Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

Good summary of Milk's life and career here,

Harvey Milk Biography - life family story death history school information born college house time year scandal

Dunno what the standard is for putting people on stamps, flattely not being one of my interests, but other than being assassinated I don't see much 'above and beyond.'

Further, he wasn't assassinated, he was murdered. Collateral damage to the assassination of Mayor Moscone.

Was Dr. MLK Jr. assassinated?
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

Well they could use Matthew Shepard...oh wait he was killed for being a drug dealer

He wasn't a drug dealer. If he was, why didn't they find ANY drugs on him or in his apartment? And if it was a drug deal gone bad, why did these homophobes beat the boy senseless and set him on fire? Why wouldn't they just shoot him in the street? Use what little of your brain you have left and think about it.
Use your big head and do some research.

Matthew Shepard s murder wasn t hate crime claims Stephen Jimenez s new book Daily Mail Online
New claims have been made about the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard in 1998 saying that his death was not actually a hate crime like it has so often described.

Journalist Stephen Jimenez claims that Shepard was pistol whipped, beaten and tortured before being tied to a fence and left to die not because he was gay but because his attackers were high on meth and wanted to take his money.

Attackers Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson were both given life sentences and spoke out in 2004 saying that they had been on methamphetamine fore days before the October 6, 1998 beating in Laramie, Wyoming but gay rights activists have blasted the book for being an attempt at re-writing history.

Jimenez maintains that over the course of more than 100 interviews with people with connections to the case he discovered that Shepard was made into a gay rights martyr after the fact.

He claims to have found a previously-sealed letter in the court filings on the case where a local male hustler wrote that Aaron McKinney 'really did like having sex with gay guys, that he wasn't unfamiliar with homosexuality and the gay world'.

If that claim is true, it would dent the argument that the beating death was based around the attacker's fear of homosexuality.

In earlier interviews, Jimenez says that McKinney and Henderson believed that Shepard was going to trade them drugs in return for sex and that they decided to rob him.

It's a BOOK, not facts proven in a court of law.

This book has been repeated called false, misleading and full of conspiracy theories by homophobes made that they can't murder gay people like they want to. Pure fiction.

And you didn't actually READ your research which states "IF THAT CLAIM IS TRUE" meaning he is just throwing shit against the wall to sell books to homophobes who want to downplay what their hateful rhetoric has done.
LOL! Yeah, if it wasnt proven i a court of law it isnt true. Can we quote you on that?

Well, judging from things like the George Zimmerman trial, even if something IS proven in a court of law, it's still not true if the left wants to believe something else.
Good summary of Milk's life and career here,

Harvey Milk Biography - life family story death history school information born college house time year scandal

Dunno what the standard is for putting people on stamps, flattely not being one of my interests, but other than being assassinated I don't see much 'above and beyond.'

Further, he wasn't assassinated, he was murdered. Collateral damage to the assassination of Mayor Moscone.

Was Dr. MLK Jr. assassinated?

By the way, what the hell is "flattely"?
Good summary of Milk's life and career here,

Harvey Milk Biography - life family story death history school information born college house time year scandal

Dunno what the standard is for putting people on stamps, flattely not being one of my interests, but other than being assassinated I don't see much 'above and beyond.'

Further, he wasn't assassinated, he was murdered. Collateral damage to the assassination of Mayor Moscone.

Was Dr. MLK Jr. assassinated?

By the way, what the hell is "flattely"?

Stamp collecting. Prolly spelled it wrong. :)
Good summary of Milk's life and career here,

Harvey Milk Biography - life family story death history school information born college house time year scandal

Dunno what the standard is for putting people on stamps, flattely not being one of my interests, but other than being assassinated I don't see much 'above and beyond.'

Further, he wasn't assassinated, he was murdered. Collateral damage to the assassination of Mayor Moscone.

Was Dr. MLK Jr. assassinated?

By the way, what the hell is "flattely"?

Stamp collecting. Prolly spelled it wrong. :)
Philately - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?


Well, at least he did SOMETHING to warrant the attention. You must have missed the whole "what did Milk do to warrant attention BESIDES being a pervert" topic?
Milk picked up a homeless hustler...who turned out to be 16...and stayed with him for years.
Probably funded his college education too, right?
At least he could say in later years he had been reared by Milk.

Dunno, maybe. The question I ask is why was he a homeless gay teen?
He must have been asking for it, right?
Again, what did Milk do to earn himself a stamp honoring him?

If you don't know what Milk's accomplishments were, you should watch the movie.

The 16 year old Hustler (as in male prostitute) Harvey Milk picked up stayed with Milk for a few years.

Why was he a homeless teen having to hustle to begin with?

Yes, I'm DYING to see some fictionalized Hollywood sycophantic bullshit and assume it's the gospel (you should excuse the expression) truth with stars in my eyes. Why, gosh, then I'll be just like YOU! :gay:
Milk picked up a homeless hustler...who turned out to be 16...and stayed with him for years.
Probably funded his college education too, right?
At least he could say in later years he had been reared by Milk.

Dunno, maybe. The question I ask is why was he a homeless gay teen?
He must have been asking for it, right?
Again, what did Milk do to earn himself a stamp honoring him?

If you don't know what Milk's accomplishments were, you should watch the movie.

