Pot is becoming illegal in California again

Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!
Well that’s because you’re not very bright. The answer is an overwhelming yes.

Meanwhile outside of LibTardia
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
We keep finding new ways to keep filthy bottom feeders feeding on the bottom at our expense. I wonder what taxpayers will spend on all the new weed related medical issues over the next couple decades.
What is it you think you’re proving?
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
The state should use the extra revenue to educate our youth about the risks to using pot. Look what they did to cigarettes. Go to California, nobody smokes cigs anymore
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.

Like I said, alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation so there are no physical effects. This Thanksgiving, my sister and mother will be having some wine like they do every get together, but neither will get a buzz from it. They enjoy the taste. People really don't do that with pot. Especially today. From what I understand, it's so potent compared to what we smoked many years ago.

Pot comes in many different forms. The main ingredients are CBD and THC. The more THC the more the disorienting effects. CBD can be taken without feeling any disorienting effects. People use that a lot for medicinal purposes. Most products have differing levels of CBD and THC to give the desired effects.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!
Well that’s because you’re not very bright. The answer is an overwhelming yes.

Meanwhile outside of LibTardia
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
We keep finding new ways to keep filthy bottom feeders feeding on the bottom at our expense. I wonder what taxpayers will spend on all the new weed related medical issues over the next couple decades.
What is it you think you’re proving?

That it's not doctors and lawyers and societies best smoking weed like the pieces of shits want us to believe...you know, just like its only Mexico's finest traversing our border...right?
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
The state should use the extra revenue to educate our youth about the risks to using pot. Look what they did to cigarettes. Go to California, nobody smokes cigs anymore

Cigarettes was a combination effort, and probably little to do with education. The feds, state and local governments all bombarded cigarettes with taxes. Al Gore's lawsuit didn't help much either. So cost is more to credit than education.

It's the same with drunk drivers. That's been on the decrease as well, but throughout the years, the penalty, insurance costs, and even jail time has increased so much, nobody really wants to go out and drink anymore. I remember how festive New Years ever used to be. Today, most just stay home or perhaps go out to dinner. It's not a party event as it once was.
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
Which raises the question, should we ban advertising for alcohol on TV to sanitize the environment for our children? Despite all the advertising of alcoholic beverages on TV and all the actors they see guzzling glass after glass of booze on TV shows, you are probably already telling your children they can't drink until they are 21, so if pot is legalized and advertised, it will be just one more thing you will tell them not to do until they are of legal age.

Like I said, alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation so there are no physical effects. This Thanksgiving, my sister and mother will be having some wine like they do every get together, but neither will get a buzz from it. They enjoy the taste. People really don't do that with pot. Especially today. From what I understand, it's so potent compared to what we smoked many years ago.

Pot comes in many different forms. The main ingredients are CBD and THC. The more THC the more the disorienting effects. CBD can be taken without feeling any disorienting effects. People use that a lot for medicinal purposes. Most products have differing levels of CBD and THC to give the desired effects.

Pot, like alcohol, has different effects on different people. When I was young and smoked pot, all I wanted to do was lay around and listen to music. My friends would be throwing a football around or chasing each other.

Same with alcohol. Some would just mellow out, and others get violent and want to get into fights. Me? I'm a happy drunk. I like to laugh and tell jokes.

Some like Dragonlady claim to get pain relief. As for myself, pot always amplified whatever I was feeling, so I believe if I used pot, it would make the pain worse. But like I said, it has different effects on different people.
In order to compete with the black market, the prices must be competitive. Same prices they have on the street plus around 40 percent total tax is going to hurt.
This was part of the econ lesson I was trying to impart on people.....They somehow thought that weed would become less expensive under legalization, to the point that any taxes would be a wash.....My little riffs about market efficiency flew right over their sativa-addled brains.
i am paying no more than i was with the street dealer with taxes here in vegas....the difference is the pot is way cleaner and better...
Back when I was a regular smoker, it got so you couldn't even find that kind of imported dirty brick weed anymore...It was almost all the very neatly manicured and packaged "kind bud", the cost of which was rivaling that of gold....But even at that, you can still grow it in a closet for less.
its nicer to just go down to the store and pick some up...less hassle....but thats just me....
And that's your choice....Thing is that people like you are paying a premium for that convenience, which is your prerogative and neither here nor there.
i am not paying any more than what i was when it was crap shoot getting it...except now i know i will be getting good stuff...
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!
Well that’s because you’re not very bright. The answer is an overwhelming yes.

Meanwhile outside of LibTardia
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
We keep finding new ways to keep filthy bottom feeders feeding on the bottom at our expense. I wonder what taxpayers will spend on all the new weed related medical issues over the next couple decades.
What is it you think you’re proving?

That it's not doctors and lawyers and societies best smoking weed like the pieces of shits want us to believe...you know, just like its only Mexico's finest traversing our border...right?
like with most topics you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I have a friend that owns a dispensary and he tells me that about three quarters of his clients are grey hairs. You sure love to rag on the poor don’t you? What’s up with that?
The date is irrelevant....Legal weed is still more expensive than the sacks that you can get from the average black marketeer.

Legal weed is more expensive than the sacks you can get from ANY black marketer... there are exactly zero black market growers selling $60 eighths. They're lucky if they get over $1,200 per pound these days, if the quality is exceptional.

Yet, plenty people are buying weed at the legal shops. They like the variety of strains, the fact that everything has been tested for THC content and chemical residues, and the fact that they're not committing a crime.

