POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."

In your ideology. What is your reason for wanting more unwanted pregnancies to occur, and, hence, more abortions? This whole thing is suspicious.

Even if every fertilized egg were to result in a full-term baby, where would they all go? Moreover, why do you want all Americans to abstain unless they want a baby? Most people don't want ten kids.

I think the proper question to ask is what makes that person think they have the right to tell anyone when they can have sex and the reasons why they have sex.

That person is perfectly free to live their life as they choose within our laws. Apparently that person doesn't believe everyone else has that same freedom.

It's no one's business what two consenting adults do.

If that person believes that abortion is murder no one is forcing them to believe differently or to have an abortion. I don't understand why that person thinks they have the right to force their beliefs on everyone. That person demands that everyone respects their views even to the point of having the audacity of believing they have the right to tell you what words you can use. Yet that person doesn't give that same respect to anyone else.

I agree with you. I don't believe these people want to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They want to do all they can to cause unplanned pregnancies then do all they can to force the woman to carry that unplanned pregnancy to term. Then abandon that woman once she has given birth to call her a tramp, slut, leach and all the other names those people use on single mothers and people who need public assistance or don't live their lives the way those conservatives demand they live.
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Too bad PP wasent around before Trump was born. The world might have been spared the likes of that fucking slimeball.
So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

So, like Sandra Fluke, you want us to pay for you to have sex.

It makes sense in terms of the public good, as is paying for other things like vaccines, etc. You have to come to terms with the fact that sex is a powerful instinct in the human race and implicates strong human emotions. Assisting people with their birth-control needs helps both sexes.

I still want to know the motives behind this strange movement to stop Americans from having sex.
We're not against having sex. We're for responsible sex, which requires a marriage license and the promise to take care of your own children when you have them as part of your responsibility in being a human and acknowledging that life begins and ends naturally, not by murder, whether it's taking advantage of your own fetus or wiping out your elderly grandparent because you'll inherit the product of their bank account if you successfully evade notice that you murdered for money. One is just as evil as the other.

So you are against unmarried people having sex and are willing to use the threat of unwanted pregnancy as a weapon to force your views on the rest of the country. Try explaining this to a country of 320 million people when a majority of adults do have non-marital sex. You might start at a military base or a bar.

Even if you oppose abortion as "murder," you need to understand that birth control is a preventive measure: no embryo, no fetus, nothing to abort.

Are you also against couples who want to space their children or postpone having them?

Just what is your morbid fascination with other people's personal lives about?
So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."

In your ideology. What is your reason for wanting more unwanted pregnancies to occur, and, hence, more abortions? This whole thing is suspicious.

Even if every fertilized egg were to result in a full-term baby, where would they all go? Moreover, why do you want all Americans to abstain unless they want a baby? Most people don't want ten kids.

I think the proper question to ask is what makes that person think they have the right to tell anyone when they can have sex and the reasons why they have sex.

That person is perfectly free to live their life as they choose within our laws. Apparently that person doesn't believe everyone else has that same freedom.

It's no one's business what two consenting adults do.

If that person believes that abortion is murder no one is forcing them to believe differently or to have an abortion. I don't understand why that person thinks they have the right to force their beliefs on everyone. That person demands that everyone respects their views even to the point of having the audacity of believing they have the right to tall you what words you can use. Yet that person doesn't give that same respect to anyone else.

I agree with you. I don't believe these people want to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They want to do all they can to cause unplanned pregnancies then do all they can to force the woman to carry that unplanned pregnancy to term. Then abandon that woman once she has given birth to call her a tramp, slut, leach and all the other names those people use on single mothers and people who need public assistance or don't live their lives the way those conservatives demand they live.
There are many couples, even same sex, who want to adopt a child. Abortions should be against the law. Woman has to carry to term then give it up for adoption. That is the price they should pay for a romp in the hay.

No one is preventing anyone from using birth control. Use whatever form of bc you want. I'm not going to pay for it though. I paid for mine. You pay for yours.
No one is preventing anyone from using birth control. Use whatever form of bc you want. I'm not going to pay for it though. I paid for mine. You pay for yours.

That's the fucked up thing though, isn't it?

"My life, my body. Stay out of my personal affairs!

Oh ... but you guys can pay for my birth control, though. Hehe."

I'm more than happy to stay out of your life. That also means I don't wanna pay for your shit. Not hard to understand.
This thread is about preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place, not abortion. Are people really this dense?

The anti-sex-types must be horrified at the thought that somewhere in the country and in foreign lands are having sex right now as we type.

Incidentally, many of the anti's are trying to prevent LGBTs from adopting children. Using pregnancy to penalize women (but not men) for having sex is a really sick, sick notion. There is no reason for this intense hatred of the female gender and our sexuality.

Just what is it about sex that gets some people so obsessively pissed off?
No one is preventing anyone from using birth control. Use whatever form of bc you want. I'm not going to pay for it though. I paid for mine. You pay for yours.

