Pot is becoming illegal in California again

Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Shop owners are complaining their taxes are too high, wow that's so surprising. You know what's actually kinda surprising... $3.1 billion in legal California sales in 2019, projected to reach $7.2 billion in 2024 with an annual growth rate of 19%. Billions... with a B.

Then what you are saying is that the legalization is projected to get more people to use it. That's good?
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?
Nobody thought legal weed would be cheaper than illegal weed. Nobody thought the black market would vanish on day 2 of recreational legalization, which is when the linked piece in the OP was published, or that it would ever be completely eliminated
Then all those economically illiterate hippies I talked to over the years, who were dead certain it would be cheaper, are just figments of my imagination, huh?

Shop owners are complaining their taxes are too high, wow that's so surprising. You know what's actually kinda surprising... $3.1 billion in legal California sales in 2019, projected to reach $7.2 billion in 2024 with an annual growth rate of 19%. Billions... with a B.
So as long as the rapacious bureaucratic looters of The State get their piece of the action, everything is just jake.

Fuck my life.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
I see ads for liquor on the teevee all the time.

"Good" or "bad" isn't the question...In fact, it's as subjective as you can get....The real question is; is it the role of The State to play babysitter?
One of the big promises of the legalization crowd is that the black marketeers would be put out of business, which the linked piece in the OP shows to be a dismal failure.....The average street peddler is in fact thriving on the price conscious customer.....But we can't have these enterprising little miscreants horning in on the gubmint's turf now, can we?

And thanks for throwing the partisan hack monkey shit into what had been, to this point, one of the few relatively civilized conversations to be had here.

Nobody thought legal weed would be cheaper than illegal weed. Nobody thought the black market would vanish on day 2 of recreational legalization, which is when the linked piece in the OP was published, or that it would ever be completely eliminated.

Shop owners are complaining their taxes are too high, wow that's so surprising. You know what's actually kinda surprising... $3.1 billion in legal California sales in 2019, projected to reach $7.2 billion in 2024 with an annual growth rate of 19%. Billions... with a B.

Such a great thread, I just learned that plants need air to live. Never would have guessed that living things need to breath, in fact I was about to mail a puppy in a sealed container, that would have been a terrible Christmas present

Another libertard that doesn't remember past last week.

Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
I see ads for liquor on the teevee all the time.

"Good" or "bad" isn't the question...In fact, it's as subjective as you can get....The real question is; is it the role of The State to play babysitter?

Where do you see booze commercials on television?

If you think it's playing babysitter, then we should allow cigarette ads back on television and billboards. But I really don't see how not allowing advertisement of certain products be considered babysitting.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.

Like I said, alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation so there are no physical effects. This Thanksgiving, my sister and mother will be having some wine like they do every get together, but neither will get a buzz from it. They enjoy the taste. People really don't do that with pot. Especially today. From what I understand, it's so potent compared to what we smoked many years ago.

California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.

Pot still legal in California.

The problem with pot- much like alcohol had after prohibition- is that the taxes on pot are making legal pot not competitive with blackmarket pot.
We need to drop the taxes on pot dramatically to drive the illegal pot out of competition. Then taxes can be raised- just like happened with alcohol.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

I don't know.

However, extreme regulation and taxation of the product isn't going to result in the kinds of governmental revenues that liberal de-criminalizers promise.

A few years ago, massive new taxes were placed on regular tobacco cigarettes. The promise was that this new taxation would provide money for the schools, children's health care or other programs, depending on the state.

Didn't work out that way. Cigarette smuggling became a big racket, as well as counterfeit tax stamps. In addition, many people gave up smoking or smoked significantly less, reducing the promised revenues even further.

And it is the same with Grass.
Good, less people smoking is a good thing. Thought there are many reasons for that. A big part was educating our youth about the dangers

There are far more benefits than dangers. I have arthritis in all my joints and I'm on the list for a knee replacement. I'll need a new hip thereafter. A puff or two from my vaporizer and I get pain relief that doesn't damage my stomach or organs, isn't addictive and I can grow it in my yard. My daughter has a process to extract butter from pot and her brownies are delicious - and they also relieve pain.

My friend makes a hand cream in her kitchen from the pot she grows, which relieves my sister's arthrtis pain and gives her enough hand mobility that she can cook again.

Medicinal marijuana is a godsend on many scores. When I smoke, a puff or two doesn't get me high, but it does relieve my pain. I don't drive so that's not an issue, but my friends who do drive treat it just like alchohol and don't smoke and drive either.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.

