POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

PP can get along with private donations.

Yes, they will, It will not affect their abortion program at all. They will though quit offering other services for which they are reimbursed by the Govt, like birth control and such.

The end result will be more abortions...

Which I guess is what you want.

That would show what PP's actual priorities are. Women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and it's insulting to insist it is.

I agree that women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and I agree that PP does prioritize abortion too much.

None of that changes the fact that the best way to cut the number of abortions is to cut the number of unplanned pregnancies and the best way to do that is to provide easy access to cheap/free birth control.

That is correct. These are the only things are proven to reduce the number of abortions; science, education and unlimited access to affordable contraception.

Is not "easy access to cheap/free birth control" the same thing as "affordable contraception."?

what the fuck is wrong with you people, can you not read?

I'm agreeing with you. Relax.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol
Bullshit. Taxpayers are funding abortions for people that can't pay for them. You're a liar.

So you also support cutting off all aid to Israel, right?
Nope. I'm sure you can pretzel that logic.

You're the one arguing about fungability.

Israeli government offers women aged 20 to 33 free abortions
I know Israel uses taxpayer funding for abortions. I don't agree with it and believe it should be stopped. I don't believe government should be involved in the abortion business.

And yet you don't support cutting off all aid to Israel like you do planned parenthood. You're a Republican...That is synonymous with hypocrite these days. Actually, that's an insult to the few remaining Republicans. You're a Trumpican and hypocrisy is a core value.
Correct, I support aid to Israel because Israel needs to defend itself. I disagree with tax money used for abortion. I'm not a republican. I'm a conservative. Your tax dollars are going to things you don't support; therefore, you're also a hypocrite of the highest order because you're self-righteous. I understand that there is money being spent on things I disagree with. You don't. Therefore, you're the bigger hypocrite because you're a self-righteous leftist.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

What's wrong with pregnancy? Pregnancy is life.

Oh, come on! Birth control would not exist if everybody wanted to be pregnant. People have lots of reasons for not wanting to have a child at a particular time. You must know that.

My own parents postponed us so that he could finish his degree when he came home from WWII, they never had separate bedrooms, and he used to joke about how much he admired my mother's Betty Grable legs. They were Catholics, but he often commented about how stupid the church's anti-birth-control stance was. As he often said (in a very bad Italian accent): You no playa da game, you no make-a da rules.
PP can get along with private donations.

Yes, they will, It will not affect their abortion program at all. They will though quit offering other services for which they are reimbursed by the Govt, like birth control and such.

The end result will be more abortions...

Which I guess is what you want.

That would show what PP's actual priorities are. Women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and it's insulting to insist it is.

I agree that women's health is not synonymous with easy access to cheap abortions, and I agree that PP does prioritize abortion too much.

None of that changes the fact that the best way to cut the number of abortions is to cut the number of unplanned pregnancies and the best way to do that is to provide easy access to cheap/free birth control.

I've been reading your posts in this thread and have gained a lot of respect for you.

You are a real anti abortion person. It's not about forcing your beliefs on our nation which I can't thank you enough for. To you it's really about preventing abortions, which is what sane people want to do. And like sane people, you know that contraception is the best way to prevent an abortion.

The the crazy people just care about forcing their views on our nation and using stupid lies to do it.

You're like me, you care. Because you care, you will defend and support contraception for everyone. It's not just lip service with you and I find that very refreshing.

I'm about as pro choice as a person can be. Yet our desire to prevent abortions are the same.

Thank you very much for walking the walk and not just full of hot air.

People like the duck above do not really care that much about abortion, they care about their political ideology more.

I just wanted to tell you that I'm thankful to see a person who is pro life is really pro life and not pro forcing an agenda on our nation.

You are what I believe a pro life person is and I thank you for that.

We are very much the same. I'm pro choice. We both want to do all we can to prevent as many unplanned pregnancies as possible so that abortion isn't necessary.

I believe there is a need for abortion and also believe that we should work to make that need as rare as possible. The only way to do that is with contraception.

Thank you.
So you also support cutting off all aid to Israel, right?
Nope. I'm sure you can pretzel that logic.

You're the one arguing about fungability.

Israeli government offers women aged 20 to 33 free abortions
I know Israel uses taxpayer funding for abortions. I don't agree with it and believe it should be stopped. I don't believe government should be involved in the abortion business.

And yet you don't support cutting off all aid to Israel like you do planned parenthood. You're a Republican...That is synonymous with hypocrite these days. Actually, that's an insult to the few remaining Republicans. You're a Trumpican and hypocrisy is a core value.
Correct, I support aid to Israel because Israel needs to defend itself. I disagree with tax money used for abortion. I'm not a republican. I'm a conservative. Your tax dollars are going to things you don't support; therefore, you're also a hypocrite of the highest order because you're self-righteous. I understand that there is money being spent on things I disagree with. You don't. Therefore, you're the bigger hypocrite because you're a self-righteous leftist.

I know you are but what am I? That's your comeback? Tax dollars going to things you don't support is not hypocrisy, that's being an American.

Hypocrisy is you supporting cutting of government funding for PP but not for Israel...an actual state funder of abortions.

"Israel needs to defend itself" Women need access to the healthcare and contraception services PP provides.
Nope. I'm sure you can pretzel that logic.

You're the one arguing about fungability.

