Pot, Taxes & Those Pesky Banks: Oopsies! State Lawmakers Culpable?

Californians need their own, central bank.

Yes but see the thing is, banks need their facade to be backed up by stout integrity. Have you seen CA's budget crisis lately?

Yeah, "The Bank of California". Go ahead, stick your wad in that one and see what happens. They are so stupid in Sacramento that they still can't figure out that selling pot across their borders to states where it's illegal still (that's their plan, believe it or not) is going to bring that whole thing crashing down on their backs. Good luck with that "bank"... :sad:

If Mexico can't sell pot to New York, California cannot either.
That is your story; we need a central bank of California.

The story is a bit bigger than that. It seems California has to not be equivalent to Mexico first.
California has big economy.
Californians need their own, central bank.

Yes but see the thing is, banks need their facade to be backed up by stout integrity. Have you seen CA's budget crisis lately?

Yeah, "The Bank of California". Go ahead, stick your wad in that one and see what happens. They are so stupid in Sacramento that they still can't figure out that selling pot across their borders to states where it's illegal still (that's their plan, believe it or not) is going to bring that whole thing crashing down on their backs. Good luck with that "bank"... :sad:

If Mexico can't sell pot to New York, California cannot either.
That is your story; we need a central bank of California.

The story is a bit bigger than that. It seems California has to not be equivalent to Mexico first.
California has big economy.

And equally big budget woes...
The fed may look silly but they control the banks. So maybe the states are looking silly now?

By the way, the pot out there today is nothing but a narcotic. Eat a brownie & go for a drive. See how that works out for you.

How many brownies did you eat to discover that?
A friend recently got into some chocolate while house sitting. Didn't know it was pot chocolates. Went on a little three day spiritual journey. Lucky he didn't die.

He said he did battles with a demon army & rolled around on the floor puking too. Yep...not a narcotic. Umm hmmm

Yeah sure, but back in the 40's there was this guy who smoked some pot and it made him chop up his parents and siblings with an ax. At least that's the way Harry told it. Kinda like the story you just told.
A friend recently got into some chocolate while house sitting. Didn't know it was pot chocolates. Went on a little three day spiritual journey. Lucky he didn't die.

He said he did battles with a demon army & rolled around on the floor puking too. Yep...not a narcotic. Umm hmmm

"Narcotic" is defined as a drug that induces sleep.

It is biologically impossible to "die" from eating a cannabis edible.

Vomiting is not a side effect of any sort of cannabis, either. Nor do the effects of edibles last for "3 days".

Agreed. I knew a dog that ate a whole pan of pot brownies. Vet was much more concerned about the chocolate. The dog spent a half a day laying next to her water dish...she was VERY thirsty, but fine.
Californians need their own, central bank.

Yes but see the thing is, banks need their facade to be backed up by stout integrity. Have you seen CA's budget crisis lately?

Yeah, "The Bank of California". Go ahead, stick your wad in that one and see what happens. They are so stupid in Sacramento that they still can't figure out that selling pot across their borders to states where it's illegal still (that's their plan, believe it or not) is going to bring that whole thing crashing down on their backs. Good luck with that "bank"... :sad:

If Mexico can't sell pot to New York, California cannot either.

You seem to be confused.

The State of California doesn't sell cannabis.

Neither, for that matter, does the country of Mexico.

Sure they do, every State that has legalized pot, sells it. Through licensing, they are silent partners and they get their cut on every sale.

Thank you for that refreshing visitation to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

So those bricks they found in NY had the seal of approval from CA for shipment to NY?
Some want to legislate things such as pot....but they believe in liberty and freedom....only if it fits their agenda. Anti Americans big time.
I guess there's the freedom to murder too. Should we not legislate for that either?

"....that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Nope no freedom to murder. That is an extremely dumb argument.
If you have a problem with pot then do you have a problem with alcohol being legal? Americans love to drink. We drink Like fish..... Its an escape from the ungodly daily ratrace. But I suppose there are those out there that actually believe a few beers makes one less productive on the job.....and that is not true. If its not during the job then it probably makes one more productive.
So those bricks they found in NY had the seal of approval from CA for shipment to NY?
Dunno. But if CA is set to overproduce (beyond a surveyed usage-projection) we can assume they put the stamp of approval on exports to other states where it's illegal. If you follow the logic. And lawyers do.
So those bricks they found in NY had the seal of approval from CA for shipment to NY?
Dunno. But if CA is set to overproduce (beyond a surveyed usage-projection) we can assume they put the stamp of approval on exports to other states where it's illegal. If you follow the logic. And lawyers do.