Like I said, alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation so there are no physical effects. This Thanksgiving, my sister and mother will be having some wine like they do every get together, but neither will get a buzz from it. They enjoy the taste. People really don't do that with pot. Especially today. From what I understand, it's so potent compared to what we smoked many years ago.

Your mother and sister notwithstanding, many people do abuse alcohol and many people use pot in moderation. I believe strongly the government should never abridge personal freedoms unless it is clear that the exercise of these freedoms presents a clear public danger, and I don't think the case can be made that the legal sale of pot presents such a danger.
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.

Like I said, alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation so there are no physical effects. This Thanksgiving, my sister and mother will be having some wine like they do every get together, but neither will get a buzz from it. They enjoy the taste. People really don't do that with pot. Especially today. From what I understand, it's so potent compared to what we smoked many years ago.

Your mother and sister notwithstanding, many people do abuse alcohol and many people use pot in moderation. I believe strongly the government should never abridge personal freedoms unless it is clear that the exercise of these freedoms presents a clear public danger, and I don't think the case can be made that the legal sale of pot presents such a danger.

I agree, but I also don't know many who smoke pot for the taste so much. It's to get high either moderately or extremely. My former neighbor used pot from the time she got up until the time she went to bed. She even went out every day for lunch at work just so she could smoke up before returning for her afternoon shift. She passed away from lung cancer about three years ago. I really miss her.

I wouldn't say it's harmless either. I lost friends over pot. It made them so goofy they began to dream up things that never happened. One night when I was listening to my police scanner, I heard my address being called out. I went outside, and there were paramedics at one of my apartments. The kid was from NY, and he had friends from out of town over for a party. One of them decided to try pot for the first time in his life. He didn't know he was allergic to it. They took him to the ER to get cleaned out. I don't quite know how they did it, but I was told later by my tenant that's what they did to him.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.

I grew up with parents who drank beer and alcohol occasionally and responsibly. Family parties, Christmas. Special events. It was never a big thing at home, just something we enjoyed on social occasions. I don't ever remember seeing either of my parents drunk.

I drink occasionally. I do serve cocktails to guests, which my parents didn't do, but then they didn't do much entertaining either, but that's like one drink every couple of weeks for me. I still have 1/4 of the bottle of vodka I bought for guest cocktails at the end of September.

You say that you don't want to expose children to marijuana there are ads on TV promoting liquor, beer and wine, as well as movies and TV shows depicting people drinking, and shows like "Drunk History". Alcohol is both addictive and toxic. Chug a bottle of Scotch and die. And you're not worried about children being exposed to that.

Adult pot users are not using weed like a Cheech and Chong movie. I smoke the equivalent of one joint every day. If I smoked it all at once, I would get high. Smoking it a puff or two at a time does allieviates pain throughout the day, without getting me high. Before bed, I double the amount to help me sleep - enough for a buzz but again, not stoner levels, and I wake up refreshed with no drug hangover. I also stress that I never smoked before or during work before I retired, any more than I would drink at work.

Most pot smokers aren't getting high, just like most drinkers aren't drunk all the time. Some people will abuse weed, just like some people abuse alchohol, but education and seeing responsible examples are a GOOD thing for children.
Then all those economically illiterate hippies I talked to over the years, who were dead certain it would be cheaper, are just figments of my imagination, huh?

Over the years you talked to people who imagined weed would be cheap in a world where there's no legal penalty for growing. And as it's been decriminalized, that's been the case. You could get $4500 a pound for mediocre outdoor in the 90's (or do a stretch in jail if you got caught). Then it became pseudo-legal with the medical 215 initiative in 2004, and lot's more people started growing lots more weed creating a market glut and that same pound of mediocre outdoor goes for about $700 today.

But none of your imaginary friends ever thought a product that has a heap of taxes and legal requirements (like being way way way more stringently tested for pesticides/fungicides than food) that has to be handled by licensed professionals at ever stage of the process and ultimately sold out of a store that that somebody's paying $2,500/month to rent would be cheaper than black market weed, I assure you.

Another libertard that doesn't remember past last week.

Your article is behind a paywall. Every cannabis market is different and exists in isolation for other cannabis market. Oregon is a disaster. I would expect Canada to become a disaster, there's nowhere for them to export their product and there's too few Canadian stoners to smoke up all the weed they're growing. California is the 7th largest economy in the world, legal sales are increasing, retail space is increasing, $3.1 billion is sales this year is a not the worst disaster I've ever heard of. Now go take your opioids, boomer
Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.

