Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Not really. One of them comes up with a half-assed, deflecting talking point, and the rest of them go, "Oh my God, that's BRILLIANT!" and jump on it.

Exactly. LOL
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Apparently we all enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobic bigots.

Apparently, you all enjoy saying, "You're a hypocrite because something else happened and I'm sure you approved even though YOU didn't say a freaking word about it and I had to come up with it myself and then attribute it to you!"

FYI, "hypocrisy" would require any of us to have mentioned Elvis OURSELVES as a shining example of a deserved stamp, rather than you droolers pulling him out and waving him around. Ditto for Poe.

No charge for the English lesson, pisshead.
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Apparently we all enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobic bigots.

All you have to do is look at many state's "Romeo and Juliet" laws. There are often different age limits and punishments if the individuals are of the same gender. Bigots gotta be bigots.
16 pages and I still haven't read where Milk deserves a stamp :confused-84:

Your lack of reading comprehension is nothing new- or perhaps more particularly- your blindness when it comes to anything you don't want to read.

Harvey Milk is honored for his fight for civil rights.

And I can see why that would offend you.
She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Apparently we all enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobic bigots.

No charge for the English lesson, pisshead.

What dictionary did you find 'pisshead' in exactly?

And yes- I enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy.
A relationship between a 16 year old and a 32 year old, is an inappropriate relationship in all buy two states that I know of.

I would not honor anyone with a stamp for this.

He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

I guess we can all agree that Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church, was a pedophile. :p
Why? Did the PO issue a stamp in his honor?

No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?
Is it a crime to marry a 14yr old girl? He didnt, btw. That of course is a lie.

Priscilla Presley herself has acknowledged that she and Elvis were sexual when she was 16 years old- they started dating when she was 14 years old. There is at least one account that says that they had sex when she was 14 years old.

Of course no one has ever said that Milk had sex with them when they were underage- that is just speculation by those who are upset that a leader of the LGBT rights movement is getting honored.
So does this mean liberals think all sexual predators should get a break then?

No- thats just the rantings of an idiot.

I think all sexual predators should be treated the same, whether their victims are girls or boys- if someone is arrrested and convicted of a crime against a child or a minor- send them to prison.

Of course we are not talking about anyone who was ever accused of a crime, arrested for it, or convicted of such a crime.
PO should not be elevating a twisted sick pedophile such as milk.

Just "pedophiles" like Elvis? Or just 'straight' 'pedophiles'?

Elvis was a pedophile for having friends? Who knew.

Elvis was no more a pedophile than Milk- but we know Elvis was sexually involved with a minor- Priscilla has told us that- but we don't know that Milk was ever sexually involved with a minor- its just speculation.
There is a huge difference between a 6 yr old and a 16 year old. I'm not saying it's cool that a 33 yr old adult is carrying on with a 16 yr old - but it's not pedophilia by any stretch. A 16 yr old can even get married for example.
Imagine if, say, Lindsay Graham was caught with a 16year old girl. How many people would say "oh, she wasnt 6 so its ok"?

No one is saying either one is ok but they aren't the same.

Is having sex with a 16 yr old the same as having sex with a 6 yr old? Do you seriously think it is?
So we agree that Milk was a disgusting pervert. Good. So why is the USPS honoring htat dead cocksucker with a stamp?

For the same reason that they honored say Elvis- or Thomas Jefferson (who had sex with slaves)- not for their real or imagined sexual scandals but for their historical accomplishments.

Thomas Jefferson didn't have sex with slaves that anyone has ever been able to prove.

There is more actual physical evidence that Thomas Jefferson had sex with a slave- than there is evidence that Milk had sex with a minor.

There is no conclusive proof of either.
Didn't read the 28 pages but here is what actually happened...

"He started a romantic relationship with Jack Galen McKinley, and recruited him to work on conservative RepublicanBarry Goldwater's1964 presidential campaign.[12] Their relationship was troubled. When McKinley first began his relationship with Milk in late 1964, he was 16 years old,[13] and therefore legally underage, though Milk recorded him as 18 in his address book.[14] He was prone to depression and sometimes threatened to commit suicide if Milk did not show him enough attention.[15] To make a point to McKinley, Milk took him to the hospital where Milk's ex-lover, Joe Campbell, was himself recuperating from a suicide attempt, after his lover Billy Sipple left him. Milk had remained friendly with Campbell, who had entered the avant-garde art scene in Greenwich Village, but Milk did not understand why Campbell's despondency was sufficient cause to consider suicide as an option.[16]"

By the way he was 16, that's not against the law....

Rabbi, I say your pissed because you didn't get a go...

California's age of consent is 18

And there is no evidence that Milk ever had sex with a minor.
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.

Only if you're Elvis.

So are you ever going to list Milk's accomplishments? Or are you just going to continue to prop up his sexual predator status with deflections?

So are you ever going to prove your allegations that Milk was a sexual predator- or are you just going to keep on avoiding backing up your claims?
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.

Actually it is you who are deranged.

No one has argued that statutory rape is okay, or child molestation is okay.

That is just your troubled view of the world.
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.

Only if you're Elvis.

So are you ever going to list Milk's accomplishments? Or are you just going to continue to prop up his sexual predator status with deflections?

So are you ever going to prove your allegations that Milk was a sexual predator- or are you just going to keep on avoiding backing up your claims?

His good friend that wrote his biography even admitted "he had a penchant for young waifs with drug abuse problems". Sounds like a predator to me.
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.

Actually it is you who are deranged.

No one has argued that statutory rape is okay, or child molestation is okay.

That is just your troubled view of the world.

Since that is exactly what you are arguing. Yes... You are deranged. :)
In Conservatopia, this guy is on a postage stamp.


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