Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

Elvis was celebrated both for his music- and for being a heterosexual sexual icon.

Harvey Milk is celebrated for being a leader in equal rights for homosexuals- specifically for helping defeat a law that would have made it illegal for homosexuals to teach in public schools..

Those days sex was not celebrated. So again, you are lying. There may have been undertones to how he gyrated on stage, but the music is what made the man. BTW, he married young Priscilla after courting her with her parents' permission. So you're saying he was 'celebrated sexually for courting a girl and gaining permission from her parents to dedicate his life to her; while he himself was quite young.

Not the case with Milk. As an aging pervert into his 40s, he continually sought new fresh meat which he was quite open about not being devoted to. His claim to fame was the promotion of serial gay promiscuity. His targets were young and his devotion to them ended at the bedsheets or whatever table or park bench he was bending them over that day until they grew too old (24 was the oldest Milk took up with). He in no way shape or form sought their parents' permission. In fact one boy he was trying to lure into his sordid sex abuse he wrote letters to, encouraging him to run away from home and his parents as a young teen to join him (sexually).

After reading all this in Milk's biography, the LGBT community celebrates purely and solely Harvey Milk's sexuality alone. Not his music, nor his below-average political achievements, JUST his sexuality. Very different from Elivis lovers.
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Too late anyways...he's been on one.....and the outrage over it? Crickets.

There is nothing in this world creepier than a queer preying on little boys. Even Elvis, as creepy as THAT was doesn't meet the level of queer creepers.

Of course. Everything is worse when a gay person does it. Speeding in a school zone? Bad. Speeding in a school zone while being gay? Tenfold bad.

^^ See...gotta protect the gay agenda.

Some protect it while others point how destructive it is

I am not against gay rights... But it is annoying as hell when people will not be honest due to pushing an agenda and will actually prop up creeps that are child predators. This is one of those cases.

What is the agenda exactly?

Let me review this for you- since you seem to be particularly uninformed.

Harvey Milk was a not by most definitions a 'child predator'. According to his biography he liked young men- in the range of 18-27 years old. The one instance that he may have been involved with an underage minor was with Jack Galen McKinley.

Jack McKinley arrived in New York with the stated goal of 'sucking cock' and was hustling in NY when he met Harvey Milk and they lived together- for about 6 years.

Compare this to Elvis and Priscilla.

Elvis met 14 year old Priscilla while in the Army in Germany- 2 years later he convinced her parents to send Priscilla to be with him- he lied to them and said she would be living seperately and not with Elvis- in other words- unlike Milk- Elvis lured Priscilla away from her family while she was underage.

No one objected to Elvis on a stamp- even though the story of him and Priscilla is well known. So why the objection to Milk? Is it okay if a guy is straight and sells lots of records, but not okay if the guy is gay and promoted civil rights?
Just "pedophiles" like Elvis? Or just 'straight' 'pedophiles'?

Elvis wasn't a pedophile.

You are a demagogue, but Elvis had no proclivity for prepubescent children.

I said 'pedophile' in quotes because I was responding to the other poster who claimed Milk was a pedophile- neither Milk or Elvis were pedophiles- but Elvis certainly was sexually involved with an underage minor- we know that for certain- whereas for Milk it is only speculation.
I said 'pedophile' in quotes because I was responding to the other poster who claimed Milk was a pedophile- neither Milk or Elvis were pedophiles- but Elvis certainly was sexually involved with an underage minor- we know that for certain- whereas for Milk it is only speculation.

Of course he was involved with a minor. He was gay. All gay people have sex with minors. Look at the girl I posted. If a woman gay person is having sex with minors, you know a man gay person is having sex with minors. Because men are inherently sexual predators. So now we're bigoted and sexist.
Elvis was celebrated both for his music- and for being a heterosexual sexual icon.

Harvey Milk is celebrated for being a leader in equal rights for homosexuals- specifically for helping defeat a law that would have made it illegal for homosexuals to teach in public schools..

Those days sex was not celebrated. So again, you are lying. There may have been undertones to how he gyrated on stage, but the music is what made the man. BTW, he married Priscilla after courting her with her parents' permission. s.