That's the fucked up thing though, isn't it?

"My life, my body. Stay out of my personal affairs!

Oh ... but you guys can pay for my birth control, though. Hehe."

I'm more than happy to stay out of your life. That also means I don't wanna pay for your shit. Not hard to understand.

Can the taxpayers get back the money we paid for "abstinence education"?
No one is preventing anyone from using birth control. Use whatever form of bc you want. I'm not going to pay for it though. I paid for mine. You pay for yours.

That's the fucked up thing though, isn't it?

"My life, my body. Stay out of my personal affairs!

Oh ... but you guys can pay for my birth control, though. Hehe."

I'm more than happy to stay out of your life. That also means I don't wanna pay for your shit. Not hard to understand.

Can the taxpayers get back the money we paid for "abstinence education"?

This thread is about preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place, not abortion. Are people really this dense?

The anti-sex-types must be horrified at the thought that somewhere in the country and in foreign lands are having sex right now as we type.

Incidentally, many of the anti's are trying to prevent LGBTs from adopting children. Using pregnancy to penalize women (but not men) for having sex is a really sick, sick notion. There is no reason for this intense hatred of the female gender and our sexuality.

Just what is it about sex that gets some people so obsessively pissed off?

No one cares. Just. Pay. For. Your. Own. Drugs.

How many times must it be repeated before you get it? Or are you one of those "I wanna get paid the same as men, but still expect men (and the state) to pay for all my stuff" types? Get over yourself. There is no war against you. No one gives enough of a shit for that. I have no clue what you're talking about or what you even want.
PP can get along with private donations.

Yes, they will, It will not affect their abortion program at all. They will though quit offering other services for which they are reimbursed by the Govt, like birth control and such.

The end result will be more abortions...

Which I guess is what you want.

That would show what PP's actual priorities are. Women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and it's insulting to insist it is.

I agree that women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and I agree that PP does prioritize abortion too much.

None of that changes the fact that the best way to cut the number of abortions is to cut the number of unplanned pregnancies and the best way to do that is to provide easy access to cheap/free birth control.

It is my understanding that the funds are still being used for actual women's health, just not through PP's that guide towards abortions. Cheap birth control will still be available, even at PP. The money is being spread among many providers rather than the bulk going to PP.
Yet another example of Trump’s contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Yep.....sound, responsible, governance = Chopping babies up and selling the parts to researchers
According to folks like yourself.

Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?

"Epidemic of unwanted pregnancies" Where do you come up with these things? :cuckoo:

If you were honest to us and yourself, you would change hats, here's one which would fit you nicely:

I would like to see a list of say, the last 5 presidents and their campaign promises

And which ones came to fruition. I think its safe to say Trump wins hands down

The Great Obama beats him handily
And the war on women and women's health continues.
No, its the war to stop the senseless killing of life just because someone wanted to get their rocks off


Birth control prevents abortion. Simple idea.

The war against women has been going on for some time. It remains unexplained.
quote: "Birth control prevents abortion. Simple idea."​

Idiot. Birth control by chemical or physical means is a gateway drug to abortion as a rite of passage. Chemicals hurt women, and physical means can cause toxic shock in a shocking number of women. The maturation process means a woman grows up to meet the requirements of the job of being a mother, and she needs to be mature enough to see that a man must want to be the father and provider for their offspring first. If he doesn't, he is not mature enough to have sex that begets new American citizens. The only way to assure him he will participate in the creative process of fulfilling his part is sometimes just to simply kick his sorry ass. You can do that by putting him in a holding cell until he realizes sex with another guy's ass takes his dna and puts it in the toilet, literally. That's IDIOTIC in procreation necessary to bring society to full strength. Forget that one detail, and you're groveling somewhere between being yoked like cattle to a strongman with a whip or living in Siberia above the arctic circle where you can't bother anybody else who has to preside over a half-assed society missing men who were talked into this repugnant lifestyle that requires you to accept poop smells when you orgasm that never results in the joy of having a real son to father through helplessness of infancy and to carry through life to his adulthood when he becomes a man. I mean no harm to present gays to do not realize what happened to them to make them live the way they are. I'm just pointing out what ought to be in my opinion. Parents often miss the boat of telling their child of this danger, because they never heard of it. That's why no matter what the facts of dna get ignored by the gay community. They build attitudes around their choices, and that quite often separates them from horrified parents they ultimately abandon with insults on both sides. Maybe the Pilgrims I've heard belittled endlessly here as know-nothings had it right. Put the idiots in public stocks until they get the picture there might be something wrong with the behavior that put 'em there as many times as it takes to make them whole people when they come to the realization: when told to act like an adult, you better act like one or get the aching back you're causing your parents on you, not them.