The legal market (Cali) is on track to do $3.1 billion in sales this year, up 23% from 2018.
what kind of stores do you folks have?....at the dispensary out here i can get an eighth for anywhere from 35 to 50 bucks depending on its potency....and just about all of it is between 20-27 percent THC content....
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...
Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!
Well that’s because you’re not very bright. The answer is an overwhelming yes.

Meanwhile outside of LibTardia
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
We keep finding new ways to keep filthy bottom feeders feeding on the bottom at our expense. I wonder what taxpayers will spend on all the new weed related medical issues over the next couple decades.
What is it you think you’re proving?

That it's not doctors and lawyers and societies best smoking weed like the pieces of shits want us to believe...you know, just like its only Mexico's finest traversing our border...right?
like with most topics you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I have a friend that owns a dispensary and he tells me that about three quarters of his clients are grey hairs. You sure love to rag on the poor don’t you? What’s up with that?

"I know this one guy"
You always seem to know this one guy...and the experience of that "one guy" is able to dictate your position..That's retarded.
Make no mistake about it; the majority smoking weed are societal liabilities, piece of shits whom cant afford to be smoking weed...trust me.
"But, but, but....ALCOHOL!"
The date is irrelevant....Legal weed is still more expensive than the sacks that you can get from the average black marketeer.

Legal weed is more expensive than the sacks you can get from ANY black marketer.

Unless I miss my guess, that's the point of the thread.

The title of the thread is retarded, even for you upstairs forum people. Illegal weed is becoming illegal again, wtf?

The main idea of the thread is that the black market in California is thriving while the legal market is failing. Totally false.

But the main purposes of the thread (seemingly) are for flyover state hicktards to hate on California (their favorite hobby) and for boomers to reveal how very little they know about how weed is grown in 2019.

I'm not sure but I think calling pot illegal pot illegal now is considered hate speech, much like calling illegal immigrants illegal.

So be careful.

And yes, I know they are all a bunch of raving lunatics, but you can't fix crazy.
Seems sort of stupid. That shit is a weed.

Vancouver sells seeds. Why don't they just get a. .. . . like, Johnny pot seed, and stop with all the hydro activity. Spread that seed all over the wilds and it will all be free. . .


It's one of the oldest crops known to man.

It's almost like the shit just grows out of the ground for free.
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.

So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
The date is irrelevant....Legal weed is still more expensive than the sacks that you can get from the average black marketeer.

Legal weed is more expensive than the sacks you can get from ANY black marketer... there are exactly zero black market growers selling $60 eighths. They're lucky if they get over $1,200 per pound these days, if the quality is exceptional.

Yet, plenty people are buying weed at the legal shops. They like the variety of strains, the fact that everything has been tested for THC content and chemical residues, and the fact that they're not committing a crime.

The legal market (Cali) is on track to do $3.1 billion in sales th.is year, up 23% from 2018.

Yeah, the growers have themselves to blame. When it started becoming legal, they were still using street prices and weights as their platform. Know anybody that ever bought a pack of cigarettes based upon weight?

They also started competing for the highest amount of THC in their products. Everybody is growing the equivalent of grain alcohol, as a finished product.

Most people don't drink grain alcohol. They drink wine or beer. There are no growers trying to grow a fine wine equivalent product.

The whole legal market is nothing more than a black market enterprise, competing with the strongest product at maximum price.

The result is the state comes in with their tax rates based upon that market structure. Now these growers are whining and crying because their taxes are to high.

Eat shit and die.

Hopefully, some adults will come along with a better legal market strategy than the current High Times crowd has going now, and figures out how to grow strains not as strong, but more like quality wine and beer producers, and do it at $1 for a cigarette size joint, so the state can only tax it at a much lower rate, than the current tobacco tax they have now in all of the states.

You would think the states that are legalizing would be smart enough to advertise to potential growers to set up in their state, to set up shop there, based on their lower taxes on the product.

Everybody from the growers to the states turned the whole legalization process into a cluster fuck, and now the black market growers are cleaning up with $200 an ounce weed they grow easily with mail order hybrid seeds, grown behind barns, sheds, and chicken coops all across America. And that's just the outdoor growers.

The date is irrelevant....Legal weed is still more expensive than the sacks that you can get from the average black marketeer.

Legal weed is more expensive than the sacks you can get from ANY black marketer... there are exactly zero black market growers selling $60 eighths. They're lucky if they get over $1,200 per pound these days, if the quality is exceptional.

Yet, plenty people are buying weed at the legal shops. They like the variety of strains, the fact that everything has been tested for THC content and chemical residues, and the fact that they're not committing a crime.

The legal market (Cali) is on track to do $3.1 billion in sales this year, up 23% from 2018.
what kind of stores do you folks have?....at the dispensary out here i can get an eighth for anywhere from 35 to 50 bucks depending on its potency....and just about all of it is between 20-27 percent THC content....

I'm the manager a 2,500 square foot room... rock wool soiless medium, recirculating hydroponic system, closed system with CO2 injection (no venting to outside). I go to work Wednesday thru Sunday like any other middle aged bloke.


Honestly, as someone working on the wholesale side, I never go into the retail shops. I get free weed from work... I've always grown weed and I can't even remember the last time I paid for it. But from what I hear our eighth ounce jars are selling in the shops for $60 when it's a desirable strain that tests out over 30% THC. Of course that's more than double the price of what we're getting per unit.

Our company is doing good. My room needs to yield 160 lbs.of grade A sized buds per harvest to turn a profit (after taxes, payroll, utilities and expenses) and I always do more than 200 lbs.
The penalty for skirting the tax is probably more than the penalty would have been for getting caught with pot before legalization.

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