POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Federal funds aren't used for abortion. There has been a law against it since like forever.
More leftist misleading statements and propaganda. When federal funds are allocated for bc, cancer screening, etc., then PP can use existing funds for abortions instead of bc, cancer screening, etc. Do you think nobody can figure that out?
Israel has state funded abortion. We send Israel tax dollars. If you support not funding planned parenthood, you must also be opposed to tax dollars paying for them in Israel, right?
Wrong. Israel is the only democracy in the M.E. We have a strategic interest there and keeping them safe. The only reason for the existence of PP is to kill babies and sell their body parts (and to give much of our taxpayer money back to the Democratic Party at election time).
The government of Israel will pay for a woman's abortion. We give Israel money, to the tune of billions therefore, using YOUR logic, we are paying for those abortions.
Not any more they dont

Have you heard of a case that went before the Supreme Court in the Obama years that Hobby Lobby demanded to not have to cover contraception in their insurance coverage? The supreme court ruled in their favor and they don't have to provide contraception in the insurance policies they offer their employees. They didn't even want to agree to the compromise Obama came up with that the insurance company would provide it. The insurance companies said they wanted to do that but Hobby Lobby refused. Which if their goal was to not pay for contraception they would not have had any problem with the compromise. Since they did it only shows that their goal was to make sure that women in their employ couldn't get reliable contraception.

Yes a lot of so called pro lifers are also doing all they can to prevent reliable contraception from being available to women and men who want it.

The rules to defund Planned Parenthood does just that. It takes away another way for women to obtain reliable contraception that prevents abortions. That rule doesn't take one penny away from funding for abortions. It's illegal to use federal funds for abortion. So the funds trump has taken away and you people cheer, are funds that prevents abortions by providing reliable contraception to people. Which as many on this thread have correctly said, will cause more unplanned pregnancies and more abortions.

The only way to stop abortion is honest sex education, contraception, support for the woman and child during the pregnancy and after. That's it. There is no way people are going to stop having sex. Especially married couples.

Those who oppose abortion should be the first to make sure that reliable contraception is free and easily available for all who want and need it.

Yet they do the exact opposite.
Birth control is very easy to get. Get birth control at the grocery store or gas station. It's cheap in a real pinch, put off having sex until you are prepared. It's not access to birth control, it's being too lazy to bother. It's putting the responsibility on others. Men won't use condoms. Women should take the pill. Women won't take the pill. Men should use condoms. Ahh fuck it, just have an abortion.

So where are women supposed to get the pill? PP filled our needs when I was in college decades ago, at a religious-run college that would not meet the needs of its students.

Do you actually want people to become pregnant who do not wish to become pregnant? It sounds like you do.
You guys have had power fro so long you treated everyone who does not agree like you as crap....

can you list the years that the Libertarians were in power? I must have missed those years
Do you really believe libertarians will come to power? We are not a republic anymore. We are a democracy. I heard Neil Boortz spout years ago there are liberal and conservative Libertarians. Is this true?
You guys have had power fro so long you treated everyone who does not agree like you as crap....

can you list the years that the Libertarians were in power? I must have missed those years
Do you really believe libertarians will come to power? We are not a republic anymore. We are a democracy. I heard Neil Boortz spout years ago there are liberal and conservative Libertarians. Is this true?

No, I do not, but when you say "you guys", that is the only group that comes close to me being a part of.

Libertarians are like the rest of the nation, we do not see eye to eye on everything. I am anti-abortion, most Libertarians are pro-choice.

I am not open borders, many Libertarians are.

but we all agree on less government and more freedoms
Please explain why modern technology cannot be used to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The people who are opposed to it seem to have another, more evil, motivation. If there is no pregnancy there is no abortion. Why would anyone want an unwanted pregnancy?
free/cheap = subsidized by the tax payer... My hands shake really bad if I don't have a beer and it effects my driving... Will you subsidize my beer?

Our farmers are subsidized by the tax payer to the tune of 20 billion a year (and 32 billion last year) and nary a word from people like you.

I am normally against such things, but my desire to see less babies killed overrides my desire not to subsidize birth control.
If you wanted less babies killed you would be against abortion.


I am against abortion, always have been, always will be. There are 1000 post from me on this forum supporting that.