And about this spoof that if a guy goes gay, it's his mama's fault. ---NOT! Gayness has never been associated with a gene issue either. It's a goddamn choice a person is usually coerced into by a lower-than-snakesnot NAMBLA idiot/warrior who has a deceptive persuasion superior to a sadistic rapist's spiel, who then leaves his victim to feeling humiliation that turns to lust for others of the same sex. This is a nation that has produced a lot of wayward people over losing the core meaning of freedom. People get introduced into deleterious lifestyles, and that's when the "change" occurs. It occurs because the victim who has no place to turn hides his shame is convinced by masters of deception that "it" doesn't matter. That's hubris. It does matter, and there are ways early on a young man can return to a heterosexual lifestyle by placing theoretical clouding of opinion into their proper perspective--they basically want to extract from you your sense of duty, honor, and financial support that doesn't require too much sexual fidelity. After a man accepts the lifestyle, the brain of him fools himself to trash his parents, old friends, having children with a wife, and if he is married, he trashes wife, children, in-laws. Everybody is out except his world of gay bars and taboo sex along with its unsavory side that sickens a lot of people who didn't go that way. Even so, we have no choice but to accept this miserable set of decisions, with a live and let live attitude that things acceptable to that person's peers life just got out of control due to bonding issues.

Biblical authors are often criticized by scientists whose lives are lived in a theoretical cloud and not down where the rubber hits the road. What is freedom? Is it freedom from good behavior, replaced by all that's left--bad behavior? Doh, of course not. But because of arguments that should have failed winning in court, we're at the mercy of justice perverted from its context to mean something else.

This nation did not become a world power because of the ill-advised right to abort based on sexist irresponsibility. It became great because women and men exercised wisdom in family matters and focused on children becoming educated not only in the basic 3, reading writing and arithmetic, they were encouraged to adopt spiritual values, family responsibilities, and creative leadership.

Then along came televised evangelists who kept the limelight off their personal proclivities which when discovered were ascribed by people with Marxist enthusiasm as the reason society had problems as they bettered themselves politically at the expense of probity. TV evangelists got a lot of money promised to do good in the world, but actually were enriching themselves with lifestyles of playboys, and partnerships that skimmed off the profits, not to mention almost all of that money promised to do God's work, which became only nominal under self-serving ripoffs going on in those--gain, theoretical clouding of opinion.

Oh, and people who no longer wanted to live good lifestyles that produced a future for the nation turned away from churches. Their excuse was timely--obfuscating real life and blaming everything on anybody else handy to blame. The losers were those who sent money to liars, protected by the anonymity televised prophecies afford bad people and people with hidden agendas. Certain politicians adopted this credo. Lie on television, nobody catches on for a long, long time.

A beloved member of my family supported a televangelist to justify leaving her family's church, then her husband, her children, and everyone in her immediate family. She was indoctrinated into televangelism by a friend who wanted her to have no family ties and bragged about being a DNC governor's favorite cousin. Guess who she cheated with all that power she had over my beloved sister. Political people can use affiliation with a tv evangelist to tear someone else's responsible family apart. Democrats are vicious dog-eat-dog character assassins, devious to family ties to destroy everybody else they disagree with if you let them. Don't you let them.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

So, like Sandra Fluke, you want us to pay for you to have sex.

It makes sense in terms of the public good, as is paying for other things like vaccines, etc. You have to come to terms with the fact that sex is a powerful instinct in the human race and implicates strong human emotions. Assisting people with their birth-control needs helps both sexes.

I still want to know the motives behind this strange movement to stop Americans from having sex.

There is no “movement” by the right to stop people from haveing sex, at least not normal sex. It’s the left that is obsessed with demonizing heterosexuals and treating women correctly like Christianity teaches. You feminists have bashed Christianity as being “oppressive” to women for decades. Now that women are “free” they have turned into whores and targets of sexual harassment, and now they berate men for treating them like sex objects, even though that was exactly what feminism called for in the past. So no, we aren’t going to pay for your whoring and Satanic impulse to kill your own babies. We will however encourage healthy lifestyles, marriage, and raising children with a father and mother.
PP can get along with private donations.

Yes, they will, It will not affect their abortion program at all. They will though quit offering other services for which they are reimbursed by the Govt, like birth control and such.

The end result will be more abortions...

Which I guess is what you want.

That would show what PP's actual priorities are. Women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and it's insulting to insist it is.

I agree that women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and I agree that PP does prioritize abortion too much.

None of that changes the fact that the best way to cut the number of abortions is to cut the number of unplanned pregnancies and the best way to do that is to provide easy access to cheap/free birth control.

It is my understanding that the funds are still being used for actual women's health, just not through PP's that guide towards abortions. Cheap birth control will still be available, even at PP. The money is being spread among many providers rather than the bulk going to PP.

However Planned Parenthood is the abortion capital of the country; a Democrat scared ground. Nancy and Chuck F'd with Trump and his wall, so now it's payback time. Maybe next time Trump wants money for something so reasonable; something that helps nearly every American, they'll remember that payback is a bitch.

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