Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

So does this mean liberals think all sexual predators should get a break then?
You just admitted he didn't mess with her until she was of legal age. Not unheard of in the deep south. And yes, people do see homosexuals differently and always will. But mostly you missed the point that Elvis was a big factor in American culture. He wasn't honored or martyred for his sex life.

And very well SHOULD see homosexuality differently. In the 80's there was the talk of defining deviancy down, now we are promoting perversion up.

One of the arguments against acceptance of homosexuals in society - which I always supported - was that if accepted, they would prey on children. The homosexual community always bristled against this notion.

Now we see assclown bodey (shortbus) openly supporting and promoting the predation by homosexuals on children.

Promoting perversion up.
We were promised all kinds of things by the gay community. They lied about all of it.
He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

I guess we can all agree that Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church, was a pedophile. :p
Why? Did the PO issue a stamp in his honor?

No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?
Is it a crime to marry a 14yr old girl? He didnt, btw. That of course is a lie.
You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Again, demagoguery is the heart of the left. You have no idea what they did or did not do. They did not have intercourse prior to marriage.

You fail at promoting perversion up.

Try again.
Do you have any reason to believe Rabbi wouldn't

Rabbi tends to be horribly inconsistent with his convictions, and generally bases his positions on emotional reactions, which themselves are generally based on base prejudice and biases. I have little doubt that Rabbi would claim that a 16 year old male was not victimized by a 33 year old woman having sex with him, thus rendering such a woman as non evil, or at least less evil than a man doing the same.

In other words, you don't know, you're just assuming and projecting. Thanks. If I want to hear about your random, unsupported conjectures that you're "sure about", please rest assured I will ask you.

other than the fact that YOU wouldn't, and you project your crap onto others?


I am one of the biggest critics of society's tendency to show leniency toward female sexual predators who have sex with underage individuals, while showing extreme contempt for men doing the same.

Uh huh. Unfortunately for your "moral outrage" (I can't even say that about you with a straight face), I'd bet money your objection is that the leniency should be extended, not that there's too much of it.
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He wasn't a pedophile.

The hell he wasn't

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Supposedly Milk was attracted to boys/men in their late teens and early twenties. Still not cool - it's under age and he was a good bit older - but not pedophilia.

Okay, he was an ephibophile. Does that little hair-splitting make you feel better? Does it make him a better person in your eyes? Or does it just reveal that you're the sort of person who doesn't have a problem with either paraphilia?

You call the difference between a 6 yr old and a 16 yr old (who can legally marry) - "hair splitting"?

Actually, I call "That's not a pedophile by definition" without mentioning that it's still a paraphilia, just with a different name, hair-splitting. I also call it lying by omission. You like definitions so much; why don't you go look up THAT one?
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.
What is the agenda exactly?

The utter and complete destruction of the mores, values, and familial structure that form the foundation for a free Republic based upon self-governance within a framework of integrity based self-reliance of sense of responsibility.

But you knew this already.

Oh- I am sorry- i thought you meant something serious- rather than the ravings of a lunatic.
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Apparently we all enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobic bigots.
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Not really. One of them comes up with a half-assed, deflecting talking point, and the rest of them go, "Oh my God, that's BRILLIANT!" and jump on it.
No....but they issued an Elvis Presley stamp.

He diddled and married a 14 yr old girl and there is no outrage over commemorating him with a stamp?

She was 16 when married - but your party thanks you for lying. Lying is the greatest good for a democrat.

You must have missed the part about how they were sexual prior to marriage. Nice to see you making excuses though. OH the hypocrisy when hetero icons are involved :lol:

Speaking of excuses, how about, "Well, what about Elvis?" in a thread about Harvey Milk, in which no one else had mentioned Elvis? It's not like the OP said, "Why is Harvey Milk getting a stamp, instead of someone wonderful like Elvis or Edgar Allan Poe?" What is this allergy you people have to discussing the actual person in question, instead of diverting and deflecting off onto anyone and everyone else? And why do you all have the same weird delusion that, "Well, so-and-so did such-and-such" is somehow a mitigation?

And they all trot in here with the exact same talking point and deflections. What a coinky dink.

Apparently we all enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobic bigots.

More like you were given a script.

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