Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

And why does any of that matter in context of this thread?

Reality matters because reality is. You of the left play make believe and demand that all accept that fiction is what determines outcomes, that reality is irrelevant, But reality is, and eventually the fraud that you promote and celebrate will collapse.

You dishonestly attacked Elvis as a pedophile because the goals of your party are to promote perversion up. In countering your demagoguery, I pointed out that Elvis marrying Priscilla at 16 was pretty common, and that biological factors drove a more sane society to accept that. We are a less agrarian society now with advances in medical care that largely mitigate these factors today. However, they were entirely rational at the time.

The is no biological basis for buggering heroin addicted young boys. It's just a matter of promoting perversion up.
Milk picked up a homeless hustler...who turned out to be 16...and stayed with him for years.
Probably funded his college education too, right?
At least he could say in later years he had been reared by Milk.

Dunno, maybe. The question I ask is why was he a homeless gay teen?
He must have been asking for it, right?
Again, what did Milk do to earn himself a stamp honoring him?

Sad you know so little about Harvey Milk.

Sad you clearly do too, since you can't actually tell us anything.
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:
So we agree that Milk was a disgusting pervert. Good. So why is the USPS honoring htat dead cocksucker with a stamp?

Would you feel so strongly if it were an attractive 33 year old woman having sex with 16 year old boys?

Do you have any reason to believe Rabbi wouldn't, other than the fact that YOU wouldn't, and you project your crap onto others?
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.

Only if you're Elvis.

So are you ever going to list Milk's accomplishments? Or are you just going to continue to prop up his sexual predator status with deflections?

I never said he did anything particular to merit a stamp. But then, I don't think Elvis did either. How long will you continue this laughable double standard?
Are these ding a lings actually arguing that statutory rape and targeting troubled children as sex toys is ok?

Liberals are deranged.

Only if you're Elvis.

So are you ever going to list Milk's accomplishments? Or are you just going to continue to prop up his sexual predator status with deflections?

I never said he did anything particular to merit a stamp. But then, I don't think Elvis did either. How long will you continue this laughable double standard?

What double standard? I never mentioned Elvis as a role model in this thread. Not once. So, the only double standard being practiced here is yours as you justify child predators only of certain sexual orientations.
You just admitted he didn't mess with her until she was of legal age. Not unheard of in the deep south. And yes, people do see homosexuals differently and always will. But mostly you missed the point that Elvis was a big factor in American culture. He wasn't honored or martyred for his sex life.

And very well SHOULD see homosexuality differently. In the 80's there was the talk of defining deviancy down, now we are promoting perversion up.

One of the arguments against acceptance of homosexuals in society - which I always supported - was that if accepted, they would prey on children. The homosexual community always bristled against this notion.

Now we see assclown bodey (shortbus) openly supporting and promoting the predation by homosexuals on children.

Promoting perversion up.
So you are accusing ME of promoting pedophilia.......reported.
He wasn't a pedophile.
Was Harvey Milk a pedophile
Only if you redefine the term pedophile.

That's exactly what they do and it's BS. Mess with a kid you're a pedo
Under 18=crime. He was a criminal. He could have been prosecuted for underage sex/statutory rape.

Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.
No, it is a psychiatric disorder where an adult or older adolescent has a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children usually under 11 years of age. This is not to excuse a grown man chasing 16 year olds for sex. That's pretty damn creepy, but it isn't necessarily pedophilia.
Do you have any reason to believe Rabbi wouldn't

Rabbi tends to be horribly inconsistent with his convictions, and generally bases his positions on emotional reactions, which themselves are generally based on base prejudice and biases. I have little doubt that Rabbi would claim that a 16 year old male was not victimized by a 33 year old woman having sex with him, thus rendering such a woman as non evil, or at least less evil than a man doing the same.

other than the fact that YOU wouldn't, and you project your crap onto others?


I am one of the biggest critics of society's tendency to show leniency toward female sexual predators who have sex with underage individuals, while showing extreme contempt for men doing the same.

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