Posters I miss


He was an opinionated asshole.

If you say stupid shit like "bad times are coming" often enough, sooner or later (statistically) you are going to end up being right.

I hope the cancer didn't win. But his postings here were still generally blather and nonsense.

On the bright side, he was still much much smarter than you.

see you are as blind as a bat.

what do you do with people that you prove are wrong and still insist they are correct?

you treat them like people here treat you.

with no respect becuase you deserve none

Actually, TderpM, I get treated with a fair amount of respect.

True, as a rule I don't get treated with respect by a certain element of assholes whose opinions are of no importance to me.

But if you want to talk about a shithead that gets treated with no respect (and even that is more than it deserves) then you must go talk to yourself in the mirror.

As for what I do with people who are proved wrong but still insist they are right, that's easy.

I mock you idiots all the time.

tell you what why not come to this thread and discuss the federalist papers ?
see you are as blind as a bat.

what do you do with people that you prove are wrong and still insist they are correct?

you treat them like people here treat you.

with no respect becuase you deserve none

Actually, TderpM, I get treated with a fair amount of respect.

True, as a rule I don't get treated with respect by a certain element of assholes whose opinions are of no importance to me.

But if you want to talk about a shithead that gets treated with no respect (and even that is more than it deserves) then you must go talk to yourself in the mirror.

As for what I do with people who are proved wrong but still insist they are right, that's easy.

I mock you idiots all the time.

tell you what why not come to this thread and discuss the federalist papers ?

Because THIS thread is the "Posters I miss" thread and so a discussion of The Federalist Papers would be -- in your always moronic view -- right "on topic?"

Dayum. You are one stupid troll.
Actually, TderpM, I get treated with a fair amount of respect.

True, as a rule I don't get treated with respect by a certain element of assholes whose opinions are of no importance to me.

But if you want to talk about a shithead that gets treated with no respect (and even that is more than it deserves) then you must go talk to yourself in the mirror.

As for what I do with people who are proved wrong but still insist they are right, that's easy.

I mock you idiots all the time.

tell you what why not come to this thread and discuss the federalist papers ?

Because THIS thread is the "Posters I miss" thread and so a discussion of The Federalist Papers would be -- in your always moronic view -- right "on topic?"

Dayum. You are one stupid troll.

Just so you know: When I start 'thanking' I'm out of rep!
I hate to list those I miss for fear of hurting somebody's feelings. . .but assuming those I have loved will forgive me if they don't come immediately to the surface--I'm old you know--

I miss:

Echo Zulu
Mr. Fitnah
Si Modo

Daveman is still around but not as active as he used to be. And some ya'll have already mentioned. And I knoiw there are others.

I don't mind that one of them moved on. Great list though..

I'm feeling nostalgic after reading this thread. Those were fun inspiring times, now, not so much.

Members now-a-days seem a lot more vulgar, hate filled and yet more prudish, luckily some wonderful members still remain and some newer ones are outstanding.
there are a load of posters still posting here i miss. I swear the rifle barrel is bent......



I can relate........


That man was right about nearly every damned thing he said in the over a decades time I got to enjoy his posts.

The man saw it all coming with such clairity it was amazing.

I hope he still walks the earth.

he was and is da man

USSitnSpin was mostly just a dork. He was almost never "right' about anything.

When TderpM says that a member was "right" (and means it) -- that constitutes pretty solid evidence that the member was, in reality, a dopey piece of shit.

It's like dumb getting an endorsement from dumber.
Posters I miss:

California Girl - smart and didn't take crap from anyone
Conservative - smart and very professional
The Infidel - witty, smart and knew how to bring it
Avatar - haven't seen Avatar in awhile, very respectful and well thought out posts

Del - disagreed with a lot of his views, but enjoyed reading his wit.

kidrocks and Chris - I miss laughing at some of the absolute dumbest posts I have seen in this forum
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Avatar is still around I think.

I thought Infidel was too, but mebbe not.

Other than that, I don't miss the ones listed to amount to anything. Catz & del were just malicious trolls....their entire purpose was to disrupt meaningful conversation with insults and personal attack. Beyond the pale, that is. Most of the ones missing were just trolls, with a lot of rep power mostly via abusing the rep system a few years back when EZ was still here and with her (and Jillian's) blessing.

The discussions are less frenetic and spastic now. People can actually discuss topics without it turning into long diatribes about trolling episodes in years past, or who is really whose sock.
Avatar is still around I think.

I thought Infidel was too, but mebbe not.

Other than that, I don't miss the ones listed to amount to anything. Catz & del were just malicious trolls....their entire purpose was to disrupt meaningful conversation with insults and personal attack. Beyond the pale, that is. Most of the ones missing were just trolls, with a lot of rep power mostly via abusing the rep system a few years back when EZ was still here and with her (and Jillian's) blessing.

The discussions are less frenetic and spastic now. People can actually discuss topics without it turning into long diatribes about trolling episodes in years past, or who is really whose sock.

I agree. I don't miss any posters on that list either.
Avatar is still around I think.

I thought Infidel was too, but mebbe not.

Other than that, I don't miss the ones listed to amount to anything. Catz & del were just malicious trolls....their entire purpose was to disrupt meaningful conversation with insults and personal attack. Beyond the pale, that is. Most of the ones missing were just trolls, with a lot of rep power mostly via abusing the rep system a few years back when EZ was still here and with her (and Jillian's) blessing.

The discussions are less frenetic and spastic now. People can actually discuss topics without it turning into long diatribes about trolling episodes in years past, or who is really whose sock.

I agree. I don't miss any posters on that list either.

I don't miss them either.

I take good careful aim.

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