Elvis was a sexual icon- unlike Milk. Young girls threw themselves on Elvis, and swooned at his performances.

Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14 years old- and by at least one account had sex with her when she was 14. Elvis lied to Priscilla's parents to convince them to send 16 year old Priscilla to Memphis- telling them that she would not live with him. Elvis also introduced Priscilla to drugs.

Sure Elvis married Priscilla- because it was legal for him to do so- it was not legal for Milk to marry McKinley.
Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.

So a 16 yr old gets married and it's a pedophilac marriage?

Yeah, if the 16-year-old is marrying a 33-year-old, the 33-year-old is a perv. Is there something confusing about that?
And yet that has been legal and not moaned and groaned about for centuries...........
But made illegal in developed countries for a reason. Women aren't just breeders/home makers anymore and giving birth too young is full of danger. Plus the life expectancy is longer than 40yo.

It is not illegal in developed countries unless you consider the US undeveloped? Btw - I agree that it's too young for marriage and often not in the younger person's best interests for many reasons, but it's is not illegal it just requires parental consent.
That's exactly what they do and it's BS. Mess with a kid you're a pedo
Under 18=crime. He was a criminal. He could have been prosecuted for underage sex/statutory rape.

Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.

So a 16 yr old gets married and it's a pedophilac marriage?

Yeah, if the 16-year-old is marrying a 33-year-old, the 33-year-old is a perv. Is there something confusing about that?

Your statement has zero to do with what I said.
So you think people should care about child molestation only when there are political aspects.

I am going to list a new term, and see if you can figure out what it means


Lying doesn't help your position.

No one claims that Elvis engaged in "child molesting" other than you. And you have an agenda to "promote perversion up" coupled what an apparent lack of integrity. From the founding of the nation into the 1950's, it was VERY common for girls to be married quite young. Why? Teen girls tend to get pregnant. They still do - we just give them welfare now. But that generation was a bit wiser than we - or at least not dedicated the utter destruction of society in pursuit of replacing society with an central authoritarian system, as you of the left are.

I mentioned biology because despite the desire of the left to pretend that there are only two types of people, the hated whites, and the superior others, there are other differences. Believe it or not, there are physical differences among people that can be seen. Not only do these exist, but they complement each other - the genitals of some are designed by nature to fit with the genitals of others. Further, each of these two types carry half of the genetic code, when they fit together like a lock and a key, the code is completed and can result in reproduction. This is a process that has evolved in all animals, but is virtually the same among all mammals - which are a high order type that includes humans.

WHY does this matter? Because the fertility of females - one of these mysterious types - which you sheeple are ignorant of - begins about age 13. This will shock you, but it still does, even today. Females married young because of the fertility factor. Not only are they more prone to pregnancy, but the survival of younger mothers was vastly higher.

Now all of this is something we call "reality," which is a concept that you, as a leftist, simply cannot comprehend.
Elvis was celebrated both for his music- and for being a heterosexual sexual icon.

Harvey Milk is celebrated for being a leader in equal rights for homosexuals- specifically for helping defeat a law that would have made it illegal for homosexuals to teach in public schools..

After reading all this in Milk's biography, the LGBT community celebrates purely and solely Harvey Milk's sexuality alone.

God you are such a liar. Such a bigot. Such a hater.

Here is how the gay community remembers- and celebrates Harvey Milk- nothing about how he had sex- all about him fighting for the rights of the gay community.

And that is of course why you hate him so much- he fought for gay rights.

The Castro Resource Guide Harvey Milk Hero and Martyr
For an entire community, Harvey Milk is remembered as a hero, a martyr to a cause.

After three unsuccessful campaigns, Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors. His election was a landmark event. The reason? Harvey Milk was gay, and his election was the first of an openly gay elected official in the United States. To win the election, Milk had to gain the support of all segments of his district. On election night, Harvey Milk reminded his supporters: "This is not my victory -- it's yours. If a gay man can win, it proves that there is hope for all minorities who are willing to fight."

