Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

That's exactly what they do and it's BS. Mess with a kid you're a pedo
Under 18=crime. He was a criminal. He could have been prosecuted for underage sex/statutory rape.

Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.

So a 16 yr old gets married and it's a pedophilac marriage?

Yeah, if the 16-year-old is marrying a 33-year-old, the 33-year-old is a perv. Is there something confusing about that?
And yet that has been legal and not moaned and groaned about for centuries...........
This girls is:

A) Better than Harvey Milk
B) Worse than Harvey Milk
C) Equal to Harvey Milk


Are we supposed to know who she is?
The Right was crying about her and how she should be in prison just last year.
Maybe a better term for Milk is pederast
Fine, as long as you remember that he was fucking, and shouldn't have been, a 16-year-old street hustler, drug addict, and male prostitute. Jack wasn't exactly a boy scout helping little old ladies cross the street.
Who gives a fuck what the 16 year old was. Immediately take the focus off the sexual predator and place it on the victim right? I mean at least when he is one of your heroes.

Fucking disgusting.

Typical of the left though.

So it is the 'left' who celebrates Elvis?

The only issue I have with this hysterical thread is the blatant hypocrisy.

1) No one knows for certain whether Milk ever had sex with a minor- anyone who could answer that has been dead over 30 years.
2) It has been widely known that Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14 years old- and Priscilla has confirmed that they were sexual by the time he brought her from Germany to his home in Memphis when she was 16.
3) No one objects to Elvis' stamp- and literally millions go to Graceland to see his home.

Is there a double standard for gays versus straights or if you sell enough records, then messing around with a 14 year old is okay?
Under 18=crime. He was a criminal. He could have been prosecuted for underage sex/statutory rape.

Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.

So a 16 yr old gets married and it's a pedophilac marriage?

Yeah, if the 16-year-old is marrying a 33-year-old, the 33-year-old is a perv. Is there something confusing about that?
And yet that has been legal and not moaned and groaned about for centuries...........
But made illegal in developed countries for a reason. Women aren't just breeders/home makers anymore and giving birth too young is full of danger. Plus the life expectancy is longer than 40yo.
Maybe a better term for Milk is pederast
Fine, as long as you remember that he was fucking, and shouldn't have been, a 16-year-old street hustler, drug addict, and male prostitute. Jack wasn't exactly a boy scout helping little old ladies cross the street.
Who gives a fuck what the 16 year old was. Immediately take the focus off the sexual predator and place it on the victim right? I mean at least when he is one of your heroes.

Fucking disgusting.

Typical of the left though.

So it is the 'left' who celebrates Elvis?

The only issue I have with this hysterical thread is the blatant hypocrisy.

1) No one knows for certain whether Milk ever had sex with a minor- anyone who could answer that has been dead over 30 years.
2) It has been widely known that Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14 years old- and Priscilla has confirmed that they were sexual by the time he brought her from Germany to his home in Memphis when she was 16.
3) No one objects to Elvis' stamp- and literally millions go to Graceland to see his home.

Is there a double standard for gays versus straights or if you sell enough records, then messing around with a 14 year old is okay?
You just admitted he didn't mess with her until she was of legal age. Not unheard of in the deep south. And yes, people do see homosexuals differently and always will. But mostly you missed the point that Elvis was a big factor in American culture. He wasn't honored or martyred for his sex life.
So it is the 'left' who celebrates Elvis?

The only issue I have with this hysterical thread is the blatant hypocrisy.

1) No one knows for certain whether Milk ever had sex with a minor- anyone who could answer that has been dead over 30 years.
2) It has been widely known that Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14 years old- and Priscilla has confirmed that they were sexual by the time he brought her from Germany to his home in Memphis when she was 16.
3) No one objects to Elvis' stamp- and literally millions go to Graceland to see his home.

Is there a double standard for gays versus straights or if you sell enough records, then messing around with a 14 year old is okay?

I'm not sure Elvis mania has a political aspect.

I'm going to list a new term, see if you have ever heard it, or if you can figure out what it means?