The most effective way to stop abortion is to slow/stop unwanted pregnancies. The best way to do that is easy access to birth control.
The best way is to make abortion illegal.

Why? Most abortions need not occur, as we have the technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. No pregnancy=no abortion.
There are drugs and barriers to prevent pregnancy. What is this technology? Like a vagina-sized bug zapper?
Not any more they dont

Have you heard of a case that went before the Supreme Court in the Obama years that Hobby Lobby demanded to not have to cover contraception in their insurance coverage? The supreme court ruled in their favor and they don't have to provide contraception in the insurance policies they offer their employees. They didn't even want to agree to the compromise Obama came up with that the insurance company would provide it. The insurance companies said they wanted to do that but Hobby Lobby refused. Which if their goal was to not pay for contraception they would not have had any problem with the compromise. Since they did it only shows that their goal was to make sure that women in their employ couldn't get reliable contraception.

Yes a lot of so called pro lifers are also doing all they can to prevent reliable contraception from being available to women and men who want it.

The rules to defund Planned Parenthood does just that. It takes away another way for women to obtain reliable contraception that prevents abortions. That rule doesn't take one penny away from funding for abortions. It's illegal to use federal funds for abortion. So the funds trump has taken away and you people cheer, are funds that prevents abortions by providing reliable contraception to people. Which as many on this thread have correctly said, will cause more unplanned pregnancies and more abortions.

The only way to stop abortion is honest sex education, contraception, support for the woman and child during the pregnancy and after. That's it. There is no way people are going to stop having sex. Especially married couples.

Those who oppose abortion should be the first to make sure that reliable contraception is free and easily available for all who want and need it.

Yet they do the exact opposite.
Wrong. It was the abortion pill that they didn't want to cover. All other forms of birth control were offered.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I guess when you don’t get laid, you resent when women have sex

You know Jillian? You say plenty of things that are off the grid. But this comment was just stupid, go back to your original material

You guys have had power fro so long you treated everyone who does not agree like you as crap....

can you list the years that the Libertarians were in power? I must have missed those years
Do you really believe libertarians will come to power? We are not a republic anymore. We are a democracy. I heard Neil Boortz spout years ago there are liberal and conservative Libertarians. Is this true?

No, I do not, but when you say "you guys", that is the only group that comes close to me being a part of.

Libertarians are like the rest of the nation, we do not see eye to eye on everything. I am anti-abortion, most Libertarians are pro-choice.

I am not open borders, many Libertarians are.

but we all agree on less government and more freedoms
I remember a local radio host named Irv Homer who was a staunch Republican but became Libertarian because of the lies.The lies that enabled the progressive socialists to take control. He is dead now. And that was around the time of Clinton. When agendas take flight, they do not stop and insanity rules. Its like people do not accept what is good enough and keep moving for more no matter what the result.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

I am not a republican and I agree at least with eliminating federal funding for planned parenthood. I don't like abortion, but certainly we should not put so much money in the hands of PP that selectively targets poor people and minorities in urban areas as their market.
Let the states pay for it since majority of abortions are paid through medicare.


Certainly health insurance should for those that have insurance. For others it could be done using vouchers from free clinics, etc. without directly funding PP
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Lol, then why is planned parenthood against showing the mother an ultrasound?
If an unborn baby is considered to be 'not living', then why was it when a pregnant woman is murdered, there are charges for double homicide? Or, punch her in the stomach and baby dies, you have murder on you hands

But hooking up a hoover matic and sucking out the unborn is a woman's choice?

The Donald is preparing for 2020, and it's not a fight
about Planned Parenthood. He wants the dems to
fight for Planned Parenthood so that he can counter
their push for late term abortions. PP gets more money
for fully grown baby parts.

I can see that one happening in the debates.

They don't have to fight for it. Most Americans overwhelmingly support it. It's the only healthcare clinic available in some areas of the country. I'm sure his supporters think it's a winning strategy like they did during the midterms. Of which women were the biggest winners. The only thing left at this point is how are his supporters going to handle every thing he has done overturned in the first 2 weeks by the new President that will be elected with a mandate to overturn everything Trump?