Harvey Milk was born in 1930 in Woodmere, Long Island, New York. He graduated from New York College for Teachers, served four years in the US Navy, taught high school mathematics and history on Long Island and worked in finance in New York City. When he moved to San Francisco in 1972, he opened a camera store on Castro Street.

Milk's friends and associates remember him as an outgoing person with a keen sense of humor. A brilliant speaker and neighborhood leader, he was soon referred to as "the Mayor of Castro Street." He entered San Francisco politics by campaigning for supervisor as an openly gay candidate in 1973; he lost but won an impressive 17,000 votes. Milk then established the Castro Village Association of local merchants. He ran for supervisor in 1975 and lost again but Mayor George Moscone appointed Milk to the Board of Permit Appeals, making him the first openly gay commissioner in the country.

In 1977, after district elections replaced citywide elections, Milk ran again for the post of supervisor and won. The first openly gay elected official, he was aware of the tremendous discrimination and prejudice that confronted gays and lesbians. Under his urging, the city council passed a Gay Rights Ordinance in 1978 that protected gays from being fired from their jobs. Milk championed the cause of those with little power against downtown corporations and real estate developers, campaigning especially hard for the rights of senior citizens.

Milk knew that his position as a San Francisco Supervisor advocating gay rights placed him in danger. Hate mail began to pour into his office. With chilling foresight Milk made a tape recording on November 18, 1977, with instructions to have it read only if he died by assassination. In it he says, "If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." On November 27, 1978, Supervisor Milk and Mayor Moscone were assassinated by Dan White, a former police officer who had clashed with Milk over gay issues. After shooting the mayor, White entered Milk's office and shot him five times at his desk.

At the trial, White's attorney used the "Twinkie" defense -- that too much junk food affected White's reasoning abilities. The jury found him guilty of voluntary manslaughter. He was sentenced to seven years, eight months for the two murders. Many San Franciscans were outraged at his light sentence. Demonstrations at City Hall erupted into riots on May 21, 1979 (the eve of what would have been Milk's 49th birthday), which became known as "White Night."

Harvey Milk left a legacy. He profoundly influenced gay and lesbian politics, and was also a champion of human rights. Milk once said, "'ve got to keep electing gay know there is better hope for tomorrow. Not only for gays, but for blacks, Asians, the disabled, our senior citizens and us. Without hope, we give up. I know you cannot live on hope alone, but without it life is not worth living. You and you and you have got to see that the promise does not fade." His martyrdom is a painful reminder of the length and difficulty of the journey to freedom.
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.

Okay, he was an ephibophile. Does that little hair-splitting make you feel better? Does it make him a better person in your eyes? Or does it just reveal that you're the sort of person who doesn't have a problem with either paraphilia?

You call the difference between a 6 yr old and a 16 yr old (who can legally marry) - "hair splitting"?
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.
Close enough for Gubmint work... 'pedophile' will suffice.

So a 16 yr old (who can legally marry) is "close enough" to a 6 yr old? I don't think so.
So you think people should care about child molestation only when there are political aspects.

I am going to list a new term, and see if you can figure out what it means


Lying doesn't help your position.

No one claims that Elvis engaged in "child molesting" other than you. And you have an agenda to "promote perversion up" coupled what an apparent lack of integrity. From the founding of the nation into the 1950's, it was VERY common for girls to be married quite young.d.

Assuming for an instant that Milk did have sex with a minor(which is pure speculation) while we know that Presley was sexually involved with a minor- my point- over and over again is that if Milk is a 'child predator'- as he has been called here- then so would Elvis be one.

Far from 'promoting perversion'- I am pointing out hypocrisy.

Elvis was sexually involved with a minor- on stamps- no one cares.
Milk may have been sexually involved with a minor- on a stamp- the bigots are in hysterics over it.



Both- probably.
So you think people should care about child molestation only when there are political aspects.

I am going to list a new term, and see if you can figure out what it means


WHY does this matter? Because the fertility of females - one of these mysterious types - which you sheeple are ignorant of - begins about age 13. This will shock you, but it still does, even today. Females married young because of the fertility factor. Not only are they more prone to pregnancy, but the survival of younger mothers was vastly higher..

