Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

This girls is:

A) Better than Harvey Milk
B) Worse than Harvey Milk
C) Equal to Harvey Milk

Harvey Milk's whole goal was to do away with the country's Judeo-Christian sexual ethics. Probably so he could sexually abuse young boys without guilt. Of course the left embraces this.
Where was that alleged goal stated? Link please.
Harvey Milk's whole goal was to do away with the country's Judeo-Christian sexual ethics. Probably so he could sexually abuse young boys without guilt. Of course the left embraces this.
Where was that alleged goal stated? Link please.

" The Mayor Of Castro Street"
This girls is:

A) Better than Harvey Milk
B) Worse than Harvey Milk
C) Equal to Harvey Milk


Are we supposed to know who she is?

She was all over the news for quite a while some time back. Her name is Kaitlyn Hunt. She was convicted of statutory rape for having a sexual relationship with a 14 year old.
15 and 18. 14 and 17 when they started. The need for a Juliet and Juliet exception is obvious.
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer

Are you kidding me? That's really the best gay man they could come up with? Or is it just a continuation of the left's love affair with scuzballs and criminals?
He's iconic of the struggle for gays to be treated equally in this country, which they still aren't because of people like you and those here.
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

I'm not sure why dying of AIDS is an accomplishment needing honoring, but cripes, it's not like there aren't gay people who've made huge achievements in the world. Anyone else see "The Imitation Game"? Whatever else he was, Alan Turing was a genius.
The post office was trying to be all equal and Milk was the best they had to offer
Couldnt they honor Rock Hudson, the first celebrity to die of AIDS, instead? Milk wasnt even killed because he was gay. He was collateral damage.

I'm not sure why dying of AIDS is an accomplishment needing honoring, but cripes, it's not like there aren't gay people who've made huge achievements in the world. Anyone else see "The Imitation Game"? Whatever else he was, Alan Turing was a genius.
British, not American.
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.

Okay, he was an ephibophile. Does that little hair-splitting make you feel better? Does it make him a better person in your eyes? Or does it just reveal that you're the sort of person who doesn't have a problem with either paraphilia?
Was Harvey Milk a pedophile
Only if you redefine the term pedophile.

That's exactly what they do and it's BS. Mess with a kid you're a pedo
Under 18=crime. He was a criminal. He could have been prosecuted for underage sex/statutory rape.

Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.

So a 16 yr old gets married and it's a pedophilac marriage?

Yeah, if the 16-year-old is marrying a 33-year-old, the 33-year-old is a perv. Is there something confusing about that?

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