Postcards From a World on Fire

I'm sure it's a wonderful read. I just happen to get my news elsewhere, and I'll be damned if I'm going to buy the subscription just because someone posts a link which requires a person to subscribe just to read something...
I was hoping you could see it without getting paywalled, sometimes you can view one article and then get paywalled.
I was hoping you could see it without getting paywalled, sometimes you can view one article and then get paywalled.
Do you believe that increasing green houses gases lead to warmer temperatures?
Increasing greenhouse gases and warmer temperatures cause aggressive green growth which rapidly captures the said greenhouse gases into the form of solid wood, eventually peat, coal, petroleum. It's a cycle.
Ok, but if atmospheric gases are greater in one case versus another do you believe the planet will be warmer?
Trees help stabilize the climate.

The NYT kills thousands of them every day to repeat the same old shit again and again and again.

Obviously we can't stabliize the climate until we dispose of the NYT.

Make the killing of trees a felony punishable by DEATH!
You need your own property and your own guns to protect your own trees then.
Ah but in a Communist society - which liberals are bringing upon us - everything belongs to everybody so it would be OK to use everybody's guns to save the trees from those who would murder them. But since those who murder trees should never have been born their excecutions would not be criminal - merely somewhat late term abortions!

Jeez I've been reading too much liberal bullshit on this site and I'm starting to think like one!
Trees help stabilize the climate.

The NYT kills thousands of them every day to repeat the same old shit again and again and again.

Obviously we can't stabliize the climate until we dispose of the NYT.

Make the killing of trees a felony punishable by DEATH!
The NYTs is printed on recycled paper, Booby.

It's a worldwide conspiracy to manipulate the data by scientists looking for research money.

Sad to say ... the research money will continue whether global warming or not ... the information is that important ... just last week we lost numerous lives due to an inadequate tornado warning ... simply because we don't understand the climate system well enough ...

CCC Alarmists harm us by making these scientific decisions seem political ... folks too stupid to know that most of the trees in the American West are already owned by the Federal Government ... communism right under their noses and they don't see it ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The most surprising fact is that all this new climate research isn't using new money ... the money has already been dedicated to meteorology, just more is going to study long term treads and less to more immediate needs ... polar research is expensive, and it's never been done before ...

You didn't answer my question from a couple days ago ... care to explain yourself and why you think data has been manipulated? ... I'd like to start with SB, but if you didn't finish Middle School, I guess the algebra is over your head ...

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