It is nowhere near the only healthcare clinic available in the country.
There are 13,000+ mopre healthcare clinics than planned parenthood.
Planned Parenthood doesn't even do screening for Breast Cancer.
Not any more they dont

Have you heard of a case that went before the Supreme Court in the Obama years that Hobby Lobby demanded to not have to cover contraception in their insurance coverage? The supreme court ruled in their favor and they don't have to provide contraception in the insurance policies they offer their employees. They didn't even want to agree to the compromise Obama came up with that the insurance company would provide it. The insurance companies said they wanted to do that but Hobby Lobby refused. Which if their goal was to not pay for contraception they would not have had any problem with the compromise. Since they did it only shows that their goal was to make sure that women in their employ couldn't get reliable contraception.

Yes a lot of so called pro lifers are also doing all they can to prevent reliable contraception from being available to women and men who want it.

The rules to defund Planned Parenthood does just that. It takes away another way for women to obtain reliable contraception that prevents abortions. That rule doesn't take one penny away from funding for abortions. It's illegal to use federal funds for abortion. So the funds trump has taken away and you people cheer, are funds that prevents abortions by providing reliable contraception to people. Which as many on this thread have correctly said, will cause more unplanned pregnancies and more abortions.

The only way to stop abortion is honest sex education, contraception, support for the woman and child during the pregnancy and after. That's it. There is no way people are going to stop having sex. Especially married couples.

Those who oppose abortion should be the first to make sure that reliable contraception is free and easily available for all who want and need it.

Yet they do the exact opposite.
Wrong. It was the abortion pill that they didn't want to cover. All other forms of birth control were offered.

No I'm not wrong.

The abortion pill isn't contraception. Contraception PREVENTS pregnancy. The abortion pill ends an EXISTING pregnancy.

You can't prevent something that has already happened.

Meanwhile here's an article you might want to read if you actually cared about truth.

Notice they use the word CONTRACEPTION. Not the words ABORTION PILL.

Hobby Lobby Wins Contraceptive Ruling in Supreme Court
Birth control is very easy to get. Get birth control at the grocery store or gas station. It's cheap in a real pinch, put off having sex until you are prepared. It's not access to birth control, it's being too lazy to bother. It's putting the responsibility on others. Men won't use condoms. Women should take the pill. Women won't take the pill. Men should use condoms. Ahh fuck it, just have an abortion.

So where are women supposed to get the pill? PP filled our needs when I was in college decades ago, at a religious-run college that would not meet the needs of its students.

Do you actually want people to become pregnant who do not wish to become pregnant? It sounds like you do.
Go to the free clinic. Get a condom at the gas station. Two bucks at Rite Aid. Use foam or gel or a cervical cap. There are more than a dozen forms of birth control. Unless you feel that you should not have to pay for your own birth control - AT ALL. I never made a lot of money as a student. I went to college. I went to law school and always paid for my own birth control. I never imagined in a million lifetimes that someone else should pay for it. If all else failed and I didn't have a dime to my name, I told my lover to zip up and go get his own condoms. Do you have something against telling a man to put on a condom? Don't you KNOW that the pill does not protect against STDs? Why do you want to spread disease? Just say plainly. I am not spreading my legs until you get protection. It works. Surely you can control yourself that much, that much. Gads the guy could pick up a package on his way to your house.

What the FUCK is wrong with women today? What kind of thoughtless laziness is needed to do this to themselves?
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.

Not really.

Yes. We are. Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so. Instead, the whore's administration is handing our fates over to the monkey cults. We don't even know who is in these monkey cults. Which people are these? Why assume that every female person is a member of a monkey cult?

Why don't you just say "women"? Why are you trying to be so technical with that description? This isn't a Freshman-level research paper.

Donald doesn't give a rat's ass about abortion one way or another. Hell, he's probably funded a few himself. And women still have the option of getting an abortion. How has that changed?

I make a point of saying "female people," instead of "women," to accentuate the fact that we are all humans of the same species, we all indulge in sexual activity, but only half of us end up with the "football." The man/woman thing is too political, and loses sight of this fact. I take it that you are in a male body. If you were in a female body, and done the same exact things as you might have done in your life, the consequences would be far different.

The difference is in the body type. Only people with the male body type can have a place of power in the Roman Catholic Church. One must have a penis to apply. Yet nature gives us two body types. One is either a Ford or a Chevy, but this should not be of any matter. We all deal on the same level, or should.
The vagina is a self-cleaning oven.

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