POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.

A lot of men don't indulge in sexual activity, lol. I've gone through some pretty long dry spells myself, and I'm actually not terrible to look at. I shudder to think of how hard it is for a truly ugly man.

You clearly have no clue what being a man is like, just a lot of silly ideas. Anyway, we don't even have the abortion option. All we have are condoms, which make sex worse. The comparison is utterly clueless.
So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.
The vagina is a self-cleaning oven.
Your response is cute, but why does this even matter?
So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.

A lot of men don't indulge in sexual activity, lol. I've gone through some pretty long dry spells myself, and I'm actually not terrible to look at. I shudder to think of how hard it is for a truly ugly man.

You clearly have no clue what being a man is like, just a lot of silly ideas. Anyway, we don't even have the abortion option. All we have are condoms, which make sex worse. The comparison is utterly clueless.

Why are we feuding? Condoms break. I know because I've been there. A broken condom, for a male, is a mess. For a female, a broken condom is a far more serious, and longer lasting serious mess. But this is no fault of any of us. I have to argue as I do because being female involves a whole different set of mechanics. Our reproductive structures are different. Neither of us grew to birth in our fathers' bodies.

We need to talk because our insides are different so we have to approach this subject differently. Because you are male, you don't need the services as much as a female person does. I don't know what it is like to be a man, and you don't know what it is like to be a woman. I think that you men have had the upper hand because of all the religious babble.

BTW: Lookswise, I've never scared any horses. My genes have come through to give me good looks. This is a function of Mother Nature. I will never forget seeing an interview with some young actors nominated for "sexiest male" at some British awards show, and they said "who do we thank? Our parents"? (P.S.: one of those guys does receive my personal award for "sexist male")
Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.

A lot of men don't indulge in sexual activity, lol. I've gone through some pretty long dry spells myself, and I'm actually not terrible to look at. I shudder to think of how hard it is for a truly ugly man.

You clearly have no clue what being a man is like, just a lot of silly ideas. Anyway, we don't even have the abortion option. All we have are condoms, which make sex worse. The comparison is utterly clueless.

Why are we feuding? Condoms break. I know because I've been there. A broken condom, for a male, is a mess. For a female, a broken condom is a far more serious, and longer lasting serious mess. But this is no fault of any of us. I have to argue as I do because being female involves a whole different set of mechanics. Our reproductive structures are different. Neither of us grew to birth in our fathers' bodies.

We need to talk because our insides are different so we have to approach this subject differently. Because you are male, you don't need the services as much as a female person does. I don't know what it is like to be a man, and you don't know what it is like to be a woman. I think that you men have had the upper hand because of all the religious babble.

BTW: Lookswise, I've never scared any horses. My genes have come through to give me good looks. This is a function of Mother Nature. I will never forget seeing an interview with some young actors nominated for "sexiest male" at some British awards show, and they said "who do we thank? Our parents"? (P.S.: one of those guys does receive my personal award for "sexist male")

I'm not feuding. Just stating the obvious. Didn't think it was necessary, but here we are nonetheless ...
Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.
The vagina is a self-cleaning oven.
Your response is cute, but why does this even matter?
I was just having a random thought. Your previous post inspired me.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
You are pro murder of infants and you call us perverted? Omg!

The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
You are pro murder of infants and you call us perverted? Omg!

The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
You are pro murder of infants and you call us perverted? Omg!

The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.

Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
You are pro murder of infants and you call us perverted? Omg!

The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.

Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks
Last edited:
So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
You are pro murder of infants and you call us perverted? Omg!

The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.

Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks

It would be a violation of the Hyde Amendment if your dream was a reality. Since no suits are in court currently, we will just accept this as another lie of yours.

Unwanted pregnancies often go result in someone being on welfare or having an abortion. So it begs the question why Trump’s fluffers are against contraception funding.
You are pro murder of infants and you call us perverted? Omg!

The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.

Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks

It would be a violation of the Hyde Amendment if your dream was a reality. Since no suits are in court currently, we will just accept this as another lie of yours.

Unwanted pregnancies often go result in someone being on welfare or having an abortion. So it begs the question why Trump’s fluffers are against contraception funding.
Bullshit. Taxpayers are funding abortions for people that can't pay for them. You're a liar.
The cuts in contraceptives that you're cheering today will result in more abortions tomorrow.
Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.

Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks

It would be a violation of the Hyde Amendment if your dream was a reality. Since no suits are in court currently, we will just accept this as another lie of yours.

Unwanted pregnancies often go result in someone being on welfare or having an abortion. So it begs the question why Trump’s fluffers are against contraception funding.
Bullshit. Taxpayers are funding abortions for people that can't pay for them. You're a liar.

Sick society. Aren't we teaching birth control in our schools? It's not the job of my government to pay for birth control and abortions.

Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks

It would be a violation of the Hyde Amendment if your dream was a reality. Since no suits are in court currently, we will just accept this as another lie of yours.

Unwanted pregnancies often go result in someone being on welfare or having an abortion. So it begs the question why Trump’s fluffers are against contraception funding.
Bullshit. Taxpayers are funding abortions for people that can't pay for them. You're a liar.

Post #129
Hmmm.... a lot to unpack there.

Governments do not pay for abortions for one thing.
For another, every study ever conducted concluded that it was much cheaper to prevent pregnancy today instead supporting another person on public assistance later on which is why the Title X was created.

If you're not a fan of abortion, it makes sense to prevent pregnancy doesn't it?
Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks

It would be a violation of the Hyde Amendment if your dream was a reality. Since no suits are in court currently, we will just accept this as another lie of yours.

Unwanted pregnancies often go result in someone being on welfare or having an abortion. So it begs the question why Trump’s fluffers are against contraception funding.
Bullshit. Taxpayers are funding abortions for people that can't pay for them. You're a liar.

Post #129

Lie. Taxpayers pay for abortions. Then another lie that an unwanted pregnancy results in someone on welfare. Same old tired propaganda.
Here's How Your Money is Funding Abortion - The Fungibility Factor Explained - Save the Storks

It would be a violation of the Hyde Amendment if your dream was a reality. Since no suits are in court currently, we will just accept this as another lie of yours.

Unwanted pregnancies often go result in someone being on welfare or having an abortion. So it begs the question why Trump’s fluffers are against contraception funding.
Bullshit. Taxpayers are funding abortions for people that can't pay for them. You're a liar.

Post #129

You have to be a very sick creature to lie about killing innocent defenseless human beings.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

What's wrong with pregnancy? Pregnancy is life.

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