Israeli government offers women aged 20 to 33 free abortions
I know Israel uses taxpayer funding for abortions. I don't agree with it and believe it should be stopped. I don't believe government should be involved in the abortion business.

And yet you don't support cutting off all aid to Israel like you do planned parenthood. You're a Republican...That is synonymous with hypocrite these days. Actually, that's an insult to the few remaining Republicans. You're a Trumpican and hypocrisy is a core value.
Correct, I support aid to Israel because Israel needs to defend itself. I disagree with tax money used for abortion. I'm not a republican. I'm a conservative. Your tax dollars are going to things you don't support; therefore, you're also a hypocrite of the highest order because you're self-righteous. I understand that there is money being spent on things I disagree with. You don't. Therefore, you're the bigger hypocrite because you're a self-righteous leftist.

I know you are but what am I? That's your comeback? Tax dollars going to things you don't support is not hypocrisy, that's being an American.

Hypocrisy is you supporting cutting of government funding for PP but not for Israel...an actual state funder of abortions.

"Israel needs to defend itself" Women need access to the healthcare and contraception services PP provides.
I don't support taxpayer funding for abortions in any nation, you idiot. Abortion has nothing to do with "healthcare", you moron.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood went south when they started using abortion as a no-questions-asked method of birth control. They also pushed for hiding information from the girl's parents. They tried to turn America into Europe, and many Americans did not cotton to it. Without funding from the government, to stay in existence, they'll have to compete with the Catholic Church's "Love them both" campaign.

I hope President Trump and his staff will continue to support the issues that cause people to reconsider waiting until they are married to engage in sex, stop thinking someone else should pay for their mistakes, and re-engaging men as future family men who grow up to their responsibilities of settling down and making a good living so their wife can devote herself to children again.

There is a reason children without their mother watching over and protecting them when they are small makes them grow into human beings who embrace traditional American go-get-em pep.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

LOL...yeah, and he could have done it almost the day he took office. But it only took him over 700 days.

Big deal...once the Dems get back in power (in 2020 - barring a war), they will give all of that money back and more.

Taking money from a program is child's play. Getting legislation past that makes it permanent is the skill. And Trump clearly is useless at that.

BTW - I don't give a shit about Planned Parenthood one way or the other.
Sounds like Obama to me

Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?

"Epidemic of unwanted pregnancies" Where do you come up with these things? :cuckoo:
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."

In your ideology. What is your reason for wanting more unwanted pregnancies to occur, and, hence, more abortions? This whole thing is suspicious.

Even if every fertilized egg were to result in a full-term baby, where would they all go? Moreover, why do you want all Americans to abstain unless they want a baby? Most people don't want ten kids.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."

In your ideology. What is your reason for wanting more unwanted pregnancies to occur, and, hence, more abortions? This whole thing is suspicious.

Even if every fertilized egg were to result in a full-term baby, where would they all go? Moreover, why do you want all Americans to abstain unless they want a baby? Most people don't want ten kids.

Why would more pregnancies=more abortions?

That's insane!

Oh yeah, I forgot, you are teh cwazay. State Mental Health Institutions need to make a comeback.

One example=you.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

So, like Sandra Fluke, you want us to pay for you to have sex.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."

In your ideology. What is your reason for wanting more unwanted pregnancies to occur, and, hence, more abortions? This whole thing is suspicious.

Even if every fertilized egg were to result in a full-term baby, where would they all go? Moreover, why do you want all Americans to abstain unless they want a baby? Most people don't want ten kids.

What is wrong with Americans having more babies? The feminists have lied to American women telling them they can’t afford to have kids and overpopulation claims. Yet then we turn around and say we need to import third world trash to fill jobs.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
No I want my taxes to punish those that kill babies not reward them. We can give that money to clinics that offer everything except killing babies.. like Christian clinics. New surpreme will end abortions
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Yea so sorry we are stopping you from killing babies.. oops no freedom lol

Killing babies??? Not everyone shares the same religion/ideology. Government should not be involved in personal decisions.

The great irony is that effective birth control eliminates the need for abortion, yet so many anti-abortion folks also are against birth control. I have to wonder why the right wing desires an epidemic of unwanted pregnancies. Their stances on other issues clearly indicate that they are not motivated by any concern for "life. So what's up?
Quit euphemizing "killing" that is "murder."

In your ideology. What is your reason for wanting more unwanted pregnancies to occur, and, hence, more abortions? This whole thing is suspicious.

Even if every fertilized egg were to result in a full-term baby, where would they all go? Moreover, why do you want all Americans to abstain unless they want a baby? Most people don't want ten kids.
Firstly, you are an idiot from idiot culture, and you surround yourself with feel-good idiots who think tradition is out-of-date. You people lawyerize right into being wrong, because you hold fast to being idiots as if you were KKK members in your zeal for burning idiocy into every young girl and insisting that abortion is noble. It's not. It's raw murder taught to young children in school these days way before they're ready for sex, then Planned Parenthood makes them feel like queen for a day in the abortion clinic. That's further idiocy of the two-digit iq type.

Murder is a sin, and it's a sin now celebrated by the idiot Feminazi group that hates traditional women who stay home for 20 or 30 years raising their children into being productive members of society who your side targets idiotically in campaigns to wipe out traditional values that grow with every dollar dumped into the fray by the federal government to help convert innocent young women into killing machines.

There's gonna be a price to pay for that idiocy.


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