Elvis was not celebrated and elevated by music lovers for his sexuality. Harvey Milk is knowingly-promoted specifically-for his sexuality: which was sodomizing troubled teen runaway boys who were drugged up and vulnerable..

Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

I told my local post office to take down the stamps displayed with the others. The postal clerk was shocked to learn he was sodomizing a minor boy while officiating as his guardian. She said, "but he seems really nice from all I've heard". Then I replied, "yes, they always do, don't they?". To which her smile lingered for just a second, and then disappeared. The stamps were removed by the next week from the display. You can still ask for them, but they keep them hidden in the drawer with the surplus stock of older designs.

I encourage anyone here to inform their postal clerk that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor boy while officiating as his guardian. Then ask them to take down the stamps if they are displayed, or any posters or other designs advertising their existence. If the perverts want to support another pervert who victimized children sexually, let them get them from a locked drawer.
So it is the 'left' who celebrates Elvis?

The only issue I have with this hysterical thread is the blatant hypocrisy.

1) No one knows for certain whether Milk ever had sex with a minor- anyone who could answer that has been dead over 30 years.
2) It has been widely known that Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14 years old- and Priscilla has confirmed that they were sexual by the time he brought her from Germany to his home in Memphis when she was 16.
3) No one objects to Elvis' stamp- and literally millions go to Graceland to see his home.

Is there a double standard for gays versus straights or if you sell enough records, then messing around with a 14 year old is okay?

I'm not sure Elvis mania has a political aspect.

I'm going to list a new term, see if you have ever heard it, or if you can figure out what it means?


So you think people should care about child molestation only when there are political aspects.

I am going to list a new term, and see if you can figure out what it means

Milk was murdered in his office by a cowardly conservative, who also murdered Mayor Moscone.
What a liar you are. Milk and Moscone were both murdered by A FELLOW DEMOCRAT for political paybacks that had nothing to do with Milk's sexuality with minor teen boys.

Harvey Milk’s only claim to fame is that he was the first openly homosexual candidate to be elected to public office (San Francisco city commissioner). His chief cause was to do away with the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic. In 1978 Milk was murdered over a non-related political dispute by fellow Democrat Dan White. Liberal Demigod Harvey Milk Preyed on Troubled Underage Boys Opinion - Conservative

As to your comparisons to Elvis...Elvis was not celebrated and elevated by music lovers for his sexuality. Harvey Milk is knowingly-promoted specifically-for his sexuality: which was sodomizing troubled teen runaway boys who were drugged up and vulnerable..
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?
I told my local post office to take down the stamps displayed with the others. The postal clerk was shocked to learn he was sodomizing a minor boy while officiating as his guardian. She said, "but he seems really nice from all I've heard". Then I replied, "yes, they always do, don't they?". To which her smile lingered for just a second, and then disappeared. The stamps were removed by the next week from the display. You can still ask for them, but they keep them hidden in the drawer with the surplus stock of older designs.

I encourage anyone here to inform their postal clerk that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor boy while officiating as his guardian. Then ask them to take down the stamps if they are displayed, or any posters or other designs advertising their existence. If the perverts want to support another pervert who victimized children sexually, let them get them from a locked drawer.
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Elvis was not celebrated and elevated by music lovers for his sexuality. Harvey Milk is knowingly-promoted specifically-for his sexuality: which was sodomizing troubled teen runaway boys who were drugged up and vulnerable..

Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

I told my local post office to take down the stamps displayed with the others. The postal clerk was shocked to learn he was sodomizing a minor boy while officiating as his guardian. She said, "but he seems really nice from all I've heard". Then I replied, "yes, they always do, don't they?". To which her smile lingered for just a second, and then disappeared. The stamps were removed by the next week from the display. You can still ask for them, but they keep them hidden in the drawer with the surplus stock of older designs.

I encourage anyone here to inform their postal clerk that Harvey Milk was sodomizing a minor boy while officiating as his guardian. Then ask them to take down the stamps if they are displayed, or any posters or other designs advertising their existence. If the perverts want to support another pervert who victimized children sexually, let them get them from a locked drawer.

There are lies, there are damned lies, and there are Silhouette lies.

