are lying to their people so bad it’s sickening. I don’t know if I should feel bad for their people or look at them like YOU WEAK TO A TYRANNICAL GOV. Band together as a mass unit and bring your elites hoes down. THese people leading the Chinese are gawd dam savages on a mental war path.

look at these animals in bags!!!!

Well you know what they say about talkative Monday Morning Quarterbacks dontcha?

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