Like I said, alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation so there are no physical effects. This Thanksgiving, my sister and mother will be having some wine like they do every get together, but neither will get a buzz from it. They enjoy the taste. People really don't do that with pot. Especially today. From what I understand, it's so potent compared to what we smoked many years ago.

Your mother and sister notwithstanding, many people do abuse alcohol and many people use pot in moderation. I believe strongly the government should never abridge personal freedoms unless it is clear that the exercise of these freedoms presents a clear public danger, and I don't think the case can be made that the legal sale of pot presents such a danger.

I agree, but I also don't know many who smoke pot for the taste so much. It's to get high either moderately or extremely. My former neighbor used pot from the time she got up until the time she went to bed. She even went out every day for lunch at work just so she could smoke up before returning for her afternoon shift. She passed away from lung cancer about three years ago. I really miss her.

I wouldn't say it's harmless either. I lost friends over pot. It made them so goofy they began to dream up things that never happened. One night when I was listening to my police scanner, I heard my address being called out. I went outside, and there were paramedics at one of my apartments. The kid was from NY, and he had friends from out of town over for a party. One of them decided to try pot for the first time in his life. He didn't know he was allergic to it. They took him to the ER to get cleaned out. I don't quite know how they did it, but I was told later by my tenant that's what they did to him.

I have never heard of anyone smoking pot for the taste and nearly everyone who drinks does so for the effect of alcohol. Used in moderation, both relieve stress which is beneficial to your health and used in excess, both are detrimental to your health. In either case, unless the use of them presents a clear danger to the public, it's none of the government's business.
Then all those economically illiterate hippies I talked to over the years, who were dead certain it would be cheaper, are just figments of my imagination, huh?

Over the years you talked to people who imagined weed would be cheap in a world where there's no legal penalty for growing. And as it's been decriminalized, that's been the case. You could get $4500 a pound for mediocre outdoor in the 90's (or do a stretch in jail if you got caught). Then it became pseudo-legal with the medical 215 initiative in 2004, and lot's more people started growing lots more weed creating a market glut and that same pound of mediocre outdoor goes for about $700 today.

But none of your imaginary friends ever thought a product that has a heap of taxes and legal requirements (like being way way way more stringently tested for pesticides/fungicides than food) that has to be handled by licensed professionals at ever stage of the process and ultimately sold out of a store that that somebody's paying $2,500/month to rent would be cheaper than black market weed, I assure you.

Another libertard that doesn't remember past last week.

Your article is behind a paywall. Every cannabis market is different and exists in isolation for other cannabis market. Oregon is a disaster. I would expect Canada to become a disaster, there's nowhere for them to export their product and there's too few Canadian stoners to smoke up all the weed they're growing. California is the 7th largest economy in the world, legal sales are increasing, retail space is increasing, $3.1 billion is sales this year is a not the worst disaster I've ever heard of. Now go take your opioids, boomer

Home grown around here is going for $50 an ounce - $800 a pound. Best quality weed in the semi-legal and now outlawed dispensaries could be found for $200 an ounce in some locations, but I paid $70 for a quarter ounce of some fairly crappy weed in a Toronto dispensary just before the government started opening outlets.

One of my friends gives away her left over weed to family and friends because "It's illegal for me to sell it and I don't want to break the law". Everyone I know is growing their own. Nobody I know is buying government weed, except my ex-husband. He wants the quality control.
Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
I see ads for liquor on the teevee all the time.

"Good" or "bad" isn't the question...In fact, it's as subjective as you can get....The real question is; is it the role of The State to play babysitter?

Where do you see booze commercials on television?

If you think it's playing babysitter, then we should allow cigarette ads back on television and billboards. But I really don't see how not allowing advertisement of certain products be considered babysitting.

I disagree with censoring commercial speech of all kinds.
There are lots of reasons to smoke that have nothing to do with getting high:

Pain relief without opiods;
Nausea and appetite loss for chemotherapy patients;
Relief from some forms of epiletic seizures;
Anxiety and depression symptoms;
THC reduces heart damage for those at risk from a heart attack. Marijuana smokers experience significant less heart damage;
Decreases the risk of dementia.

The pharmeceutical companies really, really hate medical marijuana.

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