The 16 year old Hustler (as in male prostitute) Harvey Milk picked up stayed with Milk for a few years.

Why was he a homeless teen having to hustle to begin with?

In relation to this topic, who the fuck cares? It's irrelevant.
Milk picked up a homeless hustler...who turned out to be 16...and stayed with him for years.
Probably funded his college education too, right?
At least he could say in later years he had been reared by Milk.

Dunno, maybe. The question I ask is why was he a homeless gay teen?
He must have been asking for it, right?
Again, what did Milk do to earn himself a stamp honoring him?

If you don't know what Milk's accomplishments were, you should watch the movie.

The 16 year old Hustler (as in male prostitute) Harvey Milk picked up stayed with Milk for a few years.

Why was he a homeless teen having to hustle to begin with?

Yes, I'm DYING to see some fictionalized Hollywood sycophantic bullshit and assume it's the gospel (you should excuse the expression) truth with stars in my eyes. Why, gosh, then I'll be just like YOU! :gay:
AKA, I don't want to know anything, I just want to be a bitch about what I don't know.
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?


Well, at least he did SOMETHING to warrant the attention. You must have missed the whole "what did Milk do to warrant attention BESIDES being a pervert" topic?

Served in the US Navy and in the Korean War. Started off enlisted, rose to the rank of Lieutenant JG.
Milk picked up a homeless hustler...who turned out to be 16...and stayed with him for years.
Probably funded his college education too, right?
At least he could say in later years he had been reared by Milk.

Dunno, maybe. The question I ask is why was he a homeless gay teen?
He must have been asking for it, right?
Again, what did Milk do to earn himself a stamp honoring him?

If you don't know what Milk's accomplishments were, you should watch the movie.

The 16 year old Hustler (as in male prostitute) Harvey Milk picked up stayed with Milk for a few years.

Why was he a homeless teen having to hustle to begin with?

In relation to this topic, who the fuck cares? It's irrelevant.

It wasn't just one teen
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?


Or write poetry


See above, re: at least he did SOMETHING. And perhaps now, instead of pointing fingers all over Hell's half-acre, you could answer the question of, "So what did Harvey Milk do to warrant a stamp?"
Excellent point above about Elvis. Compared to Milk, Elvis was the textbook definition of pedophile.

"Priscilla was only 14 years old when the singer began dating her. He was 24, and at that time, he even had a younger girl living in his house.[39] As a result, authors such as Albert Goldman labeled Presley as a "pedophile" or "pervert."[40] Indeed, Elvis' relationships were usually with relatively young women: "In his love life," Reuben Fine has observed, "he quickly became attached to teenage girls, and he loved to have them wearing white panties in bed with him. For a long time he would not have sex with them, whom he described as 'jail bait.' "[41] In similar terms, Brent D. Taylor has stated that "Elvis's closest female relationships were usually with young girls of around 13 or 14, ending as they reached late teens. He didn't have sex with these young girls, but had pajama parties, pillow fights and indulged in 'girl talk', just as he did with Gladys."[42] "As a perpetual youth", Elvis was "attracted to young women",[43] and "Elvis felt comfortable with these adolescent girls" because he "was so insecure ... That’s why he needed younger girls."[44] Elvis biographer Alanna Nash also confirms that the singer had a predilection for young adolescent girls. The author says that Presley was overly attached to his mother and could not relate normally to mature women; presumably, Presley sought out very young girls because he felt threatened by women who were older."
Personal relationships of Elvis Presley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

philately is stamp collecting. :)

Well, you didn't say "philately". You said "flattely", which is why I asked about it.

Deeply impressed with the way you tried to pretend you said it right all along, instead of just acknowledging that you spoke gibberish the first time. Naught but what I would have expected.
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?


Well, at least he did SOMETHING to warrant the attention. You must have missed the whole "what did Milk do to warrant attention BESIDES being a pervert" topic?

Served in the US Navy and in the Korean War. Started off enlisted, rose to the rank of Lieutenant JG.

Gosh, and he's the only person ever who's done that? Or are we giving stamps to everyone who did? Why not just tell us about his achievements in breathing in and out, while you're about it?
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?


Or write poetry

Care to compare age of consent between Milk, Presley and Poe just to be genuine

Care to compare the accomplishment and contributions among them, just to be less disingenuously obtuse?

philately is stamp collecting. :)

Well, you didn't say "philately". You said "flattely", which is why I asked about it.

Deeply impressed with the way you tried to pretend you said it right all along, instead of just acknowledging that you spoke gibberish the first time. Naught but what I would have expected.

My only reference was an aural one from an episode of "The West Wing." If I've ever seen in written it didn't come up in my recollection. So I pronounced it mostly correct in my head, but simply spelled it wrong. Or, could say I used Arab rules where you spell things as you hear them. :)
He was the first to get an ordinance passed requiring dog owners to pick up their dog shit?
Good summary of Milk's life and career here,

Harvey Milk Biography - life family story death history school information born college house time year scandal

Dunno what the standard is for putting people on stamps, flattely not being one of my interests, but other than being assassinated I don't see much 'above and beyond.'

Further, he wasn't assassinated, he was murdered. Collateral damage to the assassination of Mayor Moscone.
Collateral damage? :lol: You mean he was standing next to Moscone and took a bullet by accident? :haha::haha::haha:

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