You know what they say about those who assume stuff right?

Can I Take Marijuana From One Legal State To Another?

California reiterated the illegality of transferring marijuana out of state in its Prop 64.

26080.(a) This division shall not be construed to authorize or permit a licensee to transport or distribute, or cause to be transported or distributed, marijuana or marijuana products outside the state, unless authorized by federal law.
So those bricks they found in NY had the seal of approval from CA for shipment to NY?
Dunno. But if CA is set to overproduce (beyond a surveyed usage-projection) we can assume they put the stamp of approval on exports to other states where it's illegal. If you follow the logic. And lawyers do.

You know what they say about those who assume stuff right?

Can I Take Marijuana From One Legal State To Another?

California reiterated the illegality of transferring marijuana out of state in its Prop 64.

26080.(a) This division shall not be construed to authorize or permit a licensee to transport or distribute, or cause to be transported or distributed, marijuana or marijuana products outside the state, unless authorized by federal law.

So what's with CA beginning to permit BigTobacco to overproduce pot within its borders? Are they going to go to schools in CA and push more product on children to justify the surplus? Or does CA intend on exporting to other states after all? :popcorn:

Big Tobacco and other large industries are poised to enter the cannabis market if federal laws change, Report: Big Tobacco Prepared to Enter Cannabis Market

Oh OK, so if federal laws do change on the topic, we know damn well who got them to change so the kids in your state can get stoned much more easily. I saw an article blip recently where there was advice to parents of kids in CA to "not bear down so heavily teaching your kids to avoid pot...because you know...they'll rebel and be more likely to use it if you do..." ...Said Satan softly into the ears of the last bastion of abstinence between BigTobacco and children...
So those bricks they found in NY had the seal of approval from CA for shipment to NY?
Dunno. But if CA is set to overproduce (beyond a surveyed usage-projection) we can assume they put the stamp of approval on exports to other states where it's illegal. If you follow the logic. And lawyers do.

You know what they say about those who assume stuff right?

Can I Take Marijuana From One Legal State To Another?

California reiterated the illegality of transferring marijuana out of state in its Prop 64.

26080.(a) This division shall not be construed to authorize or permit a licensee to transport or distribute, or cause to be transported or distributed, marijuana or marijuana products outside the state, unless authorized by federal law.

So what's with CA beginning to permit BigTobacco to overproduce pot within its borders? Are they going to go to schools in CA and push more product on children to justify the surplus? Or does CA intend on exporting to other states after all? :popcorn:

Big Tobacco and other large industries are poised to enter the cannabis market if federal laws change, Report: Big Tobacco Prepared to Enter Cannabis Market

Oh OK, so if federal laws do change on the topic, we know damn well who got them to change so the kids in your state can get stoned much more easily. I saw an article blip recently where there was advice to parents of kids in CA to "not bear down so heavily teaching your kids to avoid pot...because you know...they'll rebel and be more likely to use it if you do..." ...Said Satan softly into the ears of the last bastion of abstinence between BigTobacco and children...

That Whataboutism has nothing to do with the topic of the NY Bust and you insisting the they can hold the State of California responsible does it?
^^ WTF? My english teacher in high school would give you an "F" for that sentence. Could you rewrite it?
California politicians in Washington need to defend the state's pot laws from federal attack
California politicians in Washington need to defend the state's pot laws from federal attack

As if JUST CA politicians are pushing this in DC. :lmao: Think BigTobacco will be right there with them?

Well they got their way forcing motherless/fatherless (gay) marriage on all the other states that didn't want it. Suppose DC is going to give them their pot-export market the same way? By force? No matter what conservative states say?

Beware RNC. This is precisely the mistake the DNC made with gay marriage/men in women's bathrooms that COST THEM BIG in election 2016. How important are those pot $$ bribes from BigTobacco vs what you will lose if you cave in to them?
We have a Commerce Clause!
The right for the fed to REGULATE commerce between states. Including the banning/suppression of federally-illegal substances being produced by a state with intent to export to other states.
Banning or suppression is not regulation. Taxation is enough for representation.
So then the fed should just tax child prostitution transported or sold across state lines? :popcorn:

Or, should they enforce a BAN on that as part of regulation?
The broom is under the stairs, Silly...please clean up the leakage from your straw man before posting again.

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