And why does any of that matter in context of this thread?
And some only point it out when they can do it to attack homosexuals- and ignore it when done by heterosexuals.

And that would be you.

Societal views on ages for sexuality have gone to shit. Like most things promoted from the left, sexuality has been decoupled from reality and is treated in an entirely irrational fashion.(when the goal is the utter and complete destruction of a society, as it is with the left, rationality is not a priority.) 13 year olds get pregnant every day, but marriage is strongly opposed (for all heterosexuals, of any age, but particularly for young females.) Abortion and welfare are heavily promoted by the left as the answer to teen pregnancy. Humans and human nature did not change, we just became irrational and deal with reality in the most stupid and destructive way possible - all by design of the left.
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.
WTF is with you lefties trying to redefine all the deviant & ILLEGAL behavior in our nation?

I'm going by dictionary definitions. What definitions are *you* using?
Didn't read the 28 pages but here is what actually happened...

"He started a romantic relationship with Jack Galen McKinley, and recruited him to work on conservative RepublicanBarry Goldwater's1964 presidential campaign.[12] Their relationship was troubled. When McKinley first began his relationship with Milk in late 1964, he was 16 years old,[13] and therefore legally underage, though Milk recorded him as 18 in his address book.[14] He was prone to depression and sometimes threatened to commit suicide if Milk did not show him enough attention.[15] To make a point to McKinley, Milk took him to the hospital where Milk's ex-lover, Joe Campbell, was himself recuperating from a suicide attempt, after his lover Billy Sipple left him. Milk had remained friendly with Campbell, who had entered the avant-garde art scene in Greenwich Village, but Milk did not understand why Campbell's despondency was sufficient cause to consider suicide as an option.[16]"

By the way he was 16, that's not against the law....

Rabbi, I say your pissed because you didn't get a go... Actually Rabbi actually likes a lot of stories about the gays, he must spend all day searching the gay sites... Rabbi it is time to come out...
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You can "define" all day, I don't care, but if you mess with a kid you're a pedo and one sick ahole

There is a huge difference between a 6 yr old and a 16 year old. I'm not saying it's cool that a 33 yr old adult is carrying on with a 16 yr old - but it's not pedophilia by any stretch. A 16 yr old can even get married for example.
Imagine if, say, Lindsay Graham was caught with a 16year old girl. How many people would say "oh, she wasnt 6 so its ok"?

No one is saying either one is ok but they aren't the same.

Is having sex with a 16 yr old the same as having sex with a 6 yr old? Do you seriously think it is?
So we agree that Milk was a disgusting pervert. Good. So why is the USPS honoring htat dead cocksucker with a stamp?

For the same reason that they honored say Elvis- or Thomas Jefferson (who had sex with slaves)- not for their real or imagined sexual scandals but for their historical accomplishments.

Thomas Jefferson didn't have sex with slaves that anyone has ever been able to prove. Only dimwits who also believe the "George Washington-Cherry Tree" story was fact believe TJ and the slaves is, too.

And what are these apocryphal "historical accomplishments" of Harvey Milk's again?
Didn't read the 28 pages but here is what actually happened...

"He started a romantic relationship with Jack Galen McKinley, and recruited him to work on conservative RepublicanBarry Goldwater's1964 presidential campaign.[12] Their relationship was troubled. When McKinley first began his relationship with Milk in late 1964, he was 16 years old,[13] and therefore legally underage, though Milk recorded him as 18 in his address book.[14] He was prone to depression and sometimes threatened to commit suicide if Milk did not show him enough attention.[15] To make a point to McKinley, Milk took him to the hospital where Milk's ex-lover, Joe Campbell, was himself recuperating from a suicide attempt, after his lover Billy Sipple left him. Milk had remained friendly with Campbell, who had entered the avant-garde art scene in Greenwich Village, but Milk did not understand why Campbell's despondency was sufficient cause to consider suicide as an option.[16]"

By the way he was 16, that's not against the law....

Rabbi, I say your pissed because you didn't get a go...

California's age of consent is 18

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