Why did Silhouette lie and tell some poor postal clerk that Milk was sodomizing a minor- because Silhouette hates gays.
Why did Silhouette lie about 'officiating' as the guardian of any minor? Because Silhouette hates gays.

Why does Silhouette repeatedly focus on Milk, when she knows that we know for certain that Elvis had sex with a minor? Because Silhouette hates gays.

Milk was murdered in his office by a cowardly conservative, who also murdered Mayor Moscone.
What a liar you are. Milk and Moscone were both murdered by A FELLOW DEMOCRAT.

Where did I lie? I never said he was not a Democrat- I said he was a Conservative.

Daniel James White was born on September 2, 1946 in San Francisco. He was the second of nine children and often described as an "an all-American boy". At high school he excelled in sports and went on to serve in the Vietnam War as a paratrooper. He returned home to work first as a policeman and then as a fireman in San Francisco and, in 1977 he was elected onto the Board of Supervisors.

White was a conservative who was troubled by growing official tolerance of overt homosexuality, and crime. He represented a district of predominantly poor white working class people and became part of a loosely formed coalition to oppose Mayor George Moscone and his liberal ideas, having frequent disagreements on policy with fellow Supervisor Harvey Mil

Dan White was a cowardly Conservative- who murdered two liberals.
Milk was murdered in his office by a cowardly conservative, who also murdered Mayor Moscone.

As to your comparisons to Elvis...Elvis was not celebrated and elevated by music lovers for his sexuality. Harvey Milk is knowingly-promoted specifically-for his sexuality: which was sodomizing troubled teen runaway boys who were drugged up and vulnerable.r.

Elvis was celebrated both for his music- and for being a heterosexual sexual icon.

Harvey Milk is celebrated for being a leader in equal rights for homosexuals- specifically for helping defeat a law that would have made it illegal for homosexuals to teach in public schools.

There is no evidence that Milk ever sodomized anyone- that is purely your fiction. It is as likely that Elvis sodomized Priscilla as it is Milk ever sodomized anyone.
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

What pedophile?

Or are you speaking of this 'pedophile'? Or is okay for the Post office to honor 'pedophiles' if they sold lots of records?


Or write poetry

Elvis Presley was one of the seminal artists of rock and roll. He influenced virtually every other rock and roller that came after him.
Poe was one of the greatest American writers in both fiction and poetry.
Milk boinked under age kids and got himself killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
See the difference?

Yep- the difference is clear- you rationalize why its okay for heterosexuals to have sex with minors, but attack homosexuals for having sex with minors.

Pure homophobic bigotry- and typical of your hypocrisy.
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.

Its called pederasty, and when done with someone underage is "icky" and illegal no matter what sexuality or gender you are talking about.

Pedophile is thrown around too much for situations where it is not warranted. Even with the Catholic Church Scandal most of the perpetrators were pederasts. Same as with the Boy Scout Scandals.

I rarely agree with you- but you are absolutely correct.
You just admitted he didn't mess with her until she was of legal age. Not unheard of in the deep south. And yes, people do see homosexuals differently and always will. But mostly you missed the point that Elvis was a big factor in American culture. He wasn't honored or martyred for his sex life.

And very well SHOULD see homosexuality differently. In the 80's there was the talk of defining deviancy down, now we are promoting perversion up.

One of the arguments against acceptance of homosexuals in society - which I always supported - was that if accepted, they would prey on children. The homosexual community always bristled against this notion.

Now we see assclown bodey (shortbus) openly supporting and promoting the predation by homosexuals on children.

Promoting perversion up.
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Too late anyways...he's been on one.....and the outrage over it? Crickets.

There is nothing in this world creepier than a queer preying on little boys. Even Elvis, as creepy as THAT was doesn't meet the level of queer creepers.

Of course. Everything is worse when a gay person does it. Speeding in a school zone? Bad. Speeding in a school zone while being gay? Tenfold bad.

^^ See...gotta protect the gay agenda.

Some protect it while others point how destructive it is

And some only point it out when they can do it to attack homosexuals- and ignore it when done by heterosexuals.